path: root/KnownState.cpp
blob: 41ac4802b8aa7e86de8a234831c1318fee063582 (plain) (tree)























    This file is part of cpp-ethereum.

    cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * @file KnownState.cpp
 * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
 * @date 2015
 * Contains knowledge about the state of the virtual machine at a specific instruction.

#include "KnownState.h"
#include <functional>
#include <libdevcrypto/SHA3.h>
#include <libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::eth;

ostream& KnownState::stream(ostream& _out) const
    auto streamExpressionClass = [this](ostream& _out, Id _id)
        auto const& expr = m_expressionClasses->representative(_id);
        _out << "  " << dec << _id << ": ";
        if (!expr.item)
            _out << " no item";
        else if (expr.item->type() == UndefinedItem)
            _out << " unknown " << int(expr.item->data());
            _out << *expr.item;
        if (expr.sequenceNumber)
            _out << "@" << dec << expr.sequenceNumber;
        _out << "(";
        for (Id arg: expr.arguments)
            _out << dec << arg << ",";
        _out << ")" << endl;

    _out << "=== State ===" << endl;
    _out << "Stack height: " << dec << m_stackHeight << endl;
    _out << "Equivalence classes: " << endl;
    for (Id eqClass = 0; eqClass < m_expressionClasses->size(); ++eqClass)
        streamExpressionClass(_out, eqClass);

    _out << "Stack: " << endl;
    for (auto const& it: m_stackElements)
        _out << "  " << dec << it.first << ": ";
        streamExpressionClass(_out, it.second);
    _out << "Storage: " << endl;
    for (auto const& it: m_storageContent)
        _out << "  ";
        streamExpressionClass(_out, it.first);
        _out << ": ";
        streamExpressionClass(_out, it.second);
    _out << "Memory: " << endl;
    for (auto const& it: m_memoryContent)
        _out << "  ";
        streamExpressionClass(_out, it.first);
        _out << ": ";
        streamExpressionClass(_out, it.second);

    return _out;

KnownState::StoreOperation KnownState::feedItem(AssemblyItem const& _item, bool _copyItem)
    StoreOperation op;
    if (_item.type() == Tag)
        // can be ignored
    else if (_item.type() != Operation)
        assertThrow(_item.deposit() == 1, InvalidDeposit, "");
        setStackElement(++m_stackHeight, m_expressionClasses->find(_item, {}, _copyItem));
        Instruction instruction = _item.instruction();
        InstructionInfo info = instructionInfo(instruction);
        if (SemanticInformation::isDupInstruction(_item))
                m_stackHeight + 1,
                    m_stackHeight - int(instruction) + int(Instruction::DUP1),
        else if (SemanticInformation::isSwapInstruction(_item))
                m_stackHeight - 1 - int(instruction) + int(Instruction::SWAP1),
        else if (instruction != Instruction::POP)
            vector<Id> arguments(info.args);
            for (int i = 0; i < info.args; ++i)
                arguments[i] = stackElement(m_stackHeight - i, _item.getLocation());

            if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::SSTORE)
                op = storeInStorage(arguments[0], arguments[1], _item.getLocation());
            else if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::SLOAD)
                    m_stackHeight + _item.deposit(),
                    loadFromStorage(arguments[0], _item.getLocation())
            else if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::MSTORE)
                op = storeInMemory(arguments[0], arguments[1], _item.getLocation());
            else if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::MLOAD)
                    m_stackHeight + _item.deposit(),
                    loadFromMemory(arguments[0], _item.getLocation())
            else if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::SHA3)
                    m_stackHeight + _item.deposit(),
                    applySha3(arguments.at(0), arguments.at(1), _item.getLocation())
                if (SemanticInformation::invalidatesMemory(_item.instruction()))
                if (SemanticInformation::invalidatesStorage(_item.instruction()))
                assertThrow(info.ret <= 1, InvalidDeposit, "");
                if (info.ret == 1)
                        m_stackHeight + _item.deposit(),
                        m_expressionClasses->find(_item, arguments, _copyItem)
            m_stackElements.upper_bound(m_stackHeight + _item.deposit()),
        m_stackHeight += _item.deposit();
    return op;

void KnownState::reduceToCommonKnowledge(KnownState const& /*_other*/)
    *this = KnownState(m_expressionClasses);

bool KnownState::operator==(const KnownState& _other) const
    return (
        m_stackElements.empty() &&
        _other.m_stackElements.empty() &&
        m_storageContent.empty() &&
        _other.m_storageContent.empty() &&
        m_memoryContent.empty() &&

ExpressionClasses::Id KnownState::stackElement(int _stackHeight, SourceLocation const& _location)
    if (m_stackElements.count(_stackHeight))
        return m_stackElements.at(_stackHeight);
    // Stack element not found (not assigned yet), create new unknown equivalence class.
    //@todo check that we do not infer incorrect equivalences when the stack is cleared partially
    //in between.
    return m_stackElements[_stackHeight] = initialStackElement(_stackHeight, _location);

