import isNode = require('detect-node'); import 'isomorphic-fetch'; // WARNING: This needs to be imported after isomorphic-fetch: // tslint:disable-next-line:ordered-imports import 'abortcontroller-polyfill/dist/abortcontroller-polyfill-only'; export const fetchAsync = async ( endpoint: string, options: RequestInit = {}, timeoutMs: number = 20000, ): Promise => { if (options.signal || (options as any).timeout) { throw new Error( 'Cannot call fetchAsync with options.signal or options.timeout. To set a timeout, please use the supplied "timeoutMs" parameter.', ); } let optionsWithAbortParam; if (!isNode) { const controller = new AbortController(); const signal = controller.signal; setTimeout(() => { controller.abort(); }, timeoutMs); optionsWithAbortParam = { signal, ...options, }; } else { // HACK: the `timeout` param only exists in `node-fetch`, and not on the `isomorphic-fetch` // `RequestInit` type. Since `isomorphic-fetch` conditionally wraps `node-fetch` when the // execution environment is `Node.js`, we need to cast it to `any` in that scenario. optionsWithAbortParam = { timeout: timeoutMs, ...options, } as any; } const response = await fetch(endpoint, optionsWithAbortParam); return response; };