path: root/libsolidity/codegen/ABIFunctions.cpp
blob: d2cbac99ff49217592c4e0c94cc70dcc0a1603d1 (plain) (tree)





























































    This file is part of solidity.

    solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with solidity.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * @author Christian <chris@ethereum.org>
 * @date 2017
 * Routines that generate JULIA code related to ABI encoding, decoding and type conversions.

#include <libsolidity/codegen/ABIFunctions.h>

#include <libdevcore/Whiskers.h>

#include <libsolidity/ast/AST.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::solidity;

string ABIFunctions::tupleEncoder(
    TypePointers const& _givenTypes,
    TypePointers const& _targetTypes,
    bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes
    string functionName = string("abi_encode_tuple_");
    for (auto const& t: _givenTypes)
        functionName += t->identifier() + "_";
    functionName += "_to_";
    for (auto const& t: _targetTypes)
        functionName += t->identifier() + "_";
    if (_encodeAsLibraryTypes)
        functionName += "_library";

    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        solAssert(!_givenTypes.empty(), "");

        // Note that the values are in reverse due to the difference in calling semantics.
        Whiskers templ(R"(
            function <functionName>(headStart <valueParams>) -> tail {
                tail := add(headStart, <headSize>)
        templ("functionName", functionName);
        size_t const headSize_ = headSize(_targetTypes);
        templ("headSize", to_string(headSize_));
        string valueParams;
        string encodeElements;
        size_t headPos = 0;
        size_t stackPos = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < _givenTypes.size(); ++i)
            solAssert(_givenTypes[i], "");
            solAssert(_targetTypes[i], "");
            size_t sizeOnStack = _givenTypes[i]->sizeOnStack();
            string valueNames = "";
            for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeOnStack; j++)
                valueNames += "value" + to_string(stackPos) + ", ";
                valueParams = ", value" + to_string(stackPos) + valueParams;
            bool dynamic = _targetTypes[i]->isDynamicallyEncoded();
            Whiskers elementTempl(
                dynamic ?
                    mstore(add(headStart, <pos>), sub(tail, headStart))
                    tail := <abiEncode>(<values> tail)
                )") :
                    <abiEncode>(<values> add(headStart, <pos>))
            elementTempl("values", valueNames);
            elementTempl("pos", to_string(headPos));
            elementTempl("abiEncode", abiEncodingFunction(*_givenTypes[i], *_targetTypes[i], _encodeAsLibraryTypes, true));
            encodeElements += elementTempl.render();
            headPos += dynamic ? 0x20 : _targetTypes[i]->calldataEncodedSize();
        solAssert(headPos == headSize_, "");
        templ("valueParams", valueParams);
        templ("encodeElements", encodeElements);

        return templ.render();

string ABIFunctions::requestedFunctions()
    string result;
    for (auto const& f: m_requestedFunctions)
        result += f.second;
    return result;

string ABIFunctions::cleanupFunction(Type const& _type, bool _revertOnFailure)
    string functionName = string("cleanup_") + (_revertOnFailure ? "revert_" : "assert_") + _type.identifier();
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        Whiskers templ(R"(
            function <functionName>(value) -> cleaned {
        templ("functionName", functionName);
        switch (_type.category())
        case Type::Category::Integer:
            IntegerType const& type = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_type);
            if (type.numBits() == 256)
                templ("body", "cleaned := value");
            else if (type.isSigned())
                templ("body", "cleaned := signextend(" + to_string(type.numBits() / 8 - 1) + ", value)");
                templ("body", "cleaned := and(value, " + toCompactHexWithPrefix((u256(1) << type.numBits()) - 1) + ")");
        case Type::Category::RationalNumber:
            templ("body", "cleaned := value");
        case Type::Category::Bool:
            templ("body", "cleaned := iszero(iszero(value))");
        case Type::Category::FixedPoint:
            solUnimplemented("Fixed point types not implemented.");
        case Type::Category::Array:
            solAssert(false, "Array cleanup requested.");
        case Type::Category::Struct:
            solAssert(false, "Struct cleanup requested.");
        case Type::Category::FixedBytes:
            FixedBytesType const& type = dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const&>(_type);
            if (type.numBytes() == 32)
                templ("body", "cleaned := value");
            else if (type.numBytes() == 0)
                templ("body", "cleaned := 0");
                size_t numBits = type.numBytes() * 8;
                u256 mask = ((u256(1) << numBits) - 1) << (256 - numBits);
                templ("body", "cleaned := and(value, " + toCompactHexWithPrefix(mask) + ")");
        case Type::Category::Contract:
            templ("body", "cleaned := " + cleanupFunction(IntegerType(160, IntegerType::Modifier::Address)) + "(value)");
        case Type::Category::Enum:
            size_t members = dynamic_cast<EnumType const&>(_type).numberOfMembers();
            solAssert(members > 0, "empty enum should have caused a parser error.");
            Whiskers w("switch lt(value, <members>) case 0 { <failure> } cleaned := value");
            w("members", to_string(members));
            if (_revertOnFailure)
                w("failure", "revert(0, 0)");
                w("failure", "invalid()");
            templ("body", w.render());
            solAssert(false, "Cleanup of type " + _type.identifier() + " requested.");