ExpressionClasses::Id KnownState::initialStackElement(
    int _stackHeight,
    SourceLocation const& _location
    // This is a special assembly item that refers to elements pre-existing on the initial stack.
    return m_expressionClasses->find(AssemblyItem(UndefinedItem, u256(_stackHeight), _location));

void KnownState::setStackElement(int _stackHeight, Id _class)
    m_stackElements[_stackHeight] = _class;

void KnownState::swapStackElements(
    int _stackHeightA,
    int _stackHeightB,
    SourceLocation const& _location
    assertThrow(_stackHeightA != _stackHeightB, OptimizerException, "Swap on same stack elements.");
    // ensure they are created
    stackElement(_stackHeightA, _location);
    stackElement(_stackHeightB, _location);

    swap(m_stackElements[_stackHeightA], m_stackElements[_stackHeightB]);

KnownState::StoreOperation KnownState::storeInStorage(
    Id _slot,
    Id _value,
    SourceLocation const& _location)
    if (m_storageContent.count(_slot) && m_storageContent[_slot] == _value)
        // do not execute the storage if we know that the value is already there
        return StoreOperation();
    decltype(m_storageContent) storageContents;
    // Copy over all values (i.e. retain knowledge about them) where we know that this store
    // operation will not destroy the knowledge. Specifically, we copy storage locations we know
    // are different from _slot or locations where we know that the stored value is equal to _value.
    for (auto const& storageItem: m_storageContent)
        if (m_expressionClasses->knownToBeDifferent(storageItem.first, _slot) || storageItem.second == _value)
    m_storageContent = move(storageContents);

    AssemblyItem item(Instruction::SSTORE, _location);
    Id id = m_expressionClasses->find(item, {_slot, _value}, true, m_sequenceNumber);
    StoreOperation operation(StoreOperation::Storage, _slot, m_sequenceNumber, id);
    m_storageContent[_slot] = _value;
    // increment a second time so that we get unique sequence numbers for writes

    return operation;

ExpressionClasses::Id KnownState::loadFromStorage(Id _slot, SourceLocation const& _location)
    if (m_storageContent.count(_slot))
        return m_storageContent.at(_slot);

    AssemblyItem item(Instruction::SLOAD, _location);
    return m_storageContent[_slot] = m_expressionClasses->find(item, {_slot}, true, m_sequenceNumber);

KnownState::StoreOperation KnownState::storeInMemory(Id _slot, Id _value, SourceLocation const& _location)
    if (m_memoryContent.count(_slot) && m_memoryContent[_slot] == _value)
        // do not execute the store if we know that the value is already there
        return StoreOperation();
    decltype(m_memoryContent) memoryContents;
    // copy over values at points where we know that they are different from _slot by at least 32
    for (auto const& memoryItem: m_memoryContent)
        if (m_expressionClasses->knownToBeDifferentBy32(memoryItem.first, _slot))
    m_memoryContent = move(memoryContents);

    AssemblyItem item(Instruction::MSTORE, _location);
    Id id = m_expressionClasses->find(item, {_slot, _value}, true, m_sequenceNumber);
    StoreOperation operation(StoreOperation(StoreOperation::Memory, _slot, m_sequenceNumber, id));
    m_memoryContent[_slot] = _value;
    // increment a second time so that we get unique sequence numbers for writes
    return operation;

ExpressionClasses::Id KnownState::loadFromMemory(Id _slot, SourceLocation const& _location)
    if (m_memoryContent.count(_slot))
        return m_memoryContent.at(_slot);

    AssemblyItem item(Instruction::MLOAD, _location);
    return m_memoryContent[_slot] = m_expressionClasses->find(item, {_slot}, true, m_sequenceNumber);

KnownState::Id KnownState::applySha3(
    Id _start,
    Id _length,
    SourceLocation const& _location
    AssemblyItem sha3Item(Instruction::SHA3, _location);
    // Special logic if length is a short constant, otherwise we cannot tell.
    u256 const* l = m_expressionClasses->knownConstant(_length);
    // unknown or too large length
    if (!l || *l > 128)
        return m_expressionClasses->find(sha3Item, {_start, _length}, true, m_sequenceNumber);

    vector<Id> arguments;
    for (u256 i = 0; i < *l; i += 32)
        Id slot = m_expressionClasses->find(
            AssemblyItem(Instruction::ADD, _location),
            {_start, m_expressionClasses->find(i)}
        arguments.push_back(loadFromMemory(slot, _location));
    if (m_knownSha3Hashes.count(arguments))
        return m_knownSha3Hashes.at(arguments);
    Id v;
    // If all arguments are known constants, compute the sha3 here
    if (all_of(arguments.begin(), arguments.end(), [this](Id _a) { return !!m_expressionClasses->knownConstant(_a); }))
        bytes data;
        for (Id a: arguments)
            data += toBigEndian(*m_expressionClasses->knownConstant(a));
        v = m_expressionClasses->find(AssemblyItem(u256(sha3(data)), _location));
        v = m_expressionClasses->find(sha3Item, {_start, _length}, true, m_sequenceNumber);
    return m_knownSha3Hashes[arguments] = v;