import compareVersions = require('compare-versions'); import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { CustomType, CustomTypeChild, DocAgnosticFormat, DocSection, IndexSignature, KindString, MenuSubsectionsBySection, Parameter, Property, Type, TypeDocNode, TypeDocType, TypeDocTypes, TypeParameter, TypescriptMethod, ZeroExJsDocSections, } from 'ts/types'; import {constants} from 'ts/utils/constants'; import {utils} from 'ts/utils/utils'; const TYPES_MODULE_PATH = '"src/types"'; export const sectionNameToPossibleModulePaths: {[name: string]: string[]} = { [ZeroExJsDocSections.zeroEx]: ['"src/0x"'], []: ['"src/contract_wrappers/exchange_wrapper"'], [ZeroExJsDocSections.tokenRegistry]: ['"src/contract_wrappers/token_registry_wrapper"'], [ZeroExJsDocSections.token]: ['"src/contract_wrappers/token_wrapper"'], [ZeroExJsDocSections.etherToken]: ['"src/contract_wrappers/ether_token_wrapper"'], [ZeroExJsDocSections.proxy]: [ '"src/contract_wrappers/proxy_wrapper"', '"src/contract_wrappers/token_transfer_proxy_wrapper"', ], [ZeroExJsDocSections.types]: [TYPES_MODULE_PATH], }; export const typeDocUtils = { isType(entity: TypeDocNode): boolean { return entity.kindString === KindString.Interface || entity.kindString === KindString.Function || entity.kindString === KindString['Type alias'] || entity.kindString === KindString.Variable || entity.kindString === KindString.Enumeration; }, isMethod(entity: TypeDocNode): boolean { return entity.kindString === KindString.Method; }, isConstructor(entity: TypeDocNode): boolean { return entity.kindString === KindString.Constructor; }, isProperty(entity: TypeDocNode): boolean { return entity.kindString === KindString.Property; }, isPrivateOrProtectedProperty(propertyName: string): boolean { return _.startsWith(propertyName, '_'); }, isPublicType(typeName: string): boolean { return _.includes(constants.public0xjsTypes, typeName); }, getModuleDefinitionBySectionNameIfExists(versionDocObj: TypeDocNode, sectionName: string): TypeDocNode|undefined { const possibleModulePathNames = sectionNameToPossibleModulePaths[sectionName]; const modules = versionDocObj.children; for (const mod of modules) { if (_.includes(possibleModulePathNames, { const moduleWithName = mod; return moduleWithName; } } return undefined; }, getMenuSubsectionsBySection(docAgnosticFormat?: DocAgnosticFormat): MenuSubsectionsBySection { const menuSubsectionsBySection = {} as MenuSubsectionsBySection; if (_.isUndefined(docAgnosticFormat)) { return menuSubsectionsBySection; } const docSections = _.keys(ZeroExJsDocSections); _.each(docSections, sectionName => { const docSection = docAgnosticFormat[sectionName]; if (_.isUndefined(docSection)) { return; // no-op } if (sectionName === ZeroExJsDocSections.types) { const typeNames =, t =>; menuSubsectionsBySection[sectionName] = typeNames; } else { const methodNames =, m =>; menuSubsectionsBySection[sectionName] = methodNames; } }); return menuSubsectionsBySection; }, getFinal0xjsMenu(selectedVersion: string): {[section: string]: string[]} { const finalMenu = _.cloneDeep(constants.menu0xjs); finalMenu.contracts = _.filter(finalMenu.contracts, (contractName: string) => { const versionIntroducedIfExists = constants.menuSubsectionToVersionWhenIntroduced[contractName]; if (!_.isUndefined(versionIntroducedIfExists)) { const existsInSelectedVersion = compareVersions(selectedVersion, versionIntroducedIfExists) >= 0; return existsInSelectedVersion; } else { return true; } }); return finalMenu; }, convertToDocAgnosticFormat(typeDocJson: TypeDocNode): DocAgnosticFormat { const subMenus = _.values(constants.menu0xjs); const orderedSectionNames = _.flatten(subMenus); const docAgnosticFormat: DocAgnosticFormat = {}; _.each(orderedSectionNames, sectionName => { const packageDefinitionIfExists = typeDocUtils.getModuleDefinitionBySectionNameIfExists( typeDocJson, sectionName, ); if (_.isUndefined(packageDefinitionIfExists)) { return; // no-op } // Since the `types.ts` file is the only file that does not export a module/class but // instead has each type export itself, we do not need to go down two levels of nesting // for it. let entities; let packageComment = ''; if (sectionName === ZeroExJsDocSections.types) { entities = packageDefinitionIfExists.children; } else { entities = packageDefinitionIfExists.children[0].children; const commentObj = packageDefinitionIfExists.children[0].comment; packageComment = !_.isUndefined(commentObj) ? commentObj.shortText : packageComment; } const docSection = typeDocUtils._convertEntitiesToDocSection(entities, sectionName); docSection.comment = packageComment; docAgnosticFormat[sectionName] = docSection; }); return docAgnosticFormat; }, _convertEntitiesToDocSection(entities: TypeDocNode[], sectionName: string) { const docSection: DocSection = { comment: '', constructors: [], methods: [], properties: [], types: [], }; let isConstructor; _.each(entities, entity => { switch (entity.kindString) { case KindString.Constructor: isConstructor = true; const constructor = typeDocUtils._convertMethod(entity, isConstructor, sectionName); docSection.constructors.push(constructor); break; case KindString.Method: if (entity.flags.isPublic) { isConstructor = false; const method = typeDocUtils._convertMethod(entity, isConstructor, sectionName); docSection.methods.push(method); } break; case KindString.Property: if (!typeDocUtils.isPrivateOrProtectedProperty( { const property = typeDocUtils._convertProperty(entity, sectionName);; } break; case KindString.Interface: case KindString.Function: case KindString.Variable: case KindString.Enumeration: case KindString['Type alias']: if (typeDocUtils.isPublicType( { const customType = typeDocUtils._convertCustomType(entity, sectionName); docSection.types.push(customType); } break; default: throw utils.spawnSwitchErr('kindString', entity.kindString); } }); return docSection; }, _convertCustomType(entity: TypeDocNode, sectionName: string): CustomType { const typeIfExists = !