import { DataItem, SolidityTypes } from 'ethereum-types'; import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { DataTypeFactory } from '../abstract_data_types/interfaces'; import { AbstractBlobDataType } from '../abstract_data_types/types/blob'; import { RawCalldata } from '../calldata/raw_calldata'; import { constants } from '../utils/constants'; export class AddressDataType extends AbstractBlobDataType { private static readonly _SIZE_KNOWN_AT_COMPILE_TIME: boolean = true; private static readonly _ADDRESS_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 20; private static readonly _DECODED_ADDRESS_OFFSET_IN_BYTES = constants.EVM_WORD_WIDTH_IN_BYTES - AddressDataType._ADDRESS_SIZE_IN_BYTES; public static matchType(type: string): boolean { return type === SolidityTypes.Address; } public constructor(dataItem: DataItem, dataTypeFactory: DataTypeFactory) { super(dataItem, dataTypeFactory, AddressDataType._SIZE_KNOWN_AT_COMPILE_TIME); if (!AddressDataType.matchType(dataItem.type)) { throw new Error(`Tried to instantiate Address with bad input: ${dataItem}`); } } // Disable prefer-function-over-method for inherited abstract methods. /* tslint:disable prefer-function-over-method */ public encodeValue(value: string): Buffer { if (!ethUtil.isValidAddress(value)) { throw new Error(`Invalid address: '${value}'`); } const valueBuf = ethUtil.toBuffer(value); const encodedValueBuf = ethUtil.setLengthLeft(valueBuf, constants.EVM_WORD_WIDTH_IN_BYTES); return encodedValueBuf; } public decodeValue(calldata: RawCalldata): string { const valueBufPadded = calldata.popWord(); const valueBuf = valueBufPadded.slice(AddressDataType._DECODED_ADDRESS_OFFSET_IN_BYTES); const value = ethUtil.bufferToHex(valueBuf); return value; } public getSignature(): string { return SolidityTypes.Address; } /* tslint:enable prefer-function-over-method */ }