#!/usr/bin/env python

"""setuptools module for order_utils package."""

import subprocess  # nosec
from shutil import rmtree
from os import environ, path, remove, walk
from sys import argv

from distutils.command.clean import clean
import distutils.command.build_py
from setuptools import setup
from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand

class TestCommandExtension(TestCommand):
    """Run pytest tests."""

    def run_tests(self):
        """Invoke pytest."""
        import pytest


# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
class LintCommand(distutils.command.build_py.build_py):
    """Custom setuptools command class for running linters."""

    def run(self):
        """Run linter shell commands."""
        lint_commands = [
            # formatter:
            "black --line-length 79 --check --diff src test setup.py".split(),
            # style guide checker (formerly pep8):
            "pycodestyle src test setup.py".split(),
            # docstring style checker:
            "pydocstyle src test setup.py".split(),
            # static type checker:
            "mypy src test setup.py".split(),
            # security issue checker:
            "bandit -r src ./setup.py".split(),
            # general linter:
            "pylint src test setup.py".split(),
            # pylint takes relatively long to run, so it runs last, to enable
            # fast failures.

        # tell mypy where to find interface stubs for 3rd party libs
        environ["MYPYPATH"] = path.join(
            path.dirname(path.realpath(argv[0])), "stubs"

        # HACK(gene): until eth_abi releases
        # https://github.com/ethereum/eth-abi/pull/107 , we need to simply
        # create an empty file `py.typed` in the eth_abi package directory.
        import eth_abi

        eth_abi_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(eth_abi.__file__))
        with open(path.join(eth_abi_dir, "py.typed"), "a"):

        for lint_command in lint_commands:
                "Running lint command `", " ".join(lint_command).strip(), "`"
            subprocess.check_call(lint_command)  # nosec

class CleanCommandExtension(clean):
    """Custom command to do custom cleanup."""

    def run(self):
        """Run the regular clean, followed by our custom commands."""
        rmtree("build", ignore_errors=True)
        rmtree(".mypy_cache", ignore_errors=True)
        rmtree(".tox", ignore_errors=True)
        rmtree(".pytest_cache", ignore_errors=True)
        rmtree("src/order_utils.egg-info", ignore_errors=True)
        # delete all .pyc files
        for root, _, files in walk("."):
            for file in files:
                (_, extension) = path.splitext(file)
                if extension == ".pyc":
                    remove(path.join(root, file))

    description="Order utilities for 0x applications",
    author="F. Eugene Aumson",
        "clean": CleanCommandExtension,
        "lint": LintCommand,
        "test": TestCommandExtension,
    install_requires=["eth-abi", "web3"],
        "dev": [
    python_requires=">=3.6, <4",
    package_data={"zero_ex.order_utils": ["py.typed"]},
    package_dir={"": "src"},
    license="Apache 2.0",
        "ethereum cryptocurrency 0x decentralized blockchain dex exchange"
        "Development Status :: 1 - Planning",
        "Intended Audience :: Developers",
        "Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry",
        "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License",
        "Natural Language :: English",
        "Operating System :: OS Independent",
        "Programming Language :: Python",
        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only",
        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
        "Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial",
        "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",
        "Topic :: Utilities",
    zip_safe=False,  # required per mypy
        "build_sphinx": {
            "source_dir": ("setup.py", "src"),
            "build_dir": ("setup.py", "build/docs"),