import * as jsSHA3 from 'js-sha3'; const BASIC_ADDRESS_REGEX = /^(0x)?[0-9a-f]{40}$/i; const SAME_CASE_ADDRESS_REGEX = /^(0x)?([0-9a-f]{40}|[0-9A-F]{40})$/; export const addressUtils = { isChecksumAddress(address: string): boolean { // Check each case const unprefixedAddress = address.replace('0x', ''); const addressHash = jsSHA3.keccak256(unprefixedAddress.toLowerCase()); const addressLength = 40; for (let i = 0; i < addressLength; i++) { // The nth letter should be uppercase if the nth digit of casemap is 1 const hexBase = 16; const lowercaseRange = 7; if ( (parseInt(addressHash[i], hexBase) > lowercaseRange && unprefixedAddress[i].toUpperCase() !== unprefixedAddress[i]) || (parseInt(addressHash[i], hexBase) <= lowercaseRange && unprefixedAddress[i].toLowerCase() !== unprefixedAddress[i]) ) { return false; } } return true; }, isAddress(address: string): boolean { if (!BASIC_ADDRESS_REGEX.test(address)) { // Check if it has the basic requirements of an address return false; } else if (SAME_CASE_ADDRESS_REGEX.test(address)) { // If it's all small caps or all all caps, return true return true; } else { // Otherwise check each case const isValidChecksummedAddress = addressUtils.isChecksumAddress(address); return isValidChecksummedAddress; } }, };