import { BigNumber } from 'bignumber.js'; export type JSONRPCErrorCallback = (err: Error | null, result?: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => void; /** * Do not create your own provider. Use an existing provider from a Web3 or ProviderEngine library * Read more about Providers in the 0x wiki. */ export interface Provider { sendAsync(payload: JSONRPCRequestPayload, callback: JSONRPCErrorCallback): void; } export type ContractAbi = AbiDefinition[]; export type AbiDefinition = FunctionAbi | EventAbi; export type FunctionAbi = MethodAbi | ConstructorAbi | FallbackAbi; export type ConstructorStateMutability = 'nonpayable' | 'payable'; export type StateMutability = 'pure' | 'view' | ConstructorStateMutability; export interface MethodAbi { type: AbiType.Function; name: string; inputs: DataItem[]; outputs: DataItem[]; constant: boolean; stateMutability: StateMutability; payable: boolean; } export interface ConstructorAbi { type: AbiType.Constructor; inputs: DataItem[]; payable: boolean; stateMutability: ConstructorStateMutability; } export interface FallbackAbi { type: AbiType.Fallback; payable: boolean; } export interface EventParameter extends DataItem { indexed: boolean; } export interface EventAbi { type: AbiType.Event; name: string; inputs: EventParameter[]; anonymous: boolean; } export interface DataItem { name: string; type: string; components?: DataItem[]; } export type OpCode = string; export interface StructLog { depth: number; error: string; gas: number; gasCost: number; memory: string[]; op: OpCode; pc: number; stack: string[]; storage: { [location: string]: string }; } export interface TransactionTrace { gas: number; returnValue: any; structLogs: StructLog[]; } export type Unit = | 'kwei' | 'ada' | 'mwei' | 'babbage' | 'gwei' | 'shannon' | 'szabo' | 'finney' | 'ether' | 'kether' | 'grand' | 'einstein' | 'mether' | 'gether' | 'tether'; export interface JSONRPCRequestPayload { params: any[]; method: string; id: number; jsonrpc: string; } export interface JSONRPCResponsePayload { result: any; id: number; jsonrpc: string; } export interface AbstractBlock { number: number | null; hash: string | null; parentHash: string; nonce: string | null; sha3Uncles: string; logsBloom: string | null; transactionsRoot: string; stateRoot: string; miner: string; difficulty: BigNumber; totalDifficulty: BigNumber; extraData: string; size: number; gasLimit: number; gasUsed: number; timestamp: number; uncles: string[]; } export interface BlockWithoutTransactionData extends AbstractBlock { transactions: string[]; } export interface BlockWithTransactionData extends AbstractBlock { transactions: Transaction[]; } export interface Transaction { hash: string; nonce: number; blockHash: string | null; blockNumber: number | null; transactionIndex: number | null; from: string; to: string | null; value: BigNumber; gasPrice: BigNumber; gas: number; input: string; } export interface CallTxDataBase { to?: string; value?: number | string | BigNumber; gas?: number | string | BigNumber; gasPrice?: number | string | BigNumber; data?: string; nonce?: number; } export interface TxData extends CallTxDataBase { from: string; } export interface CallData extends CallTxDataBase { from?: string; } export interface FilterObject { fromBlock?: number | string; toBlock?: number | string; address?: string; topics?: LogTopic[]; } export type LogTopic = null | string | string[]; export interface DecodedLogEntry extends LogEntry { event: string; args: A; } export interface DecodedLogEntryEvent extends DecodedLogEntry { removed: boolean; } export interface LogEntryEvent extends LogEntry { removed: boolean; } export interface LogEntry { logIndex: number | null; transactionIndex: number | null; transactionHash: string; blockHash: string | null; blockNumber: number | null; address: string; data: string; topics: string[]; } export interface TxDataPayable extends TxData { value?: BigNumber; } export interface TransactionReceipt { blockHash: string; blockNumber: number; transactionHash: string; transactionIndex: number; from: string; to: string; status: null | string | 0 | 1; cumulativeGasUsed: number; gasUsed: number; contractAddress: string | null; logs: LogEntry[]; } export enum AbiType { Function = 'function', Constructor = 'constructor', Event = 'event', Fallback = 'fallback', } export type ContractEventArg = string | BigNumber | number; export interface DecodedLogArgs { [argName: string]: