path: root/libsolidity/interface/AssemblyStack.h
blob: ee2a334ca60246cac24d2908fae6f1a58387f6a2 (plain) (tree)











    This file is part of solidity.

    solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * Full assembly stack that can support EVM-assembly and JULIA as input and EVM, EVM1.5 and
 * eWasm as output.

#pragma once

#include <libsolidity/interface/ErrorReporter.h>
#include <libevmasm/LinkerObject.h>

#include <string>
#include <memory>

namespace dev
namespace solidity
class Scanner;
namespace assembly
struct AsmAnalysisInfo;
struct Block;

 * Full assembly stack that can support EVM-assembly and JULIA as input and EVM, EVM1.5 and
 * eWasm as output.
class AssemblyStack
    enum class Language { JULIA, Assembly };
    enum class Machine { EVM, EVM15, eWasm };

    explicit AssemblyStack(Language _language = Language::Assembly):
        m_language(_language), m_errorReporter(m_errors)

    /// @returns the scanner used during parsing
    Scanner const& scanner() const;

    /// Runs parsing and analysis steps, returns false if input cannot be assembled.
    /// Multiple calls overwrite the previous state.
    bool parseAndAnalyze(std::string const& _sourceName, std::string const& _source);

    /// Runs analysis step on the supplied block, returns false if input cannot be assembled.
    /// Multiple calls overwrite the previous state.
    bool analyze(assembly::Block const& _block, Scanner const* _scanner = nullptr);

    /// Run the assembly step (should only be called after parseAndAnalyze).
    eth::LinkerObject assemble(Machine _machine) const;

    /// @returns the errors generated during parsing, analysis (and potentially assembly).
    ErrorList const& errors() const { return m_errors; }

    /// Pretty-print the input after having parsed it.
    std::string print() const;

    bool analyzeParsed();

    Language m_language = Language::Assembly;

    std::shared_ptr<Scanner> m_scanner;

    bool m_analysisSuccessful = false;
    std::shared_ptr<assembly::Block> m_parserResult;
    std::shared_ptr<assembly::AsmAnalysisInfo> m_analysisInfo;
    ErrorList m_errors;
    ErrorReporter m_errorReporter;
