diff options
authorChristian <c@ethdev.com>2014-12-19 18:31:17 +0800
committerChristian <c@ethdev.com>2015-01-08 04:44:17 +0800
commit400d68b81d97db506550dcd93e50dcd0aa1c37ac (patch)
parentd35842d65e4f81aa22114a312cd84b5835bc2533 (diff)
Arbitrary precision integer constants.
6 files changed, 233 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/AST.cpp b/AST.cpp
index 107482d0..d14cbf5c 100644
--- a/AST.cpp
+++ b/AST.cpp
@@ -173,7 +173,15 @@ void VariableDefinition::checkTypeRequirements()
// no type declared and no previous assignment, infer the type
- m_variable->setType(m_value->getType());
+ TypePointer type = m_value->getType();
+ if (type->getCategory() == Type::Category::INTEGER_CONSTANT)
+ {
+ auto intType = dynamic_pointer_cast<IntegerConstantType const>(type)->getIntegerType();
+ if (!intType)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(m_value->createTypeError("Invalid integer constant " + type->toString()));
+ type = intType;
+ }
+ m_variable->setType(type);
@@ -195,13 +203,19 @@ void Assignment::checkTypeRequirements()
TypePointer resultType = m_type->binaryOperatorResult(Token::AssignmentToBinaryOp(m_assigmentOperator),
if (!resultType || *resultType != *m_type)
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(createTypeError("Operator not compatible with type."));
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(createTypeError("Operator " + string(Token::toString(m_assigmentOperator)) +
+ " not compatible with types " +
+ m_type->toString() + " and " +
+ m_rightHandSide->getType()->toString()));
void ExpressionStatement::checkTypeRequirements()
+ if (m_expression->getType()->getCategory() == Type::Category::INTEGER_CONSTANT)
+ if (!dynamic_pointer_cast<IntegerConstantType const>(m_expression->getType())->getIntegerType())
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(m_expression->createTypeError("Invalid integer constant."));
void Expression::expectType(Type const& _expectedType)
@@ -387,7 +401,7 @@ void Literal::checkTypeRequirements()
m_type = Type::forLiteral(*this);
if (!m_type)
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(createTypeError("Literal value too large."));
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(createTypeError("Invalid literal value."));
diff --git a/ExpressionCompiler.cpp b/ExpressionCompiler.cpp
index aa740613..9ea4c28a 100644
--- a/ExpressionCompiler.cpp
+++ b/ExpressionCompiler.cpp
@@ -71,12 +71,20 @@ bool ExpressionCompiler::visit(Assignment const& _assignment)
return false;
-void ExpressionCompiler::endVisit(UnaryOperation const& _unaryOperation)
+bool ExpressionCompiler::visit(UnaryOperation const& _unaryOperation)
//@todo type checking and creating code for an operator should be in the same place:
// the operator should know how to convert itself and to which types it applies, so
// put this code together with "Type::acceptsBinary/UnaryOperator" into a class that
// represents the operator
+ if (_unaryOperation.getType()->getCategory() == Type::Category::INTEGER_CONSTANT)
+ {
+ m_context << _unaryOperation.getType()->literalValue(nullptr);
+ return false;
+ }
+ _unaryOperation.getSubExpression().accept(*this);
switch (_unaryOperation.getOperator())
case Token::NOT: // !
