path: root/docs/frequently-asked-questions.rst
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authorchriseth <c@ethdev.com>2016-10-25 21:31:36 +0800
committerchriseth <c@ethdev.com>2016-10-25 21:32:37 +0800
commit2353da71c77dd235b35d16e7e024fa62408df610 (patch)
tree756604eaddf853a77c1fb04248f2305e1a33739a /docs/frequently-asked-questions.rst
parentaf6afb0415761b53721f89c7f65064807f41cbd3 (diff)
parente3761bdf928e6a06e6620bc1b570d44264d24734 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into release
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/frequently-asked-questions.rst')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/docs/frequently-asked-questions.rst b/docs/frequently-asked-questions.rst
index acc0c106..43fba332 100644
--- a/docs/frequently-asked-questions.rst
+++ b/docs/frequently-asked-questions.rst
@@ -9,33 +9,12 @@ This list was originally compiled by `fivedogit <mailto:fivedogit@gmail.com>`_.
Basic Questions
-What is Solidity?
+Example contracts
-Solidity is the DEV-created (i.e. Ethereum Foundation-created),
-Javascript-inspired language that can be used to create smart contracts
-on the Ethereum blockchain. There are other
-languages you can use as well (LLL, Serpent, etc). The main points in
-favour of Solidity is that it is statically typed and offers many
-advanced features like inheritance, libraries, complex
-user-defined types and a bytecode optimizer.
-Solidity contracts can be compiled a few different ways (see below) and the
-resulting output can be cut/pasted into a geth console to deploy them to the
-Ethereum blockchain.
There are some `contract examples <https://github.com/fivedogit/solidity-baby-steps/tree/master/contracts/>`_ by fivedogit and
there should be a `test contract <https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/blob/develop/test/libsolidity/SolidityEndToEndTest.cpp>`_ for every single feature of Solidity.
-How do I compile contracts?
-Probably the fastest way is the `online compiler <https://ethereum.github.io/browser-solidity/>`_.
-You can also use the ``solc`` binary which comes with cpp-ethereum to compile
-contracts or an emerging option is to use Mix, the IDE.
Create and publish the most basic contract possible
@@ -71,13 +50,6 @@ several blockchain explorers.
Contracts on the blockchain should have their original source
code published if they are to be used by third parties.
-Does ``selfdestruct()`` free up space in the blockchain?
-It removes the contract bytecode and storage from the current block
-into the future, but since the blockchain stores every single block (i.e.
-all history), this will not actually free up space on full/archive nodes.
Create a contract that can be killed and return funds
@@ -113,32 +85,6 @@ Use a non-constant function (req ``sendTransaction``) to increment a variable in
See `value_incrementer.sol <https://github.com/fivedogit/solidity-baby-steps/blob/master/contracts/20_value_incrementer.sol>`_.
-Get contract address in Solidity
-Short answer: The global variable ``this`` is the contract address.
-See `basic_info_getter <https://github.com/fivedogit/solidity-baby-steps/blob/master/contracts/15_basic_info_getter.sol>`_.
-Long answer: ``this`` is a variable representing the current contract.
-Its type is the type of the contract. Since any contract type basically inherits from the
-``address`` type, ``this`` is always convertible to ``address`` and in this case contains
-its own address.
-What is the difference between a function marked ``constant`` and one that is not?
-``constant`` functions can perform some action and return a value, but cannot
-change state (this is not yet enforced by the compiler). In other words, a
-constant function cannot save or update any variables within the contract or wider
-blockchain. These functions are called using ``c.someFunction(...)`` from
-geth or any other web3.js environment.
-"non-constant" functions (those lacking the ``constant`` specifier) must be called
-with ``c.someMethod.sendTransaction({from:eth.accounts[x], gas: 1000000});``
-That is, because they can change state, they have to have a gas
-payment sent along to get the work done.
Get a contract to return its funds to you (not using ``selfdestruct(...)``).
@@ -146,52 +92,6 @@ This example demonstrates how to send funds from a contract to an address.
See `endowment_retriever <https://github.com/fivedogit/solidity-baby-steps/blob/master/contracts/30_endowment_retriever.sol>`_.
-What is a ``mapping`` and how do we use them?
-A mapping is very similar to a K->V hashmap.
-If you have a state variable of type ``mapping (string -> uint) x;``, then you can
-access the value by ``x["somekeystring"]``.
-How can I get the length of a ``mapping``?
-Mappings are a rather low-level data structure. It does not store the keys
-and it is not possible to know which or how many values are "set". Actually,
-all values to all possible keys are set by default, they are just
-initialised with the zero value.