        return templ.render();

string ABIFunctions::conversionFunction(Type const& _from, Type const& _to)
    string functionName =
        "convert_" +
        _from.identifier() +
        "_to_" +
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        Whiskers templ(R"(
            function <functionName>(value) -> converted {
        templ("functionName", functionName);
        string body;
        auto toCategory = _to.category();
        auto fromCategory = _from.category();
        switch (fromCategory)
        case Type::Category::Integer:
        case Type::Category::RationalNumber:
        case Type::Category::Contract:
            if (RationalNumberType const* rational = dynamic_cast<RationalNumberType const*>(&_from))
                solUnimplementedAssert(!rational->isFractional(), "Not yet implemented - FixedPointType.");
            if (toCategory == Type::Category::FixedBytes)
                    fromCategory == Type::Category::Integer || fromCategory == Type::Category::RationalNumber,
                    "Invalid conversion to FixedBytesType requested."
                FixedBytesType const& toBytesType = dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const&>(_to);
                body =
                    Whiskers("converted := <shiftLeft>(<clean>(value))")
                        ("shiftLeft", shiftLeftFunction(256 - toBytesType.numBytes() * 8))
                        ("clean", cleanupFunction(_from))
            else if (toCategory == Type::Category::Enum)
                solAssert(_from.mobileType(), "");
                body =
                    Whiskers("converted := <cleanEnum>(<cleanInt>(value))")
                    ("cleanEnum", cleanupFunction(_to, false))
                    // "mobileType()" returns integer type for rational
                    ("cleanInt", cleanupFunction(*_from.mobileType()))
            else if (toCategory == Type::Category::FixedPoint)
                solUnimplemented("Not yet implemented - FixedPointType.");
                    toCategory == Type::Category::Integer ||
                    toCategory == Type::Category::Contract,
                IntegerType const addressType(160, IntegerType::Modifier::Address);
                IntegerType const& to =
                    toCategory == Type::Category::Integer ?
                    dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_to) :

                // Clean according to the "to" type, except if this is
                // a widening conversion.
                IntegerType const* cleanupType = &to;
                if (fromCategory != Type::Category::RationalNumber)
                    IntegerType const& from =
                        fromCategory == Type::Category::Integer ?
                        dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_from) :
                    if (to.numBits() > from.numBits())
                        cleanupType = &from;
                body =
                    Whiskers("converted := <cleanInt>(value)")
                    ("cleanInt", cleanupFunction(*cleanupType))
        case Type::Category::Bool:
            solAssert(_from == _to, "Invalid conversion for bool.");
            body =
                Whiskers("converted := <clean>(value)")
                ("clean", cleanupFunction(_from))
        case Type::Category::FixedPoint:
            solUnimplemented("Fixed point types not implemented.");
        case Type::Category::Array:
            solUnimplementedAssert(false, "Array conversion not implemented.");
        case Type::Category::Struct:
            solUnimplementedAssert(false, "Struct conversion not implemented.");
        case Type::Category::FixedBytes:
            FixedBytesType const& from = dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const&>(_from);
            if (toCategory == Type::Category::Integer)
                body =
                    Whiskers("converted := <convert>(<shift>(value))")
                    ("shift", shiftRightFunction(256 - from.numBytes() * 8, false))
                    ("convert", conversionFunction(IntegerType(from.numBytes() * 8), _to))
                // clear for conversion to longer bytes
                solAssert(toCategory == Type::Category::FixedBytes, "Invalid type conversion requested.");
                body =
                    Whiskers("converted := <clean>(value)")
                    ("clean", cleanupFunction(from))
        case Type::Category::Function:
            solAssert(false, "Conversion should not be called for function types.");
        case Type::Category::Enum:
            solAssert(toCategory == Type::Category::Integer || _from == _to, "");
            EnumType const& enumType = dynamic_cast<decltype(enumType)>(_from);
            body =
                Whiskers("converted := <clean>(value)")
                ("clean", cleanupFunction(enumType))
        case Type::Category::Tuple:
            solUnimplementedAssert(false, "Tuple conversion not implemented.");
            solAssert(false, "");