@@ -128,6 +136,7 @@ void ExpressionCompiler::endVisit(UnaryOperation const& _unaryOperation)
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Invalid unary operator: " +
+ return false;
bool ExpressionCompiler::visit(BinaryOperation const& _binaryOperation)
@@ -139,17 +148,19 @@ bool ExpressionCompiler::visit(BinaryOperation const& _binaryOperation)
if (op == Token::AND || op == Token::OR) // special case: short-circuiting
+ else if (commonType.getCategory() == Type::Category::INTEGER_CONSTANT)
+ m_context << commonType.literalValue(nullptr);
- bool cleanupNeeded = false;
- if (commonType.getCategory() == Type::Category::INTEGER)
- if (Token::isCompareOp(op) || op == Token::DIV || op == Token::MOD)
- cleanupNeeded = true;
+ bool cleanupNeeded = commonType.getCategory() == Type::Category::INTEGER &&
+ (Token::isCompareOp(op) || op == Token::DIV || op == Token::MOD);
// for commutative operators, push the literal as late as possible to allow improved optimization
- //@todo this has to be extended for literal expressions
- bool swap = (m_optimize && Token::isCommutativeOp(op) && dynamic_cast<Literal const*>(&rightExpression)
- && !dynamic_cast<Literal const*>(&leftExpression));
+ auto isLiteral = [](Expression const& _e)
+ {
+ return dynamic_cast<Literal const*>(&_e) || _e.getType()->getCategory() == Type::Category::INTEGER_CONSTANT;
+ };
+ bool swap = m_optimize && Token::isCommutativeOp(op) && isLiteral(rightExpression) && !isLiteral(leftExpression);
if (swap)
@@ -423,10 +434,10 @@ void ExpressionCompiler::endVisit(Literal const& _literal)
switch (_literal.getType()->getCategory())
- case Type::Category::INTEGER:
+ case Type::Category::INTEGER_CONSTANT:
case Type::Category::BOOL:
case Type::Category::STRING:
- m_context << _literal.getType()->literalValue(_literal);
+ m_context << _literal.getType()->literalValue(&_literal);
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Only integer, boolean and string literals implemented for now."));
@@ -562,9 +573,16 @@ void ExpressionCompiler::appendTypeConversion(Type const& _typeOnStack, Type con
if (_typeOnStack == _targetType && !_cleanupNeeded)
- if (_typeOnStack.getCategory() == Type::Category::INTEGER)
+ Type::Category stackTypeCategory = _typeOnStack.getCategory();
+ Type::Category targetTypeCategory = _targetType.getCategory();
+ if (stackTypeCategory == Type::Category::INTEGER)
+ {
+ solAssert(targetTypeCategory == Type::Category::INTEGER || targetTypeCategory == Type::Category::CONTRACT, "");
appendHighBitsCleanup(dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_typeOnStack));
- else if (_typeOnStack.getCategory() == Type::Category::STRING)
+ }
+ else if (stackTypeCategory == Type::Category::INTEGER_CONSTANT)
+ solAssert(targetTypeCategory == Type::Category::INTEGER || targetTypeCategory == Type::Category::CONTRACT, "");
+ else if (stackTypeCategory == Type::Category::STRING)
// nothing to do, strings are high-order-bit-aligned
//@todo clear lower-order bytes if we allow explicit conversion to shorter strings
diff --git a/ExpressionCompiler.h b/ExpressionCompiler.h
index c0ee4ab4..c021aaff 100644
--- a/ExpressionCompiler.h
+++ b/ExpressionCompiler.h
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ private:
m_optimize(_optimize), m_context(_compilerContext), m_currentLValue(m_context) {}
virtual bool visit(Assignment const& _assignment) override;
- virtual void endVisit(UnaryOperation const& _unaryOperation) override;
+ virtual bool visit(UnaryOperation const& _unaryOperation) override;
virtual bool visit(BinaryOperation const& _binaryOperation) override;
virtual bool visit(FunctionCall const& _functionCall) override;
virtual bool visit(NewExpression const& _newExpression) override;
diff --git a/Scanner.cpp b/Scanner.cpp
index 6433b526..6e3d04bc 100644
--- a/Scanner.cpp
+++ b/Scanner.cpp
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ void Scanner::scanToken()
token = Token::ADD;
case '-':
- // - -- -= Number
+ // - -- -=
if (m_char == '-')
@@ -464,8 +464,6 @@ void Scanner::scanToken()
else if (m_char == '=')
token = selectToken(Token::ASSIGN_SUB);
- else if (m_char == '.' || isDecimalDigit(m_char))
- token = scanNumber('-');
token = Token::SUB;
@@ -650,8 +648,7 @@ Token::Value Scanner::scanNumber(char _charSeen)
- if (_charSeen == '-')
- addLiteralChar('-');
+ solAssert(_charSeen == 0, "");
// if the first character is '0' we must check for octals and hex
if (m_char == '0')
diff --git a/Types.cpp b/Types.cpp
index 1e6936e6..c29b9875 100644
--- a/Types.cpp
+++ b/Types.cpp
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ shared_ptr<Type const> Type::forLiteral(Literal const& _literal)
case Token::FALSE_LITERAL:
return make_shared<BoolType const>();
case Token::NUMBER:
- return IntegerType::smallestTypeForLiteral(_literal.getValue());
+ return IntegerConstantType::fromLiteral(_literal.getValue());
//@todo put larger strings into dynamic strings
return StaticStringType::smallestTypeForLiteral(_literal.getValue());
@@ -112,19 +112,6 @@ TypePointer Type::commonType(TypePointer const& _a, TypePointer const& _b)
const MemberList Type::EmptyMemberList = MemberList();
