import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Step } from 'react-joyride'; import { black } from 'material-ui/styles/colors'; import { OnboardingFlow } from 'ts/components/onboarding/onboarding_flow'; import { ProviderType } from 'ts/types'; import { utils } from 'ts/utils/utils'; export interface PortalOnboardingFlowProps { stepIndex: number; isRunning: boolean; userAddress: string; providerType: ProviderType; injectedProviderName: string; blockchainIsLoaded: boolean; hasBeenSeen: boolean; setIsRunning: (isRunning: boolean) => void; setOnboardingStep: (stepIndex: number) => void; } const steps: Step[] = [ { target: '.wallet', content: 'Before you begin, you need to connect to a wallet. This will be used across all 0x relayers and dApps', placement: 'right', disableBeacon: true, }, { target: '.wallet', content: 'Unlock your metamask extension to begin', placement: 'right', disableBeacon: true, }, { target: '.wallet', content: 'In order to start trading on any 0x relayer in the 0x ecosystem, you need to complete two simple steps', placement: 'right', disableBeacon: true, }, { target: '.wallet', content: 'Before you begin you will need to send some ETH to your metamask wallet', placement: 'right', disableBeacon: true, }, ]; export class PortalOnboardingFlow extends React.Component { public componentDidMount(): void { this._autoStartOnboardingIfShould(); } public componentDidUpdate(): void { this._autoStartOnboardingIfShould(); } public render(): React.ReactNode { return ( ); } private _isAddressAvailable(): boolean { return !_.isEmpty(this.props.userAddress); } private _getBlacklistedStepIndices(): number[] { if (this._isAddressAvailable()) { return [0, 1]; } const isExternallyInjected = utils.isExternallyInjected( this.props.providerType, this.props.injectedProviderName, ); const twoAndOn = _.range(2, steps.length); if (isExternallyInjected) { return [0].concat(twoAndOn); } return twoAndOn; } private _autoStartOnboardingIfShould(): void { if (!this.props.isRunning && !this.props.hasBeenSeen && this.props.blockchainIsLoaded) { this.props.setIsRunning(true); } } }