import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as Constants from '../utils/constants'; import { EncodingRules } from '../utils/rules'; import * as CalldataBlocks from './blocks'; import { CalldataBlock } from './calldata_block'; import { CalldataIterator, ReverseCalldataIterator } from './iterator'; export class Calldata { private readonly _rules: EncodingRules; private _selector: string; private _sizeInBytes: number; private _root: CalldataBlock | undefined; public constructor(rules: EncodingRules) { this._rules = rules; this._selector = ''; this._sizeInBytes = 0; this._root = undefined; } public optimize(): void { if (this._root === undefined) { throw new Error('expected root'); } const blocksByHash: { [key: string]: CalldataBlock } = {}; // 1. Create a queue of subtrees by hash // Note that they are ordered the same as const iterator = new ReverseCalldataIterator(this._root); let block: CalldataBlock | undefined; while (block = { if (block instanceof CalldataBlocks.Pointer) { const dependencyBlockHashBuf = block.getDependency().computeHash(); const dependencyBlockHash = ethUtil.bufferToHex(dependencyBlockHashBuf); if (dependencyBlockHash in blocksByHash) { const blockWithSameHash = blocksByHash[dependencyBlockHash]; if (blockWithSameHash !== block.getDependency()) { block.setAlias(blockWithSameHash); } } continue; } const blockHashBuf = block.computeHash(); const blockHash = ethUtil.bufferToHex(blockHashBuf); if (!(blockHash in blocksByHash)) { blocksByHash[blockHash] = block; } } } public toHexString(): string { if (this._root === undefined) { throw new Error('expected root'); } if (this._rules.optimize) { this.optimize(); } const iterator = new CalldataIterator(this._root); let block: CalldataBlock | undefined; let offset = 0; while (block = { block.setOffset(offset); offset += block.getSizeInBytes(); } const hexValue = this._rules.annotate ? this._generateAnnotatedHexString() : this._generateCondensedHexString(); return hexValue; } public getSelectorHex(): string { return this._selector; } public getSizeInBytes(): number { return this._sizeInBytes; } public setRoot(block: CalldataBlock): void { this._root = block; this._sizeInBytes += block.getSizeInBytes(); } public setSelector(selector: string): void { this._selector = selector.startsWith('0x') ? selector : `$0x${selector}`; if (this._selector.length !== Constants.HEX_SELECTOR_LENGTH_IN_CHARS) { throw new Error(`Invalid selector '${this._selector}'`); } this._sizeInBytes += Constants.HEX_SELECTOR_LENGTH_IN_BYTES; // @TODO: Used to be += 8. Bad? } private _generateAnnotatedHexString(): string { let hexValue = `${this._selector}`; if (this._root === undefined) { throw new Error('expected root'); } const iterator = new CalldataIterator(this._root); let block: CalldataBlock | undefined; let offset = 0; const functionName: string = this._root.getName(); while (block = { // Process each block 1 word at a time const size = block.getSizeInBytes(); const name = block.getName(); const parentName = block.getParentName(); const prettyName = name.replace(`${parentName}.`, '').replace(`${functionName}.`, ''); // Current offset let offsetStr = ''; // If this block is empty then it's a newline const offsetPadding = 10; const valuePadding = 74; const namePadding = 80; const evmWordStartIndex = 0; const emptySize = 0; let value = ''; let nameStr = ''; let line = ''; if (size === emptySize) { offsetStr = ' '.repeat(offsetPadding); value = ' '.repeat(valuePadding); nameStr = `### ${prettyName.padEnd(namePadding)}`; line = `\n${offsetStr}${value}${nameStr}`; } else { offsetStr = `0x${offset.toString(Constants.HEX_BASE)}`.padEnd(offsetPadding); value = ethUtil .stripHexPrefix( ethUtil.bufferToHex( block.toBuffer().slice(evmWordStartIndex, Constants.EVM_WORD_WIDTH_IN_BYTES), ), ) .padEnd(valuePadding); if (block instanceof CalldataBlocks.Set) { nameStr = `### ${prettyName.padEnd(namePadding)}`; line = `\n${offsetStr}${value}${nameStr}`; } else { nameStr = ` ${prettyName.padEnd(namePadding)}`; line = `${offsetStr}${value}${nameStr}`; } } for (let j = Constants.EVM_WORD_WIDTH_IN_BYTES; j < size; j += Constants.EVM_WORD_WIDTH_IN_BYTES) { offsetStr = `0x${(offset + j).toString(Constants.HEX_BASE)}`.padEnd(offsetPadding); value = ethUtil .stripHexPrefix( ethUtil.bufferToHex(block.toBuffer().slice(j, j + Constants.EVM_WORD_WIDTH_IN_BYTES)), ) .padEnd(valuePadding); nameStr = ' '.repeat(namePadding); line = `${line}\n${offsetStr}${value}${nameStr}`; } // Append to hex value hexValue = `${hexValue}\n${line}`; offset += size; } return hexValue; } private _generateCondensedHexString(): string { const selectorBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(this._selector); if (this._root === undefined) { throw new Error('expected root'); } const iterator = new CalldataIterator(this._root); const valueBufs: Buffer[] = [selectorBuffer]; let block: CalldataBlock | undefined; while (block = { valueBufs.push(block.toBuffer()); } const combinedBuffers = Buffer.concat(valueBufs); const hexValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(combinedBuffers); return hexValue; } }