CHANGELOG ## v0.4.3 - _July 18, 2018_ * Add back ethers-contracts types for Aquaduct which relies on it (#885) ## v0.4.2 - _July 9, 2018_ * Improve 'web3-provider-engine' typings (#768) * Additional error type for `ethers.js` (#763) ## v0.4.0 - _June 19, 2018_ * Add types for `react-joyride` * Add types for `react-popper`, remove types for `react-joyride` * Remove types for blockies, bn.js, compare-versions, ethereumjs-abi, ethereumjs-tx, find-versions, hdkey, is-mobile, solidity-parser-antlr, xml-js as they were moved to DefinitelyTyped (#641) ## v0.4.0 - _June 1, 2018_ * Incorrect publish that was unpublished ## v0.3.2 - _May 22, 2018_ * Dependencies updated ## v0.3.1 - _May 5, 2018_ * Dependencies updated ## v0.3.0 - _May 4, 2018_ * Add types for `ethers.js`, removing `ethers-contracts` (#540) ## v0.2.0 - _April 18, 2018_ * Add types for `solc.compileStandardWrapper` (#509) ## v0.1.0 - _April 11, 2018_ * Add types for more packages (#501) * Add types for HDKey (#507) ## v0.0.3 - _April 2, 2018_ * Dependencies updated ## v0.0.2 - _April 2, 2018_