import { DataItem, SolidityTypes } from 'ethereum-types'; import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { AbstractDataTypes, DataTypeFactory } from '../abstract_data_types'; import { RawCalldata } from '../calldata'; import { constants } from '../utils/constants'; export class StaticBytes extends AbstractDataTypes.Blob { private static readonly _SIZE_KNOWN_AT_COMPILE_TIME: boolean = true; private static readonly _MATCHER = RegExp( '^(byte|bytes(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32))$', ); private static readonly _DEFAULT_WIDTH = 1; private readonly _width: number; public static matchType(type: string): boolean { return StaticBytes._MATCHER.test(type); } private static _decodeWidthFromType(type: string): number { const matches = StaticBytes._MATCHER.exec(type); const width = !_.isNull(matches) && matches.length === 3 && !_.isUndefined(matches[2]) ? parseInt(matches[2], constants.DEC_BASE) : StaticBytes._DEFAULT_WIDTH; return width; } public constructor(dataItem: DataItem, dataTypeFactory: DataTypeFactory) { super(dataItem, dataTypeFactory, StaticBytes._SIZE_KNOWN_AT_COMPILE_TIME); if (!StaticBytes.matchType(dataItem.type)) { throw new Error(`Tried to instantiate Static Bytes with bad input: ${dataItem}`); } this._width = StaticBytes._decodeWidthFromType(dataItem.type); } public getSignature(): string { // Note that `byte` reduces to `bytes1` return `${SolidityTypes.Bytes}${this._width}`; } public encodeValue(value: string | Buffer): Buffer { // 1/2 Convert value into a buffer and do bounds checking this._sanityCheckValue(value); const valueBuf = ethUtil.toBuffer(value); // 2/2 Store value as hex const valuePadded = ethUtil.setLengthRight(valueBuf, constants.EVM_WORD_WIDTH_IN_BYTES); return valuePadded; } public decodeValue(calldata: RawCalldata): string { const valueBufPadded = calldata.popWord(); const valueBuf = valueBufPadded.slice(0, this._width); const value = ethUtil.bufferToHex(valueBuf); this._sanityCheckValue(value); return value; } private _sanityCheckValue(value: string | Buffer): void { if (typeof value === 'string') { if (!_.startsWith(value, '0x')) { throw new Error(`Tried to encode non-hex value. Value must inlcude '0x' prefix.`); } else if (value.length % 2 !== 0) { throw new Error(`Tried to assign ${value}, which is contains a half-byte. Use full bytes only.`); } } const valueBuf = ethUtil.toBuffer(value); if (valueBuf.byteLength > this._width) { throw new Error( `Tried to assign ${value} (${ valueBuf.byteLength } bytes), which exceeds max bytes that can be stored in a ${this.getSignature()}`, ); } } }