import { ECSignature, ExchangeContractErrs, ZeroEx, ZeroExError } from '0x.js'; import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils'; import deepEqual = require('deep-equal'); import isMobile = require('is-mobile'); import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as moment from 'moment'; import { scroller } from 'react-scroll'; import { EtherscanLinkSuffixes, Networks, Order, ScreenWidths, Side, SideToAssetToken, Token, TokenByAddress, } from 'ts/types'; import { configs } from 'ts/utils/configs'; import { constants } from 'ts/utils/constants'; import * as u2f from 'ts/vendor/u2f_api'; const LG_MIN_EM = 64; const MD_MIN_EM = 52; export const utils = { assert(condition: boolean, message: string) { if (!condition) { throw new Error(message); } }, spawnSwitchErr(name: string, value: any) { return new Error(`Unexpected switch value: ${value} encountered for ${name}`); }, isNumeric(n: string) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(Number(n)); }, // This default unix timestamp is used for orders where the user does not specify an expiry date. // It is a fixed constant so that both the redux store's INITIAL_STATE and components can check for // whether a user has set an expiry date or not. It is set unrealistically high so as not to collide // with actual values a user would select. initialOrderExpiryUnixTimestampSec(): BigNumber { const m = moment('2050-01-01'); return new BigNumber(m.unix()); }, convertToUnixTimestampSeconds(date: moment.Moment, time?: moment.Moment): BigNumber { const finalMoment = date; if (!_.isUndefined(time)) { finalMoment.hours(time.hours()); finalMoment.minutes(time.minutes()); } return new BigNumber(finalMoment.unix()); }, convertToMomentFromUnixTimestamp(unixTimestampSec: BigNumber): moment.Moment { return moment.unix(unixTimestampSec.toNumber()); }, convertToReadableDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(unixTimestampSec: BigNumber): string { const m = this.convertToMomentFromUnixTimestamp(unixTimestampSec); const formattedDate: string = m.format('h:MMa MMMM D YYYY'); return formattedDate; }, generateOrder( exchangeContractAddress: string, sideToAssetToken: SideToAssetToken, expirationUnixTimestampSec: BigNumber, orderTakerAddress: string, orderMakerAddress: string, makerFee: BigNumber, takerFee: BigNumber, feeRecipient: string, ecSignature: ECSignature, tokenByAddress: TokenByAddress, orderSalt: BigNumber, ): Order { const makerToken = tokenByAddress[sideToAssetToken[Side.Deposit].address]; const takerToken = tokenByAddress[sideToAssetToken[Side.Receive].address]; const order = { signedOrder: { maker: orderMakerAddress, taker: orderTakerAddress, makerFee: makerFee.toString(), takerFee: takerFee.toString(), makerTokenAmount: sideToAssetToken[Side.Deposit].amount.toString(), takerTokenAmount: sideToAssetToken[Side.Receive].amount.toString(), makerTokenAddress: makerToken.address, takerTokenAddress: takerToken.address, expirationUnixTimestampSec: expirationUnixTimestampSec.toString(), feeRecipient, salt: orderSalt.toString(), ecSignature, exchangeContractAddress, }, metadata: { makerToken: { name:, symbol: makerToken.symbol, decimals: makerToken.decimals, }, takerToken: { name:, symbol: takerToken.symbol, decimals: takerToken.decimals, }, }, }; return order; }, consoleLog(message: string) { /* tslint:disable */ console.log(message); /* tslint:enable */ }, async sleepAsync(ms: number) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }, deepEqual(actual: any, expected: any, opts?: { strict: boolean }) { return deepEqual(actual, expected, opts); }, getColSize(items: number) { const bassCssGridSize = 12; // Source: const colSize = bassCssGridSize / items; if (!