    "comment": "this file exists as an entry point to building this project, specifically for humans that are familiar with yarn and already have it installed.  this file is not used in any automation or CI.",
    "scripts": {
        "install": "pip install -e .[dev]",
        "build": "python setup.py build && yarn build:docs",
        "build:docs": "python setup.py build_sphinx && sphinx-apidoc -o build/docs/api src",
        "test:comment": "test in local environment. to test in all environments, use test:all",
        "test": "python setup.py test",
        "test:all": "tox",
        "test:coverage": "coverage run setup.py test && coveralls",
        "lint": "python setup.py lint",
        "clean": "python setup.py clean"
    "dependencies:comment": "managed in setup.py",
    "devDependencies:comment": "managed in setup.py",
    "license": "Apache-2.0"