ContractEventArg; } export interface LogWithDecodedArgs extends DecodedLogEntry {} export type RawLog = LogEntry; export enum SolidityTypes { Address = 'address', Uint256 = 'uint256', Uint8 = 'uint8', Uint = 'uint', } export interface TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs extends TransactionReceipt { logs: Array | LogEntry>; } // Earliest is omitted by design. It is simply an alias for the `0` constant and // is thus not very helpful. Moreover, this type is used in places that only accept // `latest` or `pending`. export enum BlockParamLiteral { Latest = 'latest', Pending = 'pending', } export type BlockParam = BlockParamLiteral | number; export interface RawLogEntry { logIndex: string | null; transactionIndex: string | null; transactionHash: string; blockHash: string | null; blockNumber: string | null; address: string; data: string; topics: string[]; } export interface Order { maker: string; taker: string; makerFee: BigNumber; takerFee: BigNumber; makerTokenAmount: BigNumber; takerTokenAmount: BigNumber; makerTokenAddress: string; takerTokenAddress: string; salt: BigNumber; exchangeContractAddress: string; feeRecipient: string; expirationUnixTimestampSec: BigNumber; } export interface SignedOrder extends Order { ecSignature: ECSignature; } /** * Elliptic Curve signature */ export interface ECSignature { v: number; r: string; s: string; } /** * Errors originating from the 0x exchange contract */ export enum ExchangeContractErrs { OrderFillExpired = 'ORDER_FILL_EXPIRED', OrderCancelExpired = 'ORDER_CANCEL_EXPIRED', OrderCancelAmountZero = 'ORDER_CANCEL_AMOUNT_ZERO', OrderAlreadyCancelledOrFilled = 'ORDER_ALREADY_CANCELLED_OR_FILLED', OrderFillAmountZero = 'ORDER_FILL_AMOUNT_ZERO', OrderRemainingFillAmountZero = 'ORDER_REMAINING_FILL_AMOUNT_ZERO', OrderFillRoundingError = 'ORDER_FILL_ROUNDING_ERROR', FillBalanceAllowanceError = 'FILL_BALANCE_ALLOWANCE_ERROR', InsufficientTakerBalance = 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_BALANCE', InsufficientTakerAllowance = 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_ALLOWANCE', InsufficientMakerBalance = 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_BALANCE', InsufficientMakerAllowance = 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_ALLOWANCE', InsufficientTakerFeeBalance = 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_FEE_BALANCE', InsufficientTakerFeeAllowance = 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_FEE_ALLOWANCE', InsufficientMakerFeeBalance = 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_FEE_BALANCE', InsufficientMakerFeeAllowance = 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_FEE_ALLOWANCE', TransactionSenderIsNotFillOrderTaker = 'TRANSACTION_SENDER_IS_NOT_FILL_ORDER_TAKER', MultipleMakersInSingleCancelBatchDisallowed = 'MULTIPLE_MAKERS_IN_SINGLE_CANCEL_BATCH_DISALLOWED', InsufficientRemainingFillAmount = 'INSUFFICIENT_REMAINING_FILL_AMOUNT', MultipleTakerTokensInFillUpToDisallowed = 'MULTIPLE_TAKER_TOKENS_IN_FILL_UP_TO_DISALLOWED', BatchOrdersMustHaveSameExchangeAddress = 'BATCH_ORDERS_MUST_HAVE_SAME_EXCHANGE_ADDRESS', BatchOrdersMustHaveAtLeastOneItem = 'BATCH_ORDERS_MUST_HAVE_AT_LEAST_ONE_ITEM', } export type ArtifactContractName = 'ZRX' | 'TokenTransferProxy' | 'TokenRegistry' | 'Token' | 'Exchange' | 'EtherToken'; export interface Artifact { contract_name: ArtifactContractName; abi: ContractAbi; networks: { [networkId: number]: { address: string; }; }; } export type OrderAddresses = [string, string, string, string, string]; export type OrderValues = [BigNumber, BigNumber, BigNumber, BigNumber, BigNumber, BigNumber]; export type DoneCallback = (err?: Error) => void; export interface OrderRelevantState { makerBalance: BigNumber; makerProxyAllowance: BigNumber; makerFeeBalance: BigNumber; makerFeeProxyAllowance: BigNumber; filledTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber; cancelledTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber; remainingFillableMakerTokenAmount: BigNumber; remainingFillableTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber; } export interface OrderStateValid { isValid: true; orderHash: string; orderRelevantState: OrderRelevantState; } export interface OrderStateInvalid { isValid: false; orderHash: string; error: ExchangeContractErrs; } export type OrderState = OrderStateValid | OrderStateInvalid; export interface Token { name: string; address: string; symbol: string; decimals: number; }