import { ECSignature } from '0x.js'; import { BigNumber, logUtils } from '@0xproject/utils'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import Paper from 'material-ui/Paper'; import TextField from 'material-ui/TextField'; import * as React from 'react'; import { CopyIcon } from 'ts/components/ui/copy_icon'; import { SideToAssetToken, TokenByAddress, WebsitePaths } from 'ts/types'; import { configs } from 'ts/utils/configs'; import { constants } from 'ts/utils/constants'; import { errorReporter } from 'ts/utils/error_reporter'; import { utils } from 'ts/utils/utils'; interface OrderJSONProps { exchangeContractIfExists: string; orderExpiryTimestamp: BigNumber; orderECSignature: ECSignature; orderTakerAddress: string; orderMakerAddress: string; orderSalt: BigNumber; orderMakerFee: BigNumber; orderTakerFee: BigNumber; orderFeeRecipient: string; sideToAssetToken: SideToAssetToken; tokenByAddress: TokenByAddress; } interface OrderJSONState { shareLink: string; } export class OrderJSON extends React.Component { constructor(props: OrderJSONProps) { super(props); this.state = { shareLink: '', }; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises this._setShareLinkAsync(); } public render(): React.ReactNode { const order = utils.generateOrder( this.props.exchangeContractIfExists, this.props.sideToAssetToken, this.props.orderExpiryTimestamp, this.props.orderTakerAddress, this.props.orderMakerAddress, this.props.orderMakerFee, this.props.orderTakerFee, this.props.orderFeeRecipient, this.props.orderECSignature, this.props.tokenByAddress, this.props.orderSalt, ); const orderJSON = JSON.stringify(order); return (
You have successfully generated and cryptographically signed an order! The following JSON contains the order parameters and cryptographic signature that your counterparty will need to execute a trade with you.
Share your signed order!
); } private _shareViaTwitterAsync(): void { const tweetText = encodeURIComponent(`Fill my order using the 0x protocol: ${this.state.shareLink}`);`${tweetText}`, 'Share your order', 'width=500,height=400'); } private _shareViaFacebook(): void { (window as any).FB.ui( { display: 'popup', href: this.state.shareLink, method: 'share', }, _.noop, ); } private _shareViaEmailAsync(): void { const encodedSubject = encodeURIComponent("Let's trade using the 0x protocol"); const encodedBody = encodeURIComponent(`I generated an order with the 0x protocol. You can see and fill it here: ${this.state.shareLink}`); const mailToLink = `${encodedSubject}&body=${encodedBody}`;, '_blank'); } private async _setShareLinkAsync(): Promise { const shareLink = await this._generateShareLinkAsync(); this.setState({ shareLink, }); } private async _generateShareLinkAsync(): Promise { const longUrl = encodeURIComponent(this._getOrderUrl()); const bitlyRequestUrl = `${constants.URL_BITLY_API}/v3/shorten?access_token=${ configs.BITLY_ACCESS_TOKEN }&longUrl=${longUrl}`; const response = await fetch(bitlyRequestUrl); const responseBody = await response.text(); const bodyObj = JSON.parse(responseBody); if (response.status !== 200 || bodyObj.status_code !== 200) { // TODO: Show error message in UI logUtils.log(`Unexpected status code: ${response.status} -> ${responseBody}`); await errorReporter.reportAsync(new Error(`Bitly returned non-200: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`)); return ''; } return; } private _getOrderUrl(): string { const order = utils.generateOrder( this.props.exchangeContractIfExists, this.props.sideToAssetToken, this.props.orderExpiryTimestamp, this.props.orderTakerAddress, this.props.orderMakerAddress, this.props.orderMakerFee, this.props.orderTakerFee, this.props.orderFeeRecipient, this.props.orderECSignature, this.props.tokenByAddress, this.props.orderSalt, ); const orderJSONString = JSON.stringify(order); const orderUrl = `${configs.BASE_URL}${WebsitePaths.Portal}/fill?order=${orderJSONString}`; return orderUrl; } }