_.isInteger(colSize)) { throw new Error(`Number of cols must be divisible by ${bassCssGridSize}`); } return colSize; }, getScreenWidth() { const documentEl = document.documentElement; const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; const widthInPx = window.innerWidth || documentEl.clientWidth || body.clientWidth; const bodyStyles: any = window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('body')); const widthInEm = widthInPx / parseFloat(bodyStyles['font-size']); // This logic mirrors the CSS media queries in BassCSS for the `lg-`, `md-` and `sm-` CSS // class prefixes. Do not edit these. if (widthInEm > LG_MIN_EM) { return ScreenWidths.Lg; } else if (widthInEm > MD_MIN_EM) { return ScreenWidths.Md; } else { return ScreenWidths.Sm; } }, isUserOnMobile(): boolean { const isUserOnMobile = isMobile(); return isUserOnMobile; }, getEtherScanLinkIfExists(addressOrTxHash: string, networkId: number, suffix: EtherscanLinkSuffixes): string { const networkName = constants.NETWORK_NAME_BY_ID[networkId]; if (_.isUndefined(networkName)) { return undefined; } const etherScanPrefix = networkName === Networks.Mainnet ? '' : `${networkName.toLowerCase()}.`; return `https://${etherScanPrefix}${suffix}/${addressOrTxHash}`; }, setUrlHash(anchorId: string) { window.location.hash = anchorId; }, async isU2FSupportedAsync(): Promise { const w = window as any; return new Promise((resolve: (isSupported: boolean) => void) => { if (w.u2f && !w.u2f.getApiVersion) { // u2f object was found (Firefox with extension) resolve(true); } else { // u2f object was not found. Using Google polyfill // HACK: u2f.getApiVersion will simply not return a version if the // U2F call fails for any reason. Because of this, we set a hard 3sec // timeout to the request on our end. const getApiVersionTimeoutMs = 3000; const intervalId = setTimeout(() => { resolve(false); }, getApiVersionTimeoutMs); u2f.getApiVersion((version: number) => { clearTimeout(intervalId); resolve(true); }); } }); }, // This checks the error message returned from an injected Web3 instance on the page // after a user was prompted to sign a message or send a transaction and decided to // reject the request. didUserDenyWeb3Request(errMsg: string) { const metamaskDenialErrMsg = 'User denied'; const paritySignerDenialErrMsg = 'Request has been rejected'; const ledgerDenialErrMsg = 'Invalid status 6985'; const isUserDeniedErrMsg = _.includes(errMsg, metamaskDenialErrMsg) || _.includes(errMsg, paritySignerDenialErrMsg) || _.includes(errMsg, ledgerDenialErrMsg); return isUserDeniedErrMsg; }, getCurrentEnvironment() { switch ( { case configs.DOMAIN_DEVELOPMENT: return 'development'; case configs.DOMAIN_STAGING: return 'staging'; case configs.DOMAIN_PRODUCTION: return 'production'; default: return 'production'; } }, getIdFromName(name: string) { const id = name.replace(/ /g, '-'); return id; }, getAddressBeginAndEnd(address: string): string { const truncatedAddress = `${address.substring(0, 6)}...${address.substr(-4)}`; // 0x3d5a...b287 return truncatedAddress; }, hasUniqueNameAndSymbol(tokens: Token[], token: Token) { if (token.isRegistered) { return true; // Since it's registered, it is the canonical token } const registeredTokens = _.filter(tokens, t => t.isRegistered); const tokenWithSameNameIfExists = _.find(registeredTokens, { name:, }); const isUniqueName = _.isUndefined(tokenWithSameNameIfExists); const tokenWithSameSymbolIfExists = _.find(registeredTokens, { name: token.symbol, }); const isUniqueSymbol = _.isUndefined(tokenWithSameSymbolIfExists); return isUniqueName && isUniqueSymbol; }, zeroExErrToHumanReadableErrMsg(error: ZeroExError | ExchangeContractErrs, takerAddress: string): string { const ZeroExErrorToHumanReadableError: { [error: string]: string } = { [ZeroExError.ExchangeContractDoesNotExist]: 'Exchange contract does not exist', [ZeroExError.EtherTokenContractDoesNotExist]: 'EtherToken contract does not exist', [ZeroExError.TokenTransferProxyContractDoesNotExist]: 'TokenTransferProxy contract does not exist', [ZeroExError.TokenRegistryContractDoesNotExist]: 'TokenRegistry contract does not exist', [ZeroExError.TokenContractDoesNotExist]: 'Token contract does not exist', [ZeroExError.ZRXContractDoesNotExist]: 'ZRX contract does not exist', [ZeroExError.UnhandledError]: 'Unhandled error occured', [ZeroExError.UserHasNoAssociatedAddress]: 'User has no addresses available', [ZeroExError.InvalidSignature]: 'Order signature is not