import * as _ from 'lodash'; import Dialog from 'material-ui/Dialog'; import FlatButton from 'material-ui/FlatButton'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Blockchain } from 'ts/blockchain'; import { BlockchainErrs } from 'ts/types'; import { colors } from 'ts/utils/colors'; import { configs } from 'ts/utils/configs'; import { constants } from 'ts/utils/constants'; interface BlockchainErrDialogProps { blockchain: Blockchain; blockchainErr: BlockchainErrs; isOpen: boolean; userAddress: string; toggleDialogFn: (isOpen: boolean) => void; networkId: number; } export class BlockchainErrDialog extends React.Component { public render() { const dialogActions = [ , ]; const hasWalletAddress = this.props.userAddress !== ''; return (
); } private _getTitle(hasWalletAddress: boolean) { if (this.props.blockchainErr === BlockchainErrs.AContractNotDeployedOnNetwork) { return '0x smart contracts not found'; } else if (!hasWalletAddress) { return 'Enable wallet communication'; } else if (this.props.blockchainErr === BlockchainErrs.DisconnectedFromEthereumNode) { return 'Disconnected from Ethereum network'; } else { return 'Unexpected error'; } } private _renderExplanation(hasWalletAddress: boolean) { if (this.props.blockchainErr === BlockchainErrs.AContractNotDeployedOnNetwork) { return this._renderContractsNotDeployedExplanation(); } else if (!hasWalletAddress) { return this._renderNoWalletFoundExplanation(); } else if (this.props.blockchainErr === BlockchainErrs.DisconnectedFromEthereumNode) { return this._renderDisconnectedFromNode(); } else { return this._renderUnexpectedErrorExplanation(); } } private _renderDisconnectedFromNode() { return (
You were disconnected from the backing Ethereum node. If using{' '} Metamask {' '} or{' '} Mist {' '} try refreshing the page. If using a locally hosted Ethereum node, make sure it's still running.
); } private _renderUnexpectedErrorExplanation() { return
We encountered an unexpected error. Please try refreshing the page.
; } private _renderNoWalletFoundExplanation() { return (
We were unable to access an Ethereum wallet you control. In order to interact with the 0x portal dApp, we need a way to interact with one of your Ethereum wallets. There are two easy ways you can enable us to do that:

1. Metamask chrome extension

You can install the{' '} Metamask {' '} Chrome extension Ethereum wallet. Once installed and set up, refresh this page.
Note: If you already have Metamask installed, make sure it is unlocked.

Parity Signer

The{' '} Parity Signer Chrome extension {' '} lets you connect to a locally running Parity node. Make sure you have started your local Parity node with {configs.IS_MAINNET_ENABLED && '`parity ui` or'} `parity --chain kovan ui` in order to connect to {configs.IS_MAINNET_ENABLED ? 'mainnet or Kovan respectively.' : 'Kovan.'}
Note: If you have done one of the above steps and are still seeing this message, we might still be unable to retrieve an Ethereum address by calling `web3.eth.accounts`. Make sure you have created at least one Ethereum address.
); } private _renderContractsNotDeployedExplanation() { return (
The 0x smart contracts are not deployed on the Ethereum network you are currently connected to (network Id: {this.props.networkId}). In order to use the 0x portal dApp, please connect to the{' '} {constants.TESTNET_NAME} testnet (network Id: {constants.NETWORK_ID_TESTNET}) {configs.IS_MAINNET_ENABLED ? ` or ${constants.MAINNET_NAME} (network Id: ${constants.NETWORK_ID_MAINNET}).` : `.`}


If you are using{' '} Metamask , you can switch networks in the top left corner of the extension popover.

Parity Signer

If using the{' '} Parity Signer Chrome extension , make sure to start your local Parity node with{' '} {configs.IS_MAINNET_ENABLED ? '`parity ui` or `parity --chain Kovan ui` in order to connect to mainnet \ or Kovan respectively.' : '`parity --chain kovan ui` in order to connect to Kovan.'}
); } }