blob: 1a18fc4a18e109840749c5bc747e0bccef7ac871 (
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This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <>.
* @author Christian <>
* @date 2014
* Pretty-printer for the abstract syntax tree (the "pretty" is arguable), used for debugging.
#pragma once
#include <ostream>
#include <libsolidity/ASTVisitor.h>
namespace dev
namespace solidity
* Pretty-printer for the abstract syntax tree (the "pretty" is arguable) for debugging purposes.
class ASTPrinter: public ASTVisitor
/// Create a printer for the given abstract syntax tree. If the source is specified,
/// the corresponding parts of the source are printed with each node.
ASTPrinter(ASTNode& _ast, std::string const& _source = std::string());
/// Output the string representation of the AST to _stream.
void print(std::ostream& _stream);
bool visit(ImportDirective& _node) override;
bool visit(ContractDefinition& _node) override;
bool visit(StructDefinition& _node) override;
bool visit(ParameterList& _node) override;
bool visit(FunctionDefinition& _node) override;
bool visit(VariableDeclaration& _node) override;
bool visit(TypeName& _node) override;
bool visit(ElementaryTypeName& _node) override;
bool visit(UserDefinedTypeName& _node) override;
bool visit(Mapping& _node) override;
bool visit(Statement& _node) override;
bool visit(Block& _node) override;
bool visit(IfStatement& _node) override;
bool visit(BreakableStatement& _node) override;
bool visit(WhileStatement& _node) override;
bool visit(Continue& _node) override;
bool visit(Break& _node) override;
bool visit(Return& _node) override;
bool visit(VariableDefinition& _node) override;
bool visit(ExpressionStatement& _node) override;
bool visit(Expression& _node) override;
bool visit(Assignment& _node) override;
bool visit(UnaryOperation& _node) override;
bool visit(BinaryOperation& _node) override;
bool visit(FunctionCall& _node) override;
bool visit(MemberAccess& _node) override;
bool visit(IndexAccess& _node) override;
bool visit(PrimaryExpression& _node) override;
bool visit(Identifier& _node) override;
bool visit(ElementaryTypeNameExpression& _node) override;
bool visit(Literal& _node) override;
void endVisit(ImportDirective&) override;
void endVisit(ContractDefinition&) override;
void endVisit(StructDefinition&) override;
void endVisit(ParameterList&) override;
void endVisit(FunctionDefinition&) override;
void endVisit(VariableDeclaration&) override;
void endVisit(TypeName&) override;
void endVisit(ElementaryTypeName&) override;
void endVisit(UserDefinedTypeName&) override;
void endVisit(Mapping&) override;
void endVisit(Statement&) override;
void endVisit(Block&) override;
void endVisit(IfStatement&) override;
void endVisit(BreakableStatement&) override;
void endVisit(WhileStatement&) override;
void endVisit(Continue&) override;
void endVisit(Break&) override;
void endVisit(Return&) override;
void endVisit(VariableDefinition&) override;
void endVisit(ExpressionStatement&) override;
void endVisit(Expression&) override;
void endVisit(Assignment&) override;
void endVisit(UnaryOperation&) override;
void endVisit(BinaryOperation&) override;
void endVisit(FunctionCall&) override;
void endVisit(MemberAccess&) override;
void endVisit(IndexAccess&) override;
void endVisit(PrimaryExpression&) override;
void endVisit(Identifier&) override;
void endVisit(ElementaryTypeNameExpression&) override;
void endVisit(Literal&) override;
void printSourcePart(ASTNode const& _node);
void printType(Expression const& _expression);
std::string getIndentation() const;
void writeLine(std::string const& _line);
bool goDeeper() { m_indentation++; return true; }
int m_indentation;
std::string m_source;
ASTNode* m_ast;
std::ostream* m_ostream;