import * as React from 'react'; import { Container } from 'ts/components/ui/container'; import { Image } from 'ts/components/ui/image'; import { Text } from 'ts/components/ui/text'; import { colors } from 'ts/style/colors'; import { ScreenWidths } from 'ts/types'; export interface MissionProps { screenWidth: ScreenWidths; } export const Mission = (props: MissionProps) => { const shouldShowImage = props.screenWidth === ScreenWidths.Lg; const image = ; const missionStatementClassName = !shouldShowImage ? 'center' : undefined; const missionStatement = ( Powered by a Diverse
Worldwide Community
We're a highly technical team with varied backgrounds in engineering, science, business, finance, and research. While the core team is headquartered in San Francisco, there are 30+ teams building on 0x and hundreds of thousands of participants behind our efforts globally. We're passionate about open-source software and decentralized technology's potential to act as an equalizing force in the world.
); return (
{shouldShowImage ? ( {image} {missionStatement} ) : ( {missionStatement} )}
); };