-shared_ptr<IntegerType const> IntegerType::smallestTypeForLiteral(string const& _literal)
- bigint value(_literal);
- bool isSigned = value < 0 || (!_literal.empty() && _literal.front() == '-');
- if (isSigned)
- // convert to positive number of same bit requirements
- value = ((-value) - 1) << 1;
- unsigned bytes = max(bytesRequired(value), 1u);
- if (bytes > 32)
- return shared_ptr<IntegerType const>();
- return make_shared<IntegerType const>(bytes * 8, isSigned ? Modifier::SIGNED : Modifier::UNSIGNED);
IntegerType::IntegerType(int _bits, IntegerType::Modifier _modifier):
m_bits(_bits), m_modifier(_modifier)
@@ -194,15 +181,9 @@ string IntegerType::toString() const
return prefix + dev::toString(m_bits);
-u256 IntegerType::literalValue(Literal const& _literal) const
- bigint value(_literal.getValue());
- return u256(value);
TypePointer IntegerType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, TypePointer const& _other) const
- if (getCategory() != _other->getCategory())
+ if (_other->getCategory() != Category::INTEGER_CONSTANT && _other->getCategory() != getCategory())
return TypePointer();
auto commonType = dynamic_pointer_cast<IntegerType const>(Type::commonType(shared_from_this(), _other));
@@ -236,6 +217,141 @@ const MemberList IntegerType::AddressMemberList =
make_shared<FunctionType const>(TypePointers({make_shared<IntegerType const>(256)}),
TypePointers(), FunctionType::Location::SEND)}});
+shared_ptr<IntegerConstantType const> IntegerConstantType::fromLiteral(string const& _literal)
+ return make_shared<IntegerConstantType const>(bigint(_literal));
+bool IntegerConstantType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
+ TypePointer integerType = getIntegerType();
+ return integerType && integerType->isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo);
+bool IntegerConstantType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
+ TypePointer integerType = getIntegerType();
+ return integerType && integerType->isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo);
+TypePointer IntegerConstantType::unaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator) const
+ bigint value;
+ switch (_operator)
+ {
+ case Token::BIT_NOT:
+ value = ~m_value;
+ break;
+ case Token::ADD:
+ value = m_value;
+ break;
+ case Token::SUB:
+ value = -m_value;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return TypePointer();
+ }
+ return make_shared<IntegerConstantType const>(value);
+TypePointer IntegerConstantType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, TypePointer const& _other) const
+ if (_other->getCategory() == Category::INTEGER)
+ {
+ shared_ptr<IntegerType const> integerType = getIntegerType();
+ if (!integerType)
+ return TypePointer();
+ return integerType->binaryOperatorResult(_operator, _other);
+ }
+ else if (_other->getCategory() != getCategory())
+ return TypePointer();
+ IntegerConstantType const& other = dynamic_cast<IntegerConstantType const&>(*_other);
+ if (Token::isCompareOp(_operator))
+ {
+ shared_ptr<IntegerType const> thisIntegerType = getIntegerType();
+ shared_ptr<IntegerType const> otherIntegerType = other.getIntegerType();
+ if (!thisIntegerType || !otherIntegerType)
+ return TypePointer();
+ return thisIntegerType->binaryOperatorResult(_operator, otherIntegerType);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bigint value;
+ switch (_operator)
+ {
+ case Token::BIT_OR:
+ value = m_value | other.m_value;
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_XOR:
+ value = m_value ^ other.m_value;
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_AND:
+ value = m_value & other.m_value;
+ break;
+ case Token::ADD:
+ value = m_value + other.m_value;
+ break;
+ case Token::SUB:
+ value = m_value - other.m_value;
+ break;
+ case Token::MUL:
+ value = m_value * other.m_value;
+ break;
+ case Token::DIV:
+ if (other.m_value == 0)
+ return TypePointer();
+ value = m_value / other.m_value;
+ break;
+ case Token::MOD:
+ if (other.m_value == 0)
+ return TypePointer();
+ value = m_value % other.m_value;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return TypePointer();
+ }
+ return make_shared<IntegerConstantType const>(value);
+ }
+bool IntegerConstantType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
+ if (_other.getCategory() != getCategory())
+ return false;
+ return m_value == dynamic_cast<IntegerConstantType const&>(_other).m_value;
+string IntegerConstantType::toString() const
+ return "int_const " + m_value.str();
+u256 IntegerConstantType::literalValue(Literal const*) const
+ // we ignore the literal and hope that the type was correctly determined
+ solAssert(m_value <= u256(-1), "Integer constant too large.");
+ solAssert(m_value >= -(bigint(1) << 255), "Integer constant too small.");
+ if (m_value >= 0)
+ return u256(m_value);
+ else
+ return s2u(s256(m_value));
+shared_ptr<IntegerType const> IntegerConstantType::getIntegerType() const
+ bigint value = m_value;
+ bool negative = (value < 0);
+ if (negative) // convert to positive number of same bit requirements
+ value = ((-value) - 1) << 1;
+ if (value > u256(-1))
+ return shared_ptr<IntegerType const>();
+ else
