import * as BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util'; import {assert} from './utils/assert'; /** * Elliptic Curve signature */ export interface ECSignature { v: number; r: string; s: string; } const MAX_DIGITS_IN_UNSIGNED_256_INT = 78; export class ZeroEx { /** * Verifies that the elliptic curve signature `signature` was generated * by signing `data` with the private key corresponding to the `signer` address. */ public static isValidSignature(data: string, signature: ECSignature, signer: ETHAddressHex): boolean { assert.isString('data', data); assert.isObject('signature', signature); assert.isETHAddressHex('signer', signer); const dataBuff = ethUtil.toBuffer(data); const msgHashBuff = ethUtil.hashPersonalMessage(dataBuff); try { const pubKey = ethUtil.ecrecover(msgHashBuff, signature.v, ethUtil.toBuffer(signature.r), ethUtil.toBuffer(signature.s)); const retrievedAddress = ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethUtil.pubToAddress(pubKey)); return retrievedAddress === signer; } catch (err) { return false; } } /** * Generates pseudo-random 256 bit salt. * The salt is used to ensure that the 0x order generated has a unique orderHash that does * not collide with any other outstanding orders. */ public static generatePseudoRandomSalt(): BigNumber.BigNumber { // BigNumber.random returns a pseudo-random number between 0 & 1 with a passed in number of decimal places. // Source: const randomNumber = BigNumber.random(MAX_DIGITS_IN_UNSIGNED_256_INT); const factor = new BigNumber(10).pow(MAX_DIGITS_IN_UNSIGNED_256_INT - 1); const salt = randomNumber.times(factor).round(); return salt; } }