blob: 8be19783e6acbfd5b7ad160229bb994bd166942e (
plain) (
FROM alpine
MAINTAINER chriseth <>
#Official solidity docker image
#Establish working directory as solidity
WORKDIR /solidity
#Copy working directory on travis to the image
#Install dependencies, eliminate annoying warnings, and build release, delete all remaining points and statically link.
RUN ./scripts/ && sed -i -E -e 's/include <sys\/poll.h>/include <poll.h>/' /usr/include/boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp &&\
make solc && install -s solc/solc /usr/bin &&\
cd / && rm -rf solidity &&\
apk del sed build-base git make cmake gcc g++ musl-dev curl-dev boost-dev &&\
rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*