+ return make_shared<IntegerType const>(max(bytesRequired(value), 1u) * 8,
+ negative ? IntegerType::Modifier::SIGNED
+ : IntegerType::Modifier::UNSIGNED);
shared_ptr<StaticStringType> StaticStringType::smallestTypeForLiteral(string const& _literal)
if (_literal.length() <= 32)
@@ -265,12 +381,13 @@ bool StaticStringType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
return other.m_bytes == m_bytes;
-u256 StaticStringType::literalValue(const Literal& _literal) const
+u256 StaticStringType::literalValue(const Literal* _literal) const
+ solAssert(_literal, "");
u256 value = 0;
- for (char c: _literal.getValue())
+ for (char c: _literal->getValue())
value = (value << 8) | byte(c);
- return value << ((32 - _literal.getValue().length()) * 8);
+ return value << ((32 - _literal->getValue().length()) * 8);
bool BoolType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
@@ -286,11 +403,12 @@ bool BoolType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
return isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo);
-u256 BoolType::literalValue(Literal const& _literal) const
+u256 BoolType::literalValue(Literal const* _literal) const
- if (_literal.getToken() == Token::TRUE_LITERAL)
+ solAssert(_literal, "");
+ if (_literal->getToken() == Token::TRUE_LITERAL)
return u256(1);
- else if (_literal.getToken() == Token::FALSE_LITERAL)
+ else if (_literal->getToken() == Token::FALSE_LITERAL)
return u256(0);
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Bool type constructed from non-boolean literal."));
diff --git a/Types.h b/Types.h
index 35987be0..918a915c 100644
--- a/Types.h
+++ b/Types.h
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class Type: private boost::noncopyable, public std::enable_shared_from_this<Type
enum class Category
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public:
TypePointer getMemberType(std::string const& _name) const { return getMembers().getMemberType(_name); }
virtual std::string toString() const = 0;
- virtual u256 literalValue(Literal const&) const
+ virtual u256 literalValue(Literal const*) const
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Literal value requested "
"for type without literals."));
@@ -158,10 +158,6 @@ public:
virtual Category getCategory() const override { return Category::INTEGER; }
- /// @returns the smallest integer type for the given literal or an empty pointer
- /// if no type fits.
- static std::shared_ptr<IntegerType const> smallestTypeForLiteral(std::string const& _literal);
explicit IntegerType(int _bits, Modifier _modifier = Modifier::UNSIGNED);
virtual bool isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const override;
@@ -177,7 +173,6 @@ public:
virtual MemberList const& getMembers() const { return isAddress() ? AddressMemberList : EmptyMemberList; }
virtual std::string toString() const override;
- virtual u256 literalValue(Literal const& _literal) const override;
int getNumBits() const { return m_bits; }
bool isHash() const { return m_modifier == Modifier::HASH || m_modifier == Modifier::ADDRESS; }
@@ -191,6 +186,40 @@ private:
+ * Integer constants either literals or computed. Example expressions: 2, 2+10, ~10.
+ * There is one distinct type per value.
+ */
+class IntegerConstantType: public Type
+ virtual Category getCategory() const override { return Category::INTEGER_CONSTANT; }
+ static std::shared_ptr<IntegerConstantType const> fromLiteral(std::string const& _literal);
+ explicit IntegerConstantType(bigint _value): m_value(_value) {}
+ virtual bool isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const override;
+ virtual bool isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const override;
+ virtual TypePointer unaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator) const override;
+ virtual TypePointer binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, TypePointer const& _other) const override;
+ virtual bool operator==(Type const& _other) const override;
+ virtual bool canBeStored() const override { return false; }
+ virtual bool canLiveOutsideStorage() const override { return false; }
+ virtual unsigned getSizeOnStack() const override { return 1; }
+ virtual std::string toString() const override;
+ virtual u256 literalValue(Literal const* _literal) const override;
+ /// @returns the smallest integer type that can hold the value or an empty pointer if not possible.
+ std::shared_ptr<IntegerType const> getIntegerType() const;
+ bigint m_value;
* String type with fixed length, up to 32 bytes.
class StaticStringType: public Type
@@ -211,7 +240,7 @@ public:
virtual bool isValueType() const override { return true; }
virtual std::string toString() const override { return "string" + dev::toString(m_bytes); }
- virtual u256 literalValue(Literal const& _literal) const override;
+ virtual u256 literalValue(Literal const* _literal) const override;
int getNumBytes() const { return m_bytes; }
@@ -238,7 +267,7 @@ public:
virtual bool isValueType() const override { return true; }
virtual std::string toString() const override { return "bool"; }
- virtual u256 literalValue(Literal const& _literal) const override;
+ virtual u256 literalValue(Literal const* _literal) const override;