_.isUndefined(entity.type) ? typeDocUtils._convertType(entity.type, sectionName) : undefined; const isConstructor = false; const methodIfExists = !_.isUndefined(entity.declaration) ? typeDocUtils._convertMethod(entity.declaration, isConstructor, sectionName) : undefined; const indexSignatureIfExists = !_.isUndefined(entity.indexSignature) ? typeDocUtils._convertIndexSignature(entity.indexSignature[0], sectionName) : undefined; const commentIfExists = !_.isUndefined(entity.comment) && !_.isUndefined(entity.comment.shortText) ? entity.comment.shortText : undefined; const childrenIfExist = !_.isUndefined(entity.children) ?, (child: TypeDocNode) => { const childTypeIfExists = !_.isUndefined(child.type) ? typeDocUtils._convertType(child.type, sectionName) : undefined; const c: CustomTypeChild = { name:, type: childTypeIfExists, defaultValue: child.defaultValue, }; return c; }) : undefined; const customType = { name:, kindString: entity.kindString, type: typeIfExists, method: methodIfExists, indexSignature: indexSignatureIfExists, defaultValue: entity.defaultValue, comment: commentIfExists, children: childrenIfExist, }; return customType; }, _convertIndexSignature(entity: TypeDocNode, sectionName: string): IndexSignature { const key = entity.parameters[0]; const indexSignature = { keyName:, keyType: typeDocUtils._convertType(key.type, sectionName), valueName:, }; return indexSignature; }, _convertProperty(entity: TypeDocNode, sectionName: string): Property { const source = entity.sources[0]; const commentIfExists = !_.isUndefined(entity.comment) ? entity.comment.shortText : undefined; const property = { name:, type: typeDocUtils._convertType(entity.type, sectionName), source: { fileName: source.fileName, line: source.line, }, comment: commentIfExists, }; return property; }, _convertMethod(entity: TypeDocNode, isConstructor: boolean, sectionName: string): TypescriptMethod { const signature = entity.signatures[0]; const source = entity.sources[0]; const hasComment = !_.isUndefined(signature.comment); const isStatic = _.isUndefined(entity.flags.isStatic) ? false : entity.flags.isStatic; const topLevelInterface = isStatic ? 'ZeroEx.' : 'zeroEx.'; // HACK: we use the fact that the sectionName is the same as the property name at the top-level // of the public interface. In the future, we shouldn't use this hack but rather get it from the JSON. let callPath = (sectionName !== ZeroExJsDocSections.zeroEx) ? `${topLevelInterface}${sectionName}.` : topLevelInterface; callPath = isConstructor ? '' : callPath; const parameters =, param => { return typeDocUtils._convertParameter(param, sectionName); }); const returnType = typeDocUtils._convertType(signature.type, sectionName); const typeParameter = _.isUndefined(signature.typeParameter) ? undefined : typeDocUtils._convertTypeParameter(signature.typeParameter[0], sectionName); const method = { isConstructor, isStatic, name:, comment: hasComment ? signature.comment.shortText : undefined, returnComment: hasComment && signature.comment.returns ? signature.comment.returns : undefined, source: { fileName: source.fileName, line: source.line, }, callPath, parameters, returnType, typeParameter, }; return method; }, _convertTypeParameter(entity: TypeDocNode, sectionName: string): TypeParameter { const type = typeDocUtils._convertType(entity.type, sectionName); const parameter = { name:, type, }; return parameter; }, _convertParameter(entity: TypeDocNode, sectionName: string): Parameter { let comment = ''; if (entity.comment && entity.comment.shortText) { comment = entity.comment.shortText; } else if (entity.comment && entity.comment.text) { comment = entity.comment.text; } const isOptional = !_.isUndefined(entity.flags.isOptional) ? entity.flags.isOptional : false; const type = typeDocUtils._convertType(entity.type, sectionName); const parameter = { name:, comment, isOptional, type, }; return parameter; }, _convertType(entity: TypeDocType, sectionName: string): Type { const typeArguments =, typeArgument => { return typeDocUtils._convertType(typeArgument, sectionName); }); const types =, t => { return typeDocUtils._convertType(t, sectionName); }); const isConstructor = false; const methodIfExists = !_.isUndefined(entity.declaration) ? typeDocUtils._convertMethod(entity.declaration, isConstructor, sectionName) : undefined; const elementTypeIfExists = !_.isUndefined(entity.elementType) ? { name:, typeDocType: entity.elementType.type, } : undefined; const type = { name:, value: entity.value, typeDocType: entity.type, typeArguments, elementType: elementTypeIfExists, types, method: methodIfExists, }; return type; }, };