import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; export enum Side { Receive = 'RECEIVE', Deposit = 'DEPOSIT', } export interface Token { iconUrl?: string; name: string; address: string; symbol: string; decimals: number; isTracked: boolean; isRegistered: boolean; } export interface TokenByAddress { [address: string]: Token; } export interface TokenState { allowance: BigNumber; balance: BigNumber; } export interface TokenStateByAddress { [address: string]: TokenState; } export interface AssetToken { address?: string; amount?: BigNumber; } export interface SideToAssetToken { [side: string]: AssetToken; } export interface SignatureData { hash: string; r: string; s: string; v: number; } export interface HashData { depositAmount: BigNumber; depositTokenContractAddr: string; feeRecipientAddress: string; makerFee: BigNumber; orderExpiryTimestamp: BigNumber; orderMakerAddress: string; orderTakerAddress: string; receiveAmount: BigNumber; receiveTokenContractAddr: string; takerFee: BigNumber; orderSalt: BigNumber; } export interface OrderToken { name: string; symbol: string; decimals: number; address: string; } export interface OrderParty { address: string; token: OrderToken; amount: string; feeAmount: string; } export interface Order { maker: OrderParty; taker: OrderParty; expiration: string; feeRecipient: string; salt: string; signature: SignatureData; exchangeContract: string; networkId: number; } export interface Fill { logIndex: number; maker: string; taker: string; makerToken: string; takerToken: string; filledMakerTokenAmount: BigNumber; filledTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber; paidMakerFee: BigNumber; paidTakerFee: BigNumber; orderHash: string; transactionHash: string; blockTimestamp: number; } export enum BalanceErrs { incorrectNetworkForFaucet, faucetRequestFailed, faucetQueueIsFull, mintingFailed, sendFailed, allowanceSettingFailed, } export enum ActionTypes { // Portal UpdateScreenWidth = 'UPDATE_SCREEN_WIDTH', UpdateNodeVersion = 'UPDATE_NODE_VERSION', ResetState = 'RESET_STATE', AddTokenToTokenByAddress = 'ADD_TOKEN_TO_TOKEN_BY_ADDRESS', BlockchainErrEncountered = 'BLOCKCHAIN_ERR_ENCOUNTERED', ClearTokenByAddress = 'CLEAR_TOKEN_BY_ADDRESS', UpdateBlockchainIsLoaded = 'UPDATE_BLOCKCHAIN_IS_LOADED', UpdateNetworkId = 'UPDATE_NETWORK_ID', UpdateChosenAssetToken = 'UPDATE_CHOSEN_ASSET_TOKEN', UpdateChosenAssetTokenAddress = 'UPDATE_CHOSEN_ASSET_TOKEN_ADDRESS', UpdateOrderTakerAddress = 'UPDATE_ORDER_TAKER_ADDRESS', UpdateOrderSalt = 'UPDATE_ORDER_SALT', UpdateOrderSignatureData = 'UPDATE_ORDER_SIGNATURE_DATA', UpdateTokenByAddress = 'UPDATE_TOKEN_BY_ADDRESS', RemoveTokenFromTokenByAddress = 'REMOVE_TOKEN_FROM_TOKEN_BY_ADDRESS', UpdateTokenStateByAddress = 'UPDATE_TOKEN_STATE_BY_ADDRESS', RemoveFromTokenStateByAddress = 'REMOVE_FROM_TOKEN_STATE_BY_ADDRESS', ReplaceTokenAllowanceByAddress = 'REPLACE_TOKEN_ALLOWANCE_BY_ADDRESS', ReplaceTokenBalanceByAddress = 'REPLACE_TOKEN_BALANCE_BY_ADDRESS', UpdateTokenBalanceByAddress = 'UPDATE_TOKEN_BALANCE_BY_ADDRESS', UpdateOrderExpiry = 'UPDATE_ORDER_EXPIRY', SwapAssetTokens = 'SWAP_ASSET_TOKENS', UpdateUserAddress = 'UPDATE_USER_ADDRESS', UpdateUserEtherBalance = 'UPDATE_USER_ETHER_BALANCE', UpdateUserSuppliedOrderCache = 'UPDATE_USER_SUPPLIED_ORDER_CACHE', UpdateOrderFillAmount = 'UPDATE_ORDER_FILL_AMOUNT', UpdateShouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen = 'UPDATE_SHOULD_BLOCKCHAIN_ERR_DIALOG_BE_OPEN', // Docs UpdateLibraryVersion = 'UPDATE_LIBRARY_VERSION', UpdateAvailableLibraryVersions = 'UPDATE_AVAILABLE_LIBRARY_VERSIONS', // Shared ShowFlashMessage = 'SHOW_FLASH_MESSAGE', HideFlashMessage = 'HIDE_FLASH_MESSAGE', UpdateProviderType = 'UPDATE_PROVIDER_TYPE', UpdateInjectedProviderName = 'UPDATE_INJECTED_PROVIDER_NAME', } export interface Action { type: ActionTypes; data?: any; } export interface TrackedTokensByNetworkId { [networkId: number]: Token; } export interface Styles { [name: string]: React.CSSProperties; } export interface ProfileInfo { name: string; title?: string; description: string; image: string; linkedIn?: string; github?: string; angellist?: string; medium?: string; twitter?: string; } export interface Partner { name: string; logo: string; url: string; } export interface Statistic { title: string; figure: string; } export interface StatisticByKey { [key: string]: Statistic; } export interface ERC20MarketInfo { etherMarketCapUsd: number; numLiquidERC20Tokens: number; marketCapERC20TokensUsd: number; } export enum ExchangeContractErrs { OrderFillExpired = 'ORDER_FILL_EXPIRED', OrderAlreadyCancelledOrFilled = 'ORDER_ALREADY_CANCELLED_OR_FILLED', OrderRemainingFillAmountZero = 'ORDER_REMAINING_FILL_AMOUNT_ZERO', OrderFillRoundingError = 'ORDER_FILL_ROUNDING_ERROR', FillBalanceAllowanceError = 'FILL_BALANCE_ALLOWANCE_ERROR', InsufficientTakerBalance = 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_BALANCE', InsufficientTakerAllowance = 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_ALLOWANCE', InsufficientMakerBalance = 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_BALANCE', InsufficientMakerAllowance = 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_ALLOWANCE', TransactionSenderIsNotFillOrderTaker = 'TRANSACTION_SENDER_IS_NOT_FILL_ORDER_TAKER', InsufficientRemainingFillAmount = 'INSUFFICIENT_REMAINING_FILL_AMOUNT', } export interface ContractResponse { logs: ContractEvent[]; } export interface ContractEvent { event: string; args: any; } export type InputErrMsg = React.ReactNode | string | undefined; export type ValidatedBigNumberCallback = (isValid: boolean, amount?: BigNumber) => void; export enum ScreenWidths { Sm = 'SM', Md = 'MD', Lg = 'LG', } export enum AlertTypes { ERROR, SUCCESS, } export enum EtherscanLinkSuffixes { Address = 'address', Tx = 'tx', } export enum BlockchainErrs { AContractNotDeployedOnNetwork = 'A_CONTRACT_NOT_DEPLOYED_ON_NETWORK', DisconnectedFromEthereumNode = 'DISCONNECTED_FROM_ETHEREUM_NODE', NoError = 'NO_ERROR', } export enum BlockchainCallErrs { ContractDoesNotExist = 'CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST', UserHasNoAssociatedAddresses = 'USER_HAS_NO_ASSOCIATED_ADDRESSES', UnhandledError = 'UNHANDLED_ERROR', TokenAddressIsInvalid = 'TOKEN_ADDRESS_IS_INVALID', } // Exception: We don't make the values uppercase because these KindString's need to // match up those returned by TypeDoc export enum KindString { Constructor = 'Constructor', Property = 'Property', Method = 'Method', Interface = 'Interface', TypeAlias = 'Type alias', Variable = 'Variable', Function = 'Function', Enumeration = 'Enumeration', } export interface EnumValue { name: string; defaultValue?: string; } export enum Environments { DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION, } export type ContractInstance = any; // TODO: add type definition for Contract export interface TypeDocType { type: TypeDocTypes; value: string; name: string; types: TypeDocType[]; typeArguments?: TypeDocType[]; declaration: TypeDocNode; elementType?: TypeDocType; } export interface TypeDocFlags { isStatic?: boolean; isOptional?: boolean; isPublic?: boolean; } export interface TypeDocGroup { title: string; children: number[]; } export interface TypeDocNode { id?: number; name?: string; kind?: string; defaultValue?: string; kindString?: string; type?: TypeDocType; fileName?: string; line?: number; comment?: TypeDocNode; text?: string; shortText?: string; returns?: string; declaration: TypeDocNode; flags?: TypeDocFlags; indexSignature?: TypeDocNode[]; signatures?: TypeDocNode[]; parameters?: TypeDocNode[]; typeParameter?: TypeDocNode[]; sources?: TypeDocNode[]; children?: TypeDocNode[]; groups?: TypeDocGroup[]; } export enum TypeDocTypes { Intrinsic = 'intrinsic', Reference = 'reference', Array = 'array', StringLiteral = 'stringLiteral', Reflection = 'reflection', Union = 'union', TypeParameter = 'typeParameter', Unknown = 'unknown', } export interface DocAgnosticFormat { [sectionName: string]: DocSection; } export interface DocSection { comment: string; constructors: Array; methods: Array; properties: Property[]; types: CustomType[]; events?: Event[]; } export interface Event { name: string; eventArgs: EventArg[]; } export interface EventArg { isIndexed: boolean; name: string; type: Type; } export interface Property { name: string; type: Type; source?: Source; comment?: string; } export interface BaseMethod { isConstructor: boolean; name: string; returnComment?: string|undefined; callPath: string; parameters: Parameter[]; returnType: Type; comment?: string; } export interface TypescriptMethod extends BaseMethod { source?: Source; isStatic?: boolean; typeParameter?: TypeParameter; } export interface SolidityMethod extends BaseMethod { isConstant?: boolean; isPayable?: boolean; } export interface Source { fileName: string; line: number; } export interface Parameter { name: string; comment: string; isOptional: boolean; type: Type; } export interface TypeParameter { name: string; type: Type; } export interface Type { name: string; typeDocType: TypeDocTypes; value?: string; typeArguments?: Type[]; elementType?: ElementType; types?: Type[]; method?: TypescriptMethod; } export interface ElementType { name: string; typeDocType: TypeDocTypes; } export interface IndexSignature { keyName: string; keyType: Type; valueName: string; } export interface CustomType { name: string; kindString: string; type?: Type; method?: TypescriptMethod; indexSignature?: IndexSignature; defaultValue?: string; comment?: string; children?: CustomTypeChild[]; } export interface CustomTypeChild { name: string; type?: Type; defaultValue?: string; } export interface FAQQuestion { prompt: string; answer: React.ReactNode; } export interface FAQSection { name: string; questions: FAQQuestion[]; } export interface S3FileObject { Key: { _text: string; }; } export interface MenuSubsectionsBySection { [section: string]: string[]; } export enum ProviderType { Injected = 'INJECTED', Ledger = 'LEDGER', } export interface Fact { title: string; explanation: string; image: string; } interface LedgerGetAddressResult { address: string; } interface LedgerSignResult { v: string; r: string; s: string; } interface LedgerCommunication { close_async: () => Promise; } export interface LedgerEthConnection { getAddress_async: (derivationPath: string, askForDeviceConfirmation: boolean, shouldGetChainCode: boolean) => Promise; signPersonalMessage_async: (derivationPath: string, messageHex: string) => Promise; signTransaction_async: (derivationPath: string, txHex: string) => Promise; comm: LedgerCommunication; } export interface SignPersonalMessageParams { data: string; } export interface TxParams { nonce: string; gasPrice?: number; gasLimit: string; to: string; value?: string; data?: string; chainId: number; // EIP 155 chainId - mainnet: 1, ropsten: 3 } export interface PublicNodeUrlsByNetworkId { [networkId: number]: string[]; } export interface JSONRPCPayload { params: any[]; method: string; } export interface BlogPost { image: string; date: string; title: string; description: string; url: string; } export interface TypeDefinitionByName { [typeName: string]: CustomType; } export interface Article { section: string; title: string; content: string; fileName: string; } export interface ArticlesBySection { [section: string]: Article[]; } export interface DialogConfigs { title: string; isModal: boolean; actions: any[]; } export enum TokenVisibility { ALL = 'ALL', UNTRACKED = 'UNTRACKED', TRACKED = 'TRACKED', } export enum HeaderSizes { H1 = 'h1', H2 = 'h2', H3 = 'h3', } export interface DoxityDocObj { [contractName: string]: DoxityContractObj; } export interface DoxityContractObj { title: string; fileName: string; name: string; abiDocs: DoxityAbiDoc[]; } export interface DoxityAbiDoc { constant: boolean; inputs: DoxityInput[]; name: string; outputs: DoxityOutput[]; payable: boolean; type: string; details?: string; return?: string; } export interface DoxityOutput { name: string; type: string; } export interface DoxityInput { name: string; type: string; description: string; indexed?: boolean; } export interface VersionToFileName { [version: string]: string; } export enum Docs { ZeroExJs, SmartContracts, } export interface ContractAddresses { [version: string]: { [network: string]: AddressByContractName; }; } export interface AddressByContractName { [contractName: string]: string; } export enum Networks { mainnet = 'Mainnet', kovan = 'Kovan', ropsten = 'Ropsten', rinkeby = 'Rinkeby', } export enum AbiTypes { Constructor = 'constructor', Function = 'function', Event = 'event', } export enum WebsitePaths { Portal = '/portal', Wiki = '/wiki', ZeroExJs = '/docs/0xjs', Home = '/', FAQ = '/faq', About = '/about', Whitepaper = '/pdfs/0x_white_paper.pdf', SmartContracts = '/docs/contracts', Connect = '/docs/connect', } export interface DocsMenu { [sectionName: string]: string[]; } export interface SectionsMap { [sectionName: string]: string; } export interface DocsInfoConfig { displayName: string; packageUrl: string; websitePath: string; docsJsonRoot: string; menu: DocsMenu; sections: SectionsMap; sectionNameToMarkdown: {[sectionName: string]: string}; visibleConstructors: string[]; convertToDocAgnosticFormatFn: (docObj: DoxityDocObj|TypeDocNode, docsInfo?: any) => DocAgnosticFormat; subPackageName?: string; publicTypes?: string[]; sectionNameToModulePath?: {[sectionName: string]: string[]}; menuSubsectionToVersionWhenIntroduced?: {[sectionName: string]: string}; } export interface TimestampMsRange { startTimestampMs: number; endTimestampMs: number; } export interface OutdatedWrappedEtherByNetworkId { [networkId: number]: { address: string; timestampMsRange: TimestampMsRange; }; } // tslint:disable:max-file-line-count