import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { Environments, OutdatedWrappedEtherByNetworkId, } from 'ts/types'; const BASE_URL = window.location.origin; const isDevelopment = _.includes(BASE_URL, '') || _.includes(BASE_URL, 'https://localhost:3572') || _.includes(BASE_URL, ''); export const configs = { BASE_URL, ENVIRONMENT: isDevelopment ? Environments.DEVELOPMENT : Environments.PRODUCTION, BACKEND_BASE_URL: isDevelopment ? 'https://localhost:3001' : '', symbolsOfMintableTokens: ['MKR', 'MLN', 'GNT', 'DGD', 'REP'], // WARNING: ZRX & WETH MUST always be default trackedTokens defaultTrackedTokenSymbols: ['WETH', 'ZRX'], lastLocalStorageFillClearanceDate: '2017-11-22', lastLocalStorageTrackedTokenClearanceDate: '2017-12-13', isMainnetEnabled: true, shouldDeprecateOldWethToken: true, // newWrappedEthers is temporary until we remove the shouldDeprecateOldWethToken flag // and add the new WETHs to the tokenRegistry newWrappedEthers: { 1: '0xe495bcacaf29a0eb00fb67b86e9cd2a994dd55d8', 42: '0x739e78d6bebbdf24105a5145fa04436589d1cbd9', } as {[networkId: string]: string}, outdatedWrappedEthers: [ { 42: { address: '0x05d090b51c40b020eab3bfcb6a2dff130df22e9c', timestampMsRange: { startTimestampMs: 1501614680000, endTimestampMs: 1513106129000, }, }, 1: { address: '0x2956356cd2a2bf3202f771f50d3d14a367b48070', timestampMsRange: { startTimestampMs: 1513123415000, endTimestampMs: 1513106129000, }, }, }, ] as OutdatedWrappedEtherByNetworkId[], };