-In this sense, the attribute ``length`` for a mapping does not really apply.
-If you want to have a "sized mapping", you can use the iterable mapping
-(see below) or just a dynamically-sized array of structs.
-Are ``mapping``'s iterable?
-Mappings themselves are not iterable, but you can use a higher-level
-datastructure on top of it, for example the `iterable mapping <https://github.com/ethereum/dapp-bin/blob/master/library/iterable_mapping.sol>`_.
-Can I put arrays inside of a ``mapping``? How do I make a ``mapping`` of a ``mapping``?
-Mappings are already syntactically similar to arrays as they are, therefore it doesn't make much sense to store an array in them. Rather what you should do is create a mapping of a mapping.
-An example of this would be::
- contract C {
- struct myStruct {
- uint someNumber;
- string someString;
- }
- mapping(uint => mapping(string => myStruct)) myDynamicMapping;
- function storeInMapping() {
- myDynamicMapping[1]["Foo"] = myStruct(2, "Bar");
- }
- }
Can you return an array or a ``string`` from a solidity function call?
@@ -223,61 +123,6 @@ Example::
-What are ``event``'s and why do we need them?
-Let us suppose that you need a contract to alert the outside world when
-something happens. The contract can fire an event, which can be listened to
-from web3 (inside geth or a web application). The main advantage of events
-is that they are stored in a special way on the blockchain so that it
-is very easy to search for them.
-What are the different function visibilities?
-The visibility specifiers do not only change the visibility but also
-the way functions can be called. In general, functions in the
-same contract can also be called internally (which is cheaper
-and allows for memory types to be passed by reference). This
-is done if you just use ``f(1,2)``. If you use ``this.f(1,2)``
-or ``otherContract.f(1,2)``, the function is called externally.
-Internal function calls have the advantage that you can use
-all Solidity types as parameters, but you have to stick to the
-simpler ABI types for external calls.
-* ``external``: all, only externally
-* ``public``: all (this is the default), externally and internally
-* ``internal``: only this contract and contracts deriving from it, only internally
-* ``private``: only this contract, only internally
-Do contract constructors have to be publicly visible?
-You can use the visibility specifiers, but they do not yet have any effect.
-The constructor is removed from the contract code once it is deployed,
-Can a contract have multiple constructors?
-No, a contract can have only one constructor.
-More specifically, it can only have one function whose name matches
-that of the constructor.
-Having multiple constructors with different number of arguments
-or argument types, as it is possible in other languages
-is not allowed in Solidity.
-Is a constructor required?
-No. If there is no constructor, a generic one without arguments and no actions will be used.
Are timestamps (``now,`` ``block.timestamp``) reliable?
@@ -363,14 +208,6 @@ Examples::
C c = new C();
-What is the ``modifier`` keyword?
-Modifiers are a way to prepend or append code to a function in order
-to add guards, initialisation or cleanup functionality in a concise way.
-For examples, see the `features.sol <https://github.com/ethereum/dapp-bin/blob/master/library/features.sol>`_.
How do structs work?
@@ -590,12 +427,6 @@ The correct way to do this is the following::
-Can a regular (i.e. non-contract) ethereum account be closed permanently like a contract can?
-No. Non-contract accounts "exist" as long as the private key is known by
-someone or can be generated in some way.
What is the difference between ``bytes`` and ``byte[]``?
@@ -641,16 +472,6 @@ Use the constructor. Anything inside it will be executed when the contract is fi
See `replicator.sol <https://github.com/fivedogit/solidity-baby-steps/blob/master/contracts/50_replicator.sol>`_.
-Can a contract create another contract?
-Yes, see `replicator.sol <https://github.com/fivedogit/solidity-baby-steps/blob/master/contracts/50_replicator.sol>`_.
-Note that the full code of the created contract has to be included in the creator contract.
-This also means that cyclic creations are not possible (because the contract would have
-to contain its own code) - at least not in a general way.
How do you create 2-dimensional arrays?
@@ -709,10 +530,12 @@ How do I initialize a contract with only a specific amount of wei?
Currently the approach is a little ugly, but there is little that can be done to improve it.
In the case of a ``contract A`` calling a new instance of ``contract B``, parentheses have to be used around
``new B`` because ``B.value`` would refer to a member of ``B`` called ``value``.
-You will need to make sure that you have both contracts aware of each other's presence.
+You will need to make sure that you have both contracts aware of each other's presence and that ``contract B`` has a ``payable`` constructor.
In this example::
- contract B {}
+ contract B {
+ function B() payable {}
+ }
contract A {