import { Key } from 'ts/types';

export const english = {
    // Landing Page
    [Key.TopHeader]: 'powering decentralized exchange',
        '0x is an open, permissionless protocol allowing for ERC20 tokens to be traded on the Ethereum blockchain.',
    [Key.BuildCallToAction]: 'build on 0x',
    [Key.CommunityCallToAction]: 'join the community',
    [Key.ProjectsHeader]: 'projects building on 0x',
    [Key.FullListPrompt]: 'view the',
    [Key.FullListLink]: 'full list',
    [Key.TokenizedSectionHeader]: "the world's value is becoming tokenized",
        'the Ethereum blockchain is an open, borderless financial system that represents a wide variety of assets as cryptographic tokens. In the future, most digital assets and goods will be tokenized.',
    [Key.Currency]: 'currency',
    [Key.TraditionalAssets]: 'traditional assets',
    [Key.DigitalGoods]: 'digital goods',
    [Key.OffChainOrderRelay]: 'off-chain order relay',
    [Key.OonChainSettlement]: 'on-chain settlement',
        'in 0x protocol, orders are transported off-chain, massively reducing gas costs and eliminating blockchain bloat. Relayers help broadcast orders and collect a fee each time they facilitate a trade. Anyone can build a relayer.',
    [Key.RelayersHeader]: 'relayers building on 0x',
    [Key.BenefitsHeader]: 'benefits of 0x',
    [Key.BenefitOneTitle]: 'trustless exchange',
        "built on Ethereum's distributed network with no centralized point of failure and no down time, each trade is settled atomically and without counterparty risk.",
    [Key.BenefitTwoTitle]: 'shared liquidity',
        'by sharing a standard API, relayers can easily aggregate liquidity pools, creating network effects around liquidity that compound as more relayers come online.',
    [Key.BenefitThreeTitle]: 'open source',
        '0x is open source, permissionless and free to use. Trade directly with a known counterparty for free or pay a relayer some ZRX tokens to access their liquidity pool.',
    [Key.BuildingBlockSectionHeader]: 'a building block for dApps',
        '0x protocol is a pluggable building block for dApps that require exchange functionality. Join the many developers that are already using 0x in their web applications and smart contracts.',
    [Key.DevToolsPrompt]: 'learn how in our',
    [Key.SmartContract]: 'smart contract',
    [Key.Docs]: 'docs',
    [Key.DecentralizedGovernance]: 'decentralized governance',
        'Decentralized organizations use tokens to represent ownership and guide their governance logic. 0x allows decentralized organizations to seamlessly and safely trade ownership for startup capital.',
    [Key.PredictionMarkets]: 'prediction markets',
        'decentralized prediction market platforms generate sets of tokens that represent a financial stake in the outcomes of real-world events. 0x allows these tokens to be instantly tradable.',
    [Key.StableTokens]: 'stable tokens',
        'Novel economic constructs such as stable coins require efficient, liquid markets to succeed. 0x will facilitate the underlying economic mechanisms that allow these tokens to remain stable.',
    [Key.DecentralizedLoans]: 'decentralized loans',
        'Efficient lending requires liquid markets where investors can buy and re-sell loans. 0x enables an ecosystem of lenders to self-organize and efficiently determine market prices for all outstanding loans.',
    [Key.FundManagement]: 'fund management',
        'Decentralized fund management limits fund managers to investing in pre-agreed upon asset classes. Embedding 0x into fund management smart contracts enables them to enforce these security constraints.',
    [Key.FinalCallToAction]: 'get started on building the decentralized future',
    // Footer
    [Key.Documentation]: 'documentation',
    [Key.Community]: 'community',
    [Key.Organization]: 'organization',
    [Key.About]: 'about',
    [Key.Careers]: 'careers',
    [Key.Contact]: 'contact',
    [Key.Blog]: 'blog',
    [Key.Forum]: 'forum',
    [Key.Connect]: '0x Connect',
    [Key.Whitepaper]: 'whitepaper',
    [Key.Wiki]: 'wiki',
    [Key.Faq]: 'FAQ',
    [Key.SmartContracts]: '0x smart contracts',
    [Key.StandardRelayerApi]: 'standard relayer API',
    [Key.PortalDApp]: 'portal dApp',
    [Key.Website]: 'website',
    [Key.Home]: 'home',
    [Key.FAQ]: 'FAQ',
    [Key.RocketChat]: '',
    // TopBar
    [Key.Developers]: 'developers',