        solAssert(!body.empty(), "");
        templ("body", body);
        return templ.render();

string ABIFunctions::cleanupCombinedExternalFunctionIdFunction()
    string functionName = "cleanup_combined_external_function_id";
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        return Whiskers(R"(
            function <functionName>(addr_and_selector) -> cleaned {
                cleaned := <clean>(addr_and_selector)
        ("functionName", functionName)
        ("clean", cleanupFunction(FixedBytesType(24)))

string ABIFunctions::combineExternalFunctionIdFunction()
    string functionName = "combine_external_function_id";
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        return Whiskers(R"(
            function <functionName>(addr, selector) -> combined {
                combined := <shl64>(or(<shl32>(addr), and(selector, 0xffffffff)))
        ("functionName", functionName)
        ("shl32", shiftLeftFunction(32))
        ("shl64", shiftLeftFunction(64))

string ABIFunctions::abiEncodingFunction(
    Type const& _from,
    Type const& _to,
    bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes,
    bool _fromStack
        _to.mobileType() &&
        _to.mobileType()->interfaceType(_encodeAsLibraryTypes) &&
        "Encoding type \"" + _to.toString() + "\" not yet implemented."
    TypePointer toInterface = _to.mobileType()->interfaceType(_encodeAsLibraryTypes)->encodingType();
    Type const& to = *toInterface;

    if (_from.category() == Type::Category::StringLiteral)
        return abiEncodingFunctionStringLiteral(_from, to, _encodeAsLibraryTypes);
    else if (auto toArray = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const*>(&to))
        solAssert(_from.category() == Type::Category::Array, "");
        solAssert(to.dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Memory), "");
        ArrayType const& fromArray = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const&>(_from);
        if (fromArray.location() == DataLocation::CallData)
            return abiEncodingFunctionCalldataArray(fromArray, *toArray, _encodeAsLibraryTypes);
        else if (!fromArray.isByteArray() && (
                fromArray.location() == DataLocation::Memory ||
                fromArray.baseType()->storageBytes() > 16
            return abiEncodingFunctionSimpleArray(fromArray, *toArray, _encodeAsLibraryTypes);
        else if (fromArray.location() == DataLocation::Memory)
            return abiEncodingFunctionMemoryByteArray(fromArray, *toArray, _encodeAsLibraryTypes);
        else if (fromArray.location() == DataLocation::Storage)
            return abiEncodingFunctionCompactStorageArray(fromArray, *toArray, _encodeAsLibraryTypes);
            solAssert(false, "");
    else if (auto const* toStruct = dynamic_cast<StructType const*>(&to))
        StructType const* fromStruct = dynamic_cast<StructType const*>(&_from);
        solAssert(fromStruct, "");
        return abiEncodingFunctionStruct(*fromStruct, *toStruct, _encodeAsLibraryTypes);
    else if (_from.category() == Type::Category::Function)
        return abiEncodingFunctionFunctionType(
            dynamic_cast<FunctionType const&>(_from),

    solAssert(_from.sizeOnStack() == 1, "");
    solAssert(to.isValueType(), "");
    solAssert(to.calldataEncodedSize() == 32, "");
    string functionName =
        "abi_encode_" +
        _from.identifier() +
        "_to_" +
        to.identifier() +
        (_encodeAsLibraryTypes ? "_library" : "");
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        solAssert(!to.isDynamicallyEncoded(), "");

        Whiskers templ(R"(
            function <functionName>(value, pos) {
                mstore(pos, <cleanupConvert>)
        templ("functionName", functionName);

        if (_from.dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Storage) && to.isValueType())
            // special case: convert storage reference type to value type - this is only
            // possible for library calls where we just forward the storage reference
            solAssert(_encodeAsLibraryTypes, "");
            solAssert(to == IntegerType(256), "");
            templ("cleanupConvert", "value");
            if (_from == to)
                templ("cleanupConvert", cleanupFunction(_from) + "(value)");
                templ("cleanupConvert", conversionFunction(_from, to) + "(value)");
        return templ.render();

string ABIFunctions::abiEncodingFunctionCalldataArray(
    Type const& _from,
    Type const& _to,
    bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes
    solAssert(_to.isDynamicallySized(), "");
    solAssert(_from.category() == Type::Category::Array, "Unknown dynamic type.");
    solAssert(_to.category() == Type::Category::Array, "Unknown dynamic type.");
    auto const& fromArrayType = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const&>(_from);
    auto const& toArrayType = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const&>(_to);

    solAssert(fromArrayType.location() == DataLocation::CallData, "");

