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# The Solidity Contract-Oriented Programming Language
## Useful links
To get started you can find a basic introduction to the language in the [Solidity Documentation](
You can start using [Solidity in your browser]( with no need to download or compile anything.
The [Solidity Features]( page contains a list of already completed Solidity feature stories with explanations and demonstrations, it is being updated continuously. More technical information you can find in the [Pivotal Tracker](
Solidity is still under development. So please do not hesitate and open an [issue in github]( if you encounter anything strange.
## Building
See the [Wiki]( for build instructions, compatibility information and build tips.
## How to Contribute
This repository uses the same [coding style]( as
all of the cpp-ethereum projects. Please try to align with us in the gitter channel before making larger changes.
Any contributions are welcome!