valid', [ZeroExError.ContractNotDeployedOnNetwork]: 'Contract is not deployed on the detected network', [ZeroExError.InvalidJump]: 'Invalid jump occured while executing the transaction', [ZeroExError.OutOfGas]: 'Transaction ran out of gas', [ZeroExError.NoNetworkId]: 'No network id detected', }; const exchangeContractErrorToHumanReadableError: { [error: string]: string; } = { [ExchangeContractErrs.OrderFillExpired]: 'This order has expired', [ExchangeContractErrs.OrderCancelExpired]: 'This order has expired', [ExchangeContractErrs.OrderCancelAmountZero]: "Order cancel amount can't be 0", [ExchangeContractErrs.OrderAlreadyCancelledOrFilled]: 'This order has already been completely filled or cancelled', [ExchangeContractErrs.OrderFillAmountZero]: "Order fill amount can't be 0", [ExchangeContractErrs.OrderRemainingFillAmountZero]: 'This order has already been completely filled or cancelled', [ExchangeContractErrs.OrderFillRoundingError]: 'Rounding error will occur when filling this order', [ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientTakerBalance]: 'Taker no longer has a sufficient balance to complete this order', [ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientTakerAllowance]: 'Taker no longer has a sufficient allowance to complete this order', [ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientMakerBalance]: 'Maker no longer has a sufficient balance to complete this order', [ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientMakerAllowance]: 'Maker no longer has a sufficient allowance to complete this order', [ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientTakerFeeBalance]: 'Taker no longer has a sufficient balance to pay fees', [ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientTakerFeeAllowance]: 'Taker no longer has a sufficient allowance to pay fees', [ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientMakerFeeBalance]: 'Maker no longer has a sufficient balance to pay fees', [ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientMakerFeeAllowance]: 'Maker no longer has a sufficient allowance to pay fees', [ExchangeContractErrs.TransactionSenderIsNotFillOrderTaker]: `This order can only be filled by ${takerAddress}`, [ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientRemainingFillAmount]: 'Insufficient remaining fill amount', }; const humanReadableErrorMsg = exchangeContractErrorToHumanReadableError[error] || ZeroExErrorToHumanReadableError[error]; return humanReadableErrorMsg; }, isParityNode(nodeVersion: string): boolean { return _.includes(nodeVersion, 'Parity'); }, isTestRpc(nodeVersion: string): boolean { return _.includes(nodeVersion, 'TestRPC'); }, isTestNetwork(networkId: number): boolean { const isTestNetwork = _.includes( [ constants.NETWORK_ID_BY_NAME[Networks.Kovan], constants.NETWORK_ID_BY_NAME[Networks.Rinkeby], constants.NETWORK_ID_BY_NAME[Networks.Ropsten], ], networkId, ); return isTestNetwork; }, getCurrentBaseUrl() { const port = window.location.port; const hasPort = !_.isUndefined(port); const baseUrl = `https://${window.location.hostname}${hasPort ? `:${port}` : ''}`; return baseUrl; }, scrollToHash(hash: string, containerId: string): void { let finalHash = hash; if (_.isEmpty(hash)) { finalHash = configs.SCROLL_TOP_ID; // scroll to the top } scroller.scrollTo(finalHash, { duration: 0, offset: 0, containerId, }); }, web3ProviderNameToString(web3ProviderName: string): string { let parsedProviderName = "UNKNOWN"; if(web3ProviderName === "MetamaskInpageProvider") { parsedProviderName = "METAMASK"; } else if(web3ProviderName === "EthereumProvider") { parsedProviderName = "MIST"; } else if(web3ProviderName === "o") { parsedProviderName = "PARITY"; } else if(web3ProviderName.indexOf("infura") !== -1) { parsedProviderName = "INFURA"; } else if(web3ProviderName.indexOf("localhost") !== -1) { parsedProviderName ="LOCALHOST"; } return parsedProviderName; }, async onPageLoadAsync(): Promise { if (document.readyState === 'complete') { return; // Already loaded } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { window.onload = () => resolve(); }); } };