        *fromArrayType.copyForLocation(DataLocation::Memory, true) ==
        *toArrayType.copyForLocation(DataLocation::Memory, true),

    string functionName =
        "abi_encode_" +
        _from.identifier() +
        "_to_" +
        _to.identifier() +
        (_encodeAsLibraryTypes ? "_library" : "");
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        solUnimplementedAssert(fromArrayType.isByteArray(), "Only byte arrays can be encoded from calldata currently.");
        // TODO if this is not a byte array, we might just copy byte-by-byte anyway,
        // because the encoding is position-independent, but we have to check that.
        Whiskers templ(R"(
            // <readableTypeNameFrom> -> <readableTypeNameTo>
            function <functionName>(start, length, pos) -> end {
                <storeLength> // might update pos
                <copyFun>(start, pos, length)
                end := add(pos, <roundUpFun>(length))
        templ("storeLength", _to.isDynamicallySized() ? "mstore(pos, length) pos := add(pos, 0x20)" : "");
        templ("functionName", functionName);
        templ("readableTypeNameFrom", _from.toString(true));
        templ("readableTypeNameTo", _to.toString(true));
        templ("copyFun", copyToMemoryFunction(true));
        templ("roundUpFun", roundUpFunction());
        return templ.render();

string ABIFunctions::abiEncodingFunctionSimpleArray(
    ArrayType const& _from,
    ArrayType const& _to,
    bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes
    string functionName =
        "abi_encode_" +
        _from.identifier() +
        "_to_" +
        _to.identifier() +
        (_encodeAsLibraryTypes ? "_library" : "");

    solAssert(_from.isDynamicallySized() == _to.isDynamicallySized(), "");
    solAssert(_from.length() == _to.length(), "");
    solAssert(_from.dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Memory) || _from.dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Storage), "");
    solAssert(!_from.isByteArray(), "");
    solAssert(_from.dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Memory) || _from.baseType()->storageBytes() > 16, "");

    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        bool dynamic = _to.isDynamicallyEncoded();
        bool dynamicBase = _to.baseType()->isDynamicallyEncoded();
        bool inMemory = _from.dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Memory);
        Whiskers templ(
            dynamicBase ?
                // <readableTypeNameFrom> -> <readableTypeNameTo>
                function <functionName>(value, pos) <return> {
                    let length := <lengthFun>(value)
                    <storeLength> // might update pos
                    let headStart := pos
                    let tail := add(pos, mul(length, 0x20))
                    let srcPtr := <dataAreaFun>(value)
                    for { let i := 0 } lt(i, length) { i := add(i, 1) }
                        mstore(pos, sub(tail, headStart))
                        tail := <encodeToMemoryFun>(<arrayElementAccess>, tail)
                        srcPtr := <nextArrayElement>(srcPtr)
                        pos := add(pos, 0x20)
                    pos := tail
            )" :
                // <readableTypeNameFrom> -> <readableTypeNameTo>
                function <functionName>(value, pos) <return> {
                    let length := <lengthFun>(value)
                    <storeLength> // might update pos
                    let srcPtr := <dataAreaFun>(value)
                    for { let i := 0 } lt(i, length) { i := add(i, 1) }
                        <encodeToMemoryFun>(<arrayElementAccess>, pos)
                        srcPtr := <nextArrayElement>(srcPtr)
                        pos := add(pos, <elementEncodedSize>)
        templ("functionName", functionName);
        templ("readableTypeNameFrom", _from.toString(true));
        templ("readableTypeNameTo", _to.toString(true));
        templ("return", dynamic ? " -> end " : "");
        templ("assignEnd", dynamic ? "end := pos" : "");
        templ("lengthFun", arrayLengthFunction(_from));
        if (_to.isDynamicallySized())
            templ("storeLength", "mstore(pos, length) pos := add(pos, 0x20)");
            templ("storeLength", "");
        templ("dataAreaFun", arrayDataAreaFunction(_from));
        templ("elementEncodedSize", toCompactHexWithPrefix(_to.baseType()->calldataEncodedSize()));
        templ("encodeToMemoryFun", abiEncodingFunction(
        templ("arrayElementAccess", inMemory ? "mload(srcPtr)" : _from.baseType()->isValueType() ? "sload(srcPtr)" : "srcPtr" );
        templ("nextArrayElement", nextArrayElementFunction(_from));
        return templ.render();

