import { TransactionReceipt, TxData } from '@0xproject/types';
import { BigNumber, promisify } from '@0xproject/utils';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as Web3 from 'web3';

interface RawLogEntry {
	logIndex: string | null;
	transactionIndex: string | null;
	transactionHash: string;
	blockHash: string | null;
	blockNumber: string | null;
	address: string;
	data: string;
	topics: string[];

export class Web3Wrapper {
	private _web3: Web3;
	private _defaults: Partial<TxData>;
	private _jsonRpcRequestId: number;
	constructor(provider: Web3.Provider, defaults?: Partial<TxData>) {
		if (_.isUndefined((provider as any).sendAsync)) {
			// Web3@1.0 provider doesn't support synchronous http requests,
			// so it only has an async `send` method, instead of a `send` and `sendAsync` in web3@0.x.x`
			// We re-assign the send method so that Web3@1.0 providers work with 0x.js
			(provider as any).sendAsync = (provider as any).send;
		this._web3 = new Web3();
		this._defaults = defaults || {};
		this._jsonRpcRequestId = 0;
	public getContractDefaults(): Partial<TxData> {
		return this._defaults;
	public setProvider(provider: Web3.Provider) {
	public isAddress(address: string): boolean {
		return this._web3.isAddress(address);
	public async isSenderAddressAvailableAsync(senderAddress: string): Promise<boolean> {
		const addresses = await this.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
		return _.includes(addresses, senderAddress);
	public async getNodeVersionAsync(): Promise<string> {
		const nodeVersion = await promisify<string>(this._web3.version.getNode)();
		return nodeVersion;
	public async getNetworkIdAsync(): Promise<number> {
		const networkIdStr = await promisify<string>(this._web3.version.getNetwork)();
		const networkId = _.parseInt(networkIdStr);
		return networkId;
	public async getTransactionReceiptAsync(txHash: string): Promise<TransactionReceipt> {
		const transactionReceipt = await promisify<TransactionReceipt>(this._web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt)(txHash);
		if (!_.isNull(transactionReceipt)) {
			transactionReceipt.status = this._normalizeTxReceiptStatus(transactionReceipt.status);
		return transactionReceipt;
	public getCurrentProvider(): Web3.Provider {
		return this._web3.currentProvider;
	public toWei(ethAmount: BigNumber): BigNumber {
		const balanceWei = this._web3.toWei(ethAmount, 'ether');
		return balanceWei;
	public async getBalanceInWeiAsync(owner: string): Promise<BigNumber> {
		let balanceInWei = await promisify<BigNumber>(this._web3.eth.getBalance)(owner);
		// Rewrap in a new BigNumber
		balanceInWei = new BigNumber(balanceInWei);
		return balanceInWei;
	public async doesContractExistAtAddressAsync(address: string): Promise<boolean> {
		const code = await promisify<string>(this._web3.eth.getCode)(address);
		// Regex matches 0x0, 0x00, 0x in order to accommodate poorly implemented clients
		const codeIsEmpty = /^0x0{0,40}$/i.test(code);
		return !codeIsEmpty;
	public async signTransactionAsync(address: string, message: string): Promise<string> {
		const signData = await promisify<string>(this._web3.eth.sign)(address, message);
		return signData;
	public async getBlockNumberAsync(): Promise<number> {
		const blockNumber = await promisify<number>(this._web3.eth.getBlockNumber)();
		return blockNumber;
	public async getBlockAsync(blockParam: string | Web3.BlockParam): Promise<Web3.BlockWithoutTransactionData> {
		const block = await promisify<Web3.BlockWithoutTransactionData>(this._web3.eth.getBlock)(blockParam);
		return block;
	public async getBlockTimestampAsync(blockParam: string | Web3.BlockParam): Promise<number> {
		const { timestamp } = await this.getBlockAsync(blockParam);
		return timestamp;
	public async getAvailableAddressesAsync(): Promise<string[]> {
		const addresses = await promisify<string[]>(this._web3.eth.getAccounts)();
		return addresses;
	public async getLogsAsync(filter: Web3.FilterObject): Promise<Web3.LogEntry[]> {
		let fromBlock = filter.fromBlock;
		if (_.isNumber(fromBlock)) {
			fromBlock = this._web3.toHex(fromBlock);
		let toBlock = filter.toBlock;
		if (_.isNumber(toBlock)) {
			toBlock = this._web3.toHex(toBlock);
		const serializedFilter = {
		const payload = {
			jsonrpc: '2.0',
			id: this._jsonRpcRequestId++,
			method: 'eth_getLogs',
			params: [serializedFilter],
		const rawLogs = await this._sendRawPayloadAsync<RawLogEntry[]>(payload);
		const formattedLogs =, this._formatLog.bind(this));
		return formattedLogs;
	public getContractFromAbi(abi: Web3.ContractAbi): Web3.Contract<any> {
		const web3Contract = this._web3.eth.contract(abi);
		return web3Contract;
	public getContractInstance(abi: Web3.ContractAbi, address: string): Web3.ContractInstance {
		const web3ContractInstance = this.getContractFromAbi(abi).at(address);
		return web3ContractInstance;
	public async estimateGasAsync(data: string): Promise<number> {
		const gas = await promisify<number>(this._web3.eth.estimateGas)({ data });
		return gas;
	private async _sendRawPayloadAsync<A>(payload: Web3.JSONRPCRequestPayload): Promise<A> {
		const sendAsync = this._web3.currentProvider.sendAsync.bind(this._web3.currentProvider);
		const response = await promisify<Web3.JSONRPCResponsePayload>(sendAsync)(payload);
		const result = response.result;
		return result;
	private _normalizeTxReceiptStatus(status: undefined | null | string | 0 | 1): null | 0 | 1 {
		// Transaction status might have four values
		// undefined - Testrpc and other old clients
		// null - New clients on old transactions
		// number - Parity
		// hex - Geth
		if (_.isString(status)) {
			return this._web3.toDecimal(status) as 0 | 1;
		} else if (_.isUndefined(status)) {
			return null;
		} else {
			return status;
	private _formatLog(rawLog: RawLogEntry): Web3.LogEntry {
		const formattedLog = {
			logIndex: this._hexToDecimal(rawLog.logIndex),
			blockNumber: this._hexToDecimal(rawLog.blockNumber),
			transactionIndex: this._hexToDecimal(rawLog.transactionIndex),
		return formattedLog;
	private _hexToDecimal(hex: string | null): number | null {
		if (_.isNull(hex)) {
			return null;
		const decimal = this._web3.toDecimal(hex);
		return decimal;