path: root/libsolidity/codegen/ABIFunctions.h
blob: 76f4b46774c121325543a148161f4e40889289a1 (plain) (tree)

    This file is part of solidity.

    solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with solidity.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * @author Christian <chris@ethereum.org>
 * @date 2017
 * Routines that generate JULIA code related to ABI encoding, decoding and type conversions.

#pragma once

#include <libsolidity/ast/ASTForward.h>

#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <map>

namespace dev {
namespace solidity {

class Type;
class ArrayType;
class StructType;
class FunctionType;
using TypePointer = std::shared_ptr<Type const>;
using TypePointers = std::vector<TypePointer>;

/// Class to generate encoding and decoding functions. Also maintains a collection
/// of "functions to be generated" in order to avoid generating the same function
/// multiple times.
/// Make sure to include the result of ``requestedFunctions()`` to a block that
/// is visible from the code that was generated here.
class ABIFunctions

    /// @returns assembly code block to ABI-encode values of @a _givenTypes residing on the stack
    /// into memory, converting the types to @a _targetTypes on the fly.
    /// Assumed variables to be present: <$value0> <$value1> ... <$value(n-1)> <$headStart>
    /// Does not allocate memory (does not change the memory head pointer), but writes
    /// to memory starting at $headStart and an unrestricted amount after that.
    /// Assigns the end of encoded memory either to $value0 or (if that is not present)
    /// to $headStart.
    std::string tupleEncoder(
        TypePointers const& _givenTypes,
        TypePointers const& _targetTypes,
        bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes = false

    /// @returns auxiliary functions referenced from the block generated in @a tupleEncoder
    std::string requestedFunctions();

    /// @returns the name of the cleanup function for the given type and
    /// adds its implementation to the requested functions.
    /// @param _revertOnFailure if true, causes revert on invalid data,
    /// otherwise an assertion failure.
    std::string cleanupFunction(Type const& _type, bool _revertOnFailure = false);

    /// @returns the name of the function that converts a value of type @a _from
    /// to a value of type @a _to. The resulting vale is guaranteed to be in range
    /// (i.e. "clean"). Asserts on failure.
    std::string conversionFunction(Type const& _from, Type const& _to);

    std::string cleanupCombinedExternalFunctionIdFunction();

    /// @returns a function that combines the address and selector to a single value
    /// for use in the ABI.
    std::string combineExternalFunctionIdFunction();

    /// @returns the name of the ABI encoding function with the given type
    /// and queues the generation of the function to the requested functions.
    /// @param _compacted if true, the input value was just loaded from storage
    /// or memory and thus might be compacted into a single slot (depending on the type).
    std::string abiEncodingFunction(
        Type const& _givenType,
        Type const& _targetType,
        bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes,
        bool _compacted
    /// Part of @a abiEncodingFunction for array target type and given calldata array.
    std::string abiEncodingFunctionCalldataArray(
        Type const& _givenType,
        Type const& _targetType,
        bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes
    /// Part of @a abiEncodingFunction for array target type and given memory array or
    /// a given storage array with one item per slot.
    std::string abiEncodingFunctionSimpleArray(
        ArrayType const& _givenType,
        ArrayType const& _targetType,
        bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes
    std::string abiEncodingFunctionMemoryByteArray(
        ArrayType const& _givenType,
        ArrayType const& _targetType,
        bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes
    /// Part of @a abiEncodingFunction for array target type and given storage array
    /// where multiple items are packed into the same storage slot.
    std::string abiEncodingFunctionCompactStorageArray(
        ArrayType const& _givenType,
        ArrayType const& _targetType,
        bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes

    // @returns the name of the ABI encoding function with the given type
    // and queues the generation of the function to the requested functions.
    // Case for _givenType being a string literal
    std::string abiEncodingFunctionStringLiteral(
        Type const& _givenType,
        Type const& _targetType,
        bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes

    std::string abiEncodingFunctionFunctionType(
        FunctionType const& _from,
        Type const& _to,
        bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes,
        bool _compacted

    /// @returns a function that copies raw bytes of dynamic length from calldata
    /// or memory to memory.
    /// Pads with zeros and might write more than exactly length.
    std::string copyToMemoryFunction(bool _fromCalldata);

    std::string shiftLeftFunction(size_t _numBits);
    std::string shiftRightFunction(size_t _numBits, bool _signed);
    /// @returns the name of a function that rounds its input to the next multiple
    /// of 32 or the input if it is a multiple of 32.
    std::string roundUpFunction();

    std::string arrayLengthFunction(ArrayType const& _type);
    /// @returns the name of a function that converts a storage slot number
    /// or a memory pointer to the slot number / memory pointer for the data position of an array
    /// which is stored in that slot / memory area.
    std::string arrayDataAreaFunction(ArrayType const& _type);
    /// @returns the name of a function that advances an array data pointer to the next element.
    /// Only works for memory arrays and storage arrays that store one item per slot.
    std::string nextArrayElementFunction(ArrayType const& _type);

    /// Helper function that uses @a _creator to create a function and add it to
    /// @a m_requestedFunctions if it has not been created yet and returns @a _name in both
    /// cases.
    std::string createFunction(std::string const& _name, std::function<std::string()> const& _creator);

    /// @returns the size of the static part of the encoding of the given types.
    size_t headSize(TypePointers const& _targetTypes);

    /// Map from function name to code for a multi-use function.
    std::map<std::string, std::string> m_requestedFunctions;
