path: root/Assembly.cpp
diff options
authorGav Wood <i@gavwood.com>2014-05-27 23:46:57 +0800
committerGav Wood <i@gavwood.com>2014-05-27 23:46:57 +0800
commit7476c6884ee22194b7d363c5e5401773d04bf47d (patch)
tree226bf8c1373d29a7ec7ad4cff56aaf4ae9853ae6 /Assembly.cpp
parent52fbe7dbfd57f4e884992b6596d54aadb070bd41 (diff)
Quick fix for eth -j; thread naming.
Diffstat (limited to 'Assembly.cpp')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Assembly.cpp b/Assembly.cpp
index aebe7185..053de61a 100644
--- a/Assembly.cpp
+++ b/Assembly.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "Assembly.h"
+#include <libethsupport/Log.h>
#include <libethcore/CommonEth.h>
using namespace std;
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ int AssemblyItem::deposit() const
return 1;
case Tag:
return 0;
+ default:;
@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@ unsigned Assembly::bytesRequired() const
case PushData:
ret += 1 + br;
case Tag:;
+ default:;
if (eth::bytesRequired(ret) <= br)
return ret;
@@ -100,6 +103,36 @@ void Assembly::append(Assembly const& _a, int _deposit)
+ostream& eth::operator<<(ostream& _out, AssemblyItemsConstRef _i)
+ for (AssemblyItem const& i: _i)
+ switch (i.type())
+ {
+ case Operation:
+ _out << " " << c_instructionInfo.at((Instruction)(byte)i.data()).name;
+ break;
+ case Push:
+ _out << " PUSH" << i.data();
+ break;
+ case PushString:
+ _out << " PUSH'[" << h256(i.data()).abridged() << "]";
+ break;
+ case PushTag:
+ _out << " PUSH[tag" << i.data() << "]";
+ break;
+ case Tag:
+ _out << " tag" << i.data() << ":";
+ break;
+ case PushData:
+ _out << " PUSH*[" << h256(i.data()).abridged() << "]";
+ break;
+ case UndefinedItem:
+ _out << " ???";
+ default:;
+ }
+ return _out;
ostream& Assembly::streamOut(ostream& _out) const
_out << ".code:" << endl;
@@ -124,6 +157,7 @@ ostream& Assembly::streamOut(ostream& _out) const
case PushData:
_out << " PUSH [" << h256(i.m_data).abridged() << "]" << endl;
+ default:;
if (m_data.size())
@@ -142,10 +176,89 @@ AssemblyItem const& Assembly::append(AssemblyItem const& _i)
return back();
+inline bool matches(AssemblyItemsConstRef _a, AssemblyItemsConstRef _b)
+ if (_a.size() != _b.size())
+ return false;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < _a.size(); ++i)
+ if (!_a[i].match(_b[i]))
+ return false;
+ return true;
void Assembly::optimise()
- std::vector<pair< vector<int>, function< vector<AssemblyItem>(vector<AssemblyItem>) > >> rules;
-// rules.insert(make_pair({(int)Instruction::ADD, (int)Instruction::ADD, -(int)Push}, []() {}));
+ map<Instruction, function<u256(u256, u256)>> c_simple =
+ {
+ { Instruction::SUB, [](u256 a, u256 b)->u256{return a - b;} },
+ { Instruction::DIV, [](u256 a, u256 b)->u256{return a / b;} },
+ { Instruction::SDIV, [](u256 a, u256 b)->u256{u256 r; (s256&)r = (s256&)a / (s256&)b; return r;} },
+ { Instruction::MOD, [](u256 a, u256 b)->u256{return a % b;} },
+ { Instruction::SMOD, [](u256 a, u256 b)->u256{u256 r; (s256&)r = (s256&)a % (s256&)b; return r;} },
+ { Instruction::EXP, [](u256 a, u256 b)->u256{return boost::multiprecision::pow(a, (unsigned)b);} },
+ { Instruction::LT, [](u256 a, u256 b)->u256{return a < b ? 1 : 0;} },
+ { Instruction::GT, [](u256 a, u256 b)->u256{return a > b ? 1 : 0;} },
+ { Instruction::SLT, [](u256 a, u256 b)->u256{return *(s256*)&a < *(s256*)&b ? 1 : 0;} },
+ { Instruction::SGT, [](u256 a, u256 b)->u256{return *(s256*)&a > *(s256*)&b ? 1 : 0;} },
+ { Instruction::EQ, [](u256 a, u256 b)->u256{return a == b ? 1 : 0;} },
+ };
+ map<Instruction, function<u256(u256, u256)>> c_associative =
+ {
+ { Instruction::ADD, [](u256 a, u256 b)->u256{return a + b;} },
+ { Instruction::MUL, [](u256 a, u256 b)->u256{return a * b;} },
+ };
+ std::vector<pair<AssemblyItems, function<AssemblyItems(AssemblyItemsConstRef)>>> rules =
+ {
+ { { Push, Instruction::POP }, [](AssemblyItemsConstRef) -> AssemblyItems { return {}; } },
+ { { Push, PushTag, Instruction::JUMPI }, [](AssemblyItemsConstRef m) -> AssemblyItems { return m[0].data() ? AssemblyItems({ m[1], Instruction::JUMP }) : AssemblyItems(); } },
+ };
+ for (auto const& i: c_simple)
+ rules.push_back({ { Push, Push, i.first }, [&](AssemblyItemsConstRef m) -> AssemblyItems { return { i.second(m[1].data(), m[0].data()) }; } });
+ for (auto const& i: c_associative)
+ {
+ rules.push_back({ { Push, Push, i.first }, [&](AssemblyItemsConstRef m) -> AssemblyItems { return { i.second(m[1].data(), m[0].data()) }; } });
+ rules.push_back({ { Push, i.first, Push, i.first }, [&](AssemblyItemsConstRef m) -> AssemblyItems { return { i.second(m[2].data(), m[0].data()), i.first }; } });
+ rules.push_back({ { PushTag, Instruction::JUMP, Tag }, [&](AssemblyItemsConstRef m) -> AssemblyItems
+ {
+ if (m[0].m_data == m[2].m_data)
+ return {};
+ else
+ return m.toVector();
+ }});
+ }
+ unsigned total = 0;
+ for (unsigned count = 1; count > 0; total += count)
+ {
+ count = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_items.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ for (auto const& r: rules)
+ {
+ auto vr = AssemblyItemsConstRef(&m_items).cropped(i, r.first.size());
+ if (matches(&r.first, vr))
+ {
+ auto rw = r.second(vr);
+ if (rw.size() < vr.size())
+ {
+ cnote << vr << "matches" << AssemblyItemsConstRef(&r.first) << "becomes...";
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j < vr.size(); ++j)
+ if (j < rw.size())
+ m_items[i + j] = rw[j];
+ else
+ m_items.erase(m_items.begin() + i + rw.size());
+ cnote << AssemblyItemsConstRef(&rw);
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: find all unused tags, for all those that have an unconditional jump immediately before, remove code between the tag and the next used tag (removing unused tags from the todo along the way).
+ cnote << total << " optimisations done.";
bytes Assembly::assemble() const
@@ -205,6 +318,7 @@ bytes Assembly::assemble() const
case Tag:
tagPos[(unsigned)i.m_data] = ret.size();
+ default:;
for (auto const& i: tagRef)