import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as timers from 'timers'; // HACK: web3 leaks XMLHttpRequest into the global scope and causes requests to hang // because they are using the wrong XHR package. // Filed issue: // tslint:disable-next-line:ordered-imports import * as Web3 from 'web3'; const MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 500; const DEFAULT_QUEUE_INTERVAL_MS = 1000; export class RequestQueue { protected _queueIntervalMs: number; protected _queue: string[]; protected _queueIntervalId: NodeJS.Timer; protected _web3: Web3; constructor(web3: any) { this._queueIntervalMs = DEFAULT_QUEUE_INTERVAL_MS; this._queue = []; this._web3 = web3; this._start(); } public add(recipientAddress: string): boolean { if (this.isFull()) { return false; } this._queue.push(recipientAddress); return true; } public size(): number { return this._queue.length; } public isFull(): boolean { return this.size() >= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; } protected _start() { this._queueIntervalId = timers.setInterval(() => { const recipientAddress = this._queue.shift(