string ABIFunctions::abiEncodingFunctionMemoryByteArray(
    ArrayType const& _from,
    ArrayType const& _to,
    bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes
    string functionName =
        "abi_encode_" +
        _from.identifier() +
        "_to_" +
        _to.identifier() +
        (_encodeAsLibraryTypes ? "_library" : "");

    solAssert(_from.isDynamicallySized() == _to.isDynamicallySized(), "");
    solAssert(_from.length() == _to.length(), "");
    solAssert(_from.dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Memory), "");
    solAssert(_from.isByteArray(), "");

    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        solAssert(_to.isByteArray(), "");
        Whiskers templ(R"(
            function <functionName>(value, pos) -> end {
                let length := <lengthFun>(value)
                mstore(pos, length)
                <copyFun>(add(value, 0x20), add(pos, 0x20), length)
                end := add(add(pos, 0x20), <roundUpFun>(length))
        templ("functionName", functionName);
        templ("lengthFun", arrayLengthFunction(_from));
        templ("copyFun", copyToMemoryFunction(false));
        templ("roundUpFun", roundUpFunction());
        return templ.render();

string ABIFunctions::abiEncodingFunctionCompactStorageArray(
    ArrayType const& _from,
    ArrayType const& _to,
    bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes
    string functionName =
        "abi_encode_" +
        _from.identifier() +
        "_to_" +
        _to.identifier() +
        (_encodeAsLibraryTypes ? "_library" : "");

    solAssert(_from.isDynamicallySized() == _to.isDynamicallySized(), "");
    solAssert(_from.length() == _to.length(), "");
    solAssert(_from.dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Storage), "");

    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        if (_from.isByteArray())
            solAssert(_to.isByteArray(), "");
            Whiskers templ(R"(
                // <readableTypeNameFrom> -> <readableTypeNameTo>
                function <functionName>(value, pos) -> ret {
                    let slotValue := sload(value)
                    switch and(slotValue, 1)
                    case 0 {
                        // short byte array
                        let length := and(div(slotValue, 2), 0x7f)
                        mstore(pos, length)
                        mstore(add(pos, 0x20), and(slotValue, not(0xff)))
                        ret := add(pos, 0x40)
                    case 1 {
                        // long byte array
                        let length := div(slotValue, 2)
                        mstore(pos, length)
                        pos := add(pos, 0x20)
                        let dataPos := <arrayDataSlot>(value)
                        let i := 0
                        for { } lt(i, length) { i := add(i, 0x20) } {
                            mstore(add(pos, i), sload(dataPos))
                            dataPos := add(dataPos, 1)
                        ret := add(pos, i)
            templ("functionName", functionName);
            templ("readableTypeNameFrom", _from.toString(true));
            templ("readableTypeNameTo", _to.toString(true));
            templ("arrayDataSlot", arrayDataAreaFunction(_from));
            return templ.render();
            // Multiple items per slot
            solAssert(_from.baseType()->storageBytes() <= 16, "");
            solAssert(!_from.baseType()->isDynamicallyEncoded(), "");
            solAssert(_from.baseType()->isValueType(), "");
            bool dynamic = _to.isDynamicallyEncoded();
            size_t storageBytes = _from.baseType()->storageBytes();
            size_t itemsPerSlot = 32 / storageBytes;
            // This always writes full slot contents to memory, which might be
            // more than desired, i.e. it writes beyond the end of memory.
            Whiskers templ(
                    // <readableTypeNameFrom> -> <readableTypeNameTo>
                    function <functionName>(value, pos) <return> {
                        let length := <lengthFun>(value)
                        <storeLength> // might update pos
                        let originalPos := pos
                        let srcPtr := <dataArea>(value)
                        for { let i := 0 } lt(i, length) { i := add(i, <itemsPerSlot>) }
                            let data := sload(srcPtr)
                                <encodeToMemoryFun>(<shiftRightFun>(data), pos)
                                pos := add(pos, <elementEncodedSize>)
                            srcPtr := add(srcPtr, 1)
                        pos := add(originalPos, mul(length, <elementEncodedSize>))
            templ("functionName", functionName);
            templ("readableTypeNameFrom", _from.toString(true));
            templ("readableTypeNameTo", _to.toString(true));
            templ("return", dynamic ? " -> end " : "");
            templ("assignEnd", dynamic ? "end := pos" : "");
            templ("lengthFun", arrayLengthFunction(_from));
            if (_to.isDynamicallySized())
                templ("storeLength", "mstore(pos, length) pos := add(pos, 0x20)");
                templ("storeLength", "");
            templ("dataArea", arrayDataAreaFunction(_from));
            templ("itemsPerSlot", to_string(itemsPerSlot));
            string elementEncodedSize = toCompactHexWithPrefix(_to.baseType()->calldataEncodedSize());
            templ("elementEncodedSize", elementEncodedSize);
            string encodeToMemoryFun = abiEncodingFunction(
            templ("encodeToMemoryFun", encodeToMemoryFun);
            std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string>> items(itemsPerSlot);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < itemsPerSlot; ++i)
                items[i]["shiftRightFun"] = shiftRightFunction(i * storageBytes * 8, false);
            templ("items", items);
            return templ.render();

string ABIFunctions::abiEncodingFunctionStruct(
    StructType const& _from,
    StructType const& _to,
    bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes
    string functionName =
        "abi_encode_" +
        _from.identifier() +
        "_to_" +
        _to.identifier() +
        (_encodeAsLibraryTypes ? "_library" : "");

    solUnimplementedAssert(!_from.dataStoredIn(DataLocation::CallData), "Encoding struct from calldata is not yet supported.");
    solAssert(&_from.structDefinition() == &_to.structDefinition(), "");

    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        bool fromStorage = _from.location() == DataLocation::Storage;
        bool dynamic = _to.isDynamicallyEncoded();
        Whiskers templ(R"(
            // <readableTypeNameFrom> -> <readableTypeNameTo>
            function <functionName>(value, pos) <return> {
                let tail := add(pos, <headSize>)
                    // <memberName>
        templ("functionName", functionName);
        templ("readableTypeNameFrom", _from.toString(true));
        templ("readableTypeNameTo", _to.toString(true));
        templ("return", dynamic ? " -> end " : "");
        templ("assignEnd", dynamic ? "end := tail" : "");
        // to avoid multiple loads from the same slot for subsequent members
        templ("init", fromStorage ? "let slotValue := 0" : "");
        u256 previousSlotOffset(-1);
        u256 encodingOffset = 0;
        vector<map<string, string>> members;
        for (auto const& member: _to.members(nullptr))
            solAssert(member.type, "");
            if (!member.type->canLiveOutsideStorage())
                member.type->mobileType() &&
                member.type->mobileType()->interfaceType(_encodeAsLibraryTypes) &&
                "Encoding type \"" + member.type->toString() + "\" not yet implemented."
            auto memberTypeTo = member.type->mobileType()->interfaceType(_encodeAsLibraryTypes)->encodingType();
            auto memberTypeFrom = _from.memberType(member.name);
            solAssert(memberTypeFrom, "");
            bool dynamicMember = memberTypeTo->isDynamicallyEncoded();
            if (dynamicMember)
                solAssert(dynamic, "");
            Whiskers memberTempl(R"(
                let memberValue := <retrieveValue>
                )" + (
                    dynamicMember ?
                        mstore(add(pos, <encodingOffset>), sub(tail, pos))
                        tail := <abiEncode>(memberValue, tail)
                    )") :
                        <abiEncode>(memberValue, add(pos, <encodingOffset>))
            if (fromStorage)
                solAssert(memberTypeFrom->isValueType() == memberTypeTo->isValueType(), "");
                u256 storageSlotOffset;
                size_t intraSlotOffset;
                tie(storageSlotOffset, intraSlotOffset) = _from.storageOffsetsOfMember(member.name);
                if (memberTypeFrom->isValueType())
                    if (storageSlotOffset != previousSlotOffset)
                        memberTempl("preprocess", "slotValue := sload(add(value, " + toCompactHexWithPrefix(storageSlotOffset) + "))");
                        previousSlotOffset = storageSlotOffset;
                        memberTempl("preprocess", "");
                    memberTempl("retrieveValue", shiftRightFunction(intraSlotOffset * 8, false) + "(slotValue)");
                    solAssert(memberTypeFrom->dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Storage), "");
                    solAssert(intraSlotOffset == 0, "");
                    memberTempl("preprocess", "");
                    memberTempl("retrieveValue", "add(value, " + toCompactHexWithPrefix(storageSlotOffset) + ")");
                memberTempl("preprocess", "");
                string sourceOffset = toCompactHexWithPrefix(_from.memoryOffsetOfMember(member.name));
                memberTempl("retrieveValue", "mload(add(value, " + sourceOffset + "))");
            memberTempl("encodingOffset", toCompactHexWithPrefix(encodingOffset));
            encodingOffset += dynamicMember ? 0x20 : memberTypeTo->calldataEncodedSize();
            memberTempl("abiEncode", abiEncodingFunction(*memberTypeFrom, *memberTypeTo, _encodeAsLibraryTypes, false));

            members.back()["encode"] = memberTempl.render();
            members.back()["memberName"] = member.name;
        templ("members", members);
        templ("headSize", toCompactHexWithPrefix(encodingOffset));
        return templ.render();

string ABIFunctions::abiEncodingFunctionStringLiteral(
    Type const& _from,
    Type const& _to,
    bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes
    solAssert(_from.category() == Type::Category::StringLiteral, "");

    string functionName =
        "abi_encode_" +
        _from.identifier() +
        "_to_" +
        _to.identifier() +
        (_encodeAsLibraryTypes ? "_library" : "");
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        auto const& strType = dynamic_cast<StringLiteralType const&>(_from);
        string const& value = strType.value();
        solAssert(_from.sizeOnStack() == 0, "");

        if (_to.isDynamicallySized())
            Whiskers templ(R"(
                function <functionName>(pos) -> end {
                    mstore(pos, <length>)
                        mstore(add(pos, <offset>), <wordValue>)
                    end := add(pos, <overallSize>)
            templ("functionName", functionName);

            // TODO this can make use of CODECOPY for large strings once we have that in JULIA
            size_t words = (value.size() + 31) / 32;
            templ("overallSize", to_string(32 + words * 32));
            templ("length", to_string(value.size()));
            vector<map<string, string>> wordParams(words);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < words; ++i)
                wordParams[i]["offset"] = to_string(32 + i * 32);
                wordParams[i]["wordValue"] = "0x" + h256(value.substr(32 * i, 32), h256::AlignLeft).hex();
            templ("word", wordParams);
            return templ.render();
            solAssert(_to.category() == Type::Category::FixedBytes, "");
            solAssert(value.size() <= 32, "");
            Whiskers templ(R"(
                function <functionName>(pos) {
                    mstore(pos, <wordValue>)
            templ("functionName", functionName);
            templ("wordValue", "0x" + h256(value, h256::AlignLeft).hex());
            return templ.render();

string ABIFunctions::abiEncodingFunctionFunctionType(
    FunctionType const& _from,
    Type const& _to,
    bool _encodeAsLibraryTypes,
    bool _fromStack
    solAssert(_from.kind() == FunctionType::Kind::External, "");
    solAssert(_from == _to, "");

    string functionName =
        "abi_encode_" +
        _from.identifier() +
        "_to_" +
        _to.identifier() +
        (_fromStack ? "_fromStack" : "") +
        (_encodeAsLibraryTypes ? "_library" : "");

    if (_fromStack)
        return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
            return Whiskers(R"(
                function <functionName>(addr, function_id, pos) {
                    mstore(pos, <combineExtFun>(addr, function_id))
            ("functionName", functionName)
            ("combineExtFun", combineExternalFunctionIdFunction())
        return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
            return Whiskers(R"(
                function <functionName>(addr_and_function_id, pos) {
                    mstore(pos, <cleanExtFun>(addr_and_function_id))
            ("functionName", functionName)
            ("cleanExtFun", cleanupCombinedExternalFunctionIdFunction())

string ABIFunctions::copyToMemoryFunction(bool _fromCalldata)
    string functionName = "copy_" + string(_fromCalldata ? "calldata" : "memory") + "_to_memory";
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        if (_fromCalldata)
            return Whiskers(R"(
                function <functionName>(src, dst, length) {
                    calldatacopy(dst, src, length)
                    // clear end
                    mstore(add(dst, length), 0)
            ("functionName", functionName)
            return Whiskers(R"(
                function <functionName>(src, dst, length) {
                    let i := 0
                    for { } lt(i, length) { i := add(i, 32) }
                        mstore(add(dst, i), mload(add(src, i)))
                    switch eq(i, length)
                    case 0 {
                        // clear end
                        mstore(add(dst, length), 0)
            ("functionName", functionName)

string ABIFunctions::shiftLeftFunction(size_t _numBits)
    string functionName = "shift_left_" + to_string(_numBits);
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        solAssert(_numBits < 256, "");
            function <functionName>(value) -> newValue {
                newValue := mul(value, <multiplier>)
            ("functionName", functionName)
            ("multiplier", toCompactHexWithPrefix(u256(1) << _numBits))

string ABIFunctions::shiftRightFunction(size_t _numBits, bool _signed)
    string functionName = "shift_right_" + to_string(_numBits) + (_signed ? "_signed" : "_unsigned");
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        solAssert(_numBits < 256, "");
            function <functionName>(value) -> newValue {
                newValue := <div>(value, <multiplier>)
            ("functionName", functionName)
            ("div", _signed ? "sdiv" : "div")
            ("multiplier", toCompactHexWithPrefix(u256(1) << _numBits))

string ABIFunctions::roundUpFunction()
    string functionName = "round_up_to_mul_of_32";
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
            function <functionName>(value) -> result {
                result := and(add(value, 31), not(31))
            ("functionName", functionName)

string ABIFunctions::arrayLengthFunction(ArrayType const& _type)
    string functionName = "array_length_" + _type.identifier();
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        Whiskers w(R"(
            function <functionName>(value) -> length {
        w("functionName", functionName);
        string body;
        if (!_type.isDynamicallySized())
            body = "length := " + toCompactHexWithPrefix(_type.length());
            switch (_type.location())
            case DataLocation::CallData:
                solAssert(false, "called regular array length function on calldata array");
            case DataLocation::Memory:
                body = "length := mload(value)";
            case DataLocation::Storage:
                if (_type.isByteArray())
                    // Retrieve length both for in-place strings and off-place strings:
                    // Computes (x & (0x100 * (ISZERO (x & 1)) - 1)) / 2
                    // i.e. for short strings (x & 1 == 0) it does (x & 0xff) / 2 and for long strings it
                    // computes (x & (-1)) / 2, which is equivalent to just x / 2.
                    body = R"(
                        length := sload(value)
                        let mask := sub(mul(0x100, iszero(and(length, 1))), 1)
                        length := div(and(length, mask), 2)
                    body = "length := sload(value)";
        solAssert(!body.empty(), "");
        w("body", body);
        return w.render();

string ABIFunctions::arrayDataAreaFunction(ArrayType const& _type)
    string functionName = "array_dataslot_" + _type.identifier();
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        if (_type.dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Memory))
            if (_type.isDynamicallySized())
                return Whiskers(R"(
                    function <functionName>(memPtr) -> dataPtr {
                        dataPtr := add(memPtr, 0x20)
                ("functionName", functionName)
                return Whiskers(R"(
                    function <functionName>(memPtr) -> dataPtr {
                        dataPtr := memPtr
                ("functionName", functionName)
        else if (_type.dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Storage))
            if (_type.isDynamicallySized())
                Whiskers w(R"(
                    function <functionName>(slot) -> dataSlot {
                        mstore(0, slot)
                        dataSlot := keccak256(0, 0x20)
                w("functionName", functionName);
                return w.render();
                Whiskers w(R"(
                    function <functionName>(slot) -> dataSlot {
                        dataSlot := slot
                w("functionName", functionName);
                return w.render();
            // Not used for calldata
            solAssert(false, "");

string ABIFunctions::nextArrayElementFunction(ArrayType const& _type)
    solAssert(!_type.isByteArray(), "");
        _type.location() == DataLocation::Memory ||
        _type.location() == DataLocation::Storage,
        _type.location() == DataLocation::Memory ||
        _type.baseType()->storageBytes() > 16,
    string functionName = "array_nextElement_" + _type.identifier();
    return createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
        if (_type.location() == DataLocation::Memory)
            return Whiskers(R"(
                function <functionName>(memPtr) -> nextPtr {
                    nextPtr := add(memPtr, 0x20)
            ("functionName", functionName)
        else if (_type.location() == DataLocation::Storage)
            return Whiskers(R"(
                function <functionName>(slot) -> nextSlot {
                    nextSlot := add(slot, 1)
            ("functionName", functionName)
            solAssert(false, "");

string ABIFunctions::createFunction(string const& _name, function<string ()> const& _creator)
    if (!m_requestedFunctions.count(_name))
        auto fun = _creator();
        solAssert(!fun.empty(), "");
        m_requestedFunctions[_name] = fun;
    return _name;

size_t ABIFunctions::headSize(TypePointers const& _targetTypes)
    size_t headSize = 0;
    for (auto const& t: _targetTypes)
        if (t->isDynamicallyEncoded())
            headSize += 0x20;
            headSize += t->calldataEncodedSize();

    return headSize;