Web3 Typescript Type Definition ------------------------------- There currently isn't an official [Web3][Web3] type definition included in the [DefinitelyTyped][DefinitelyTyped] project. Until that happens, we will continue to improve our own type definition. If it get's close to comprehensive, we'll add it to [DefinitelyTyped][DefinitelyTyped]. [Web3]: https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js/ [DefinitelyTyped]: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped # Installation Using npm: ``` npm install --save-dev web3-typescript-typings ``` Using yarn: ``` yarn add web3-typescript-typings -D ``` Also don't forget to manually include `index.d.ts` within an `include` section of your `tsconfig.json` ``` "include": [ ... "./node_modules/web3-typescript-typings/index.d.ts" ] ``` And you're ready to go to a bright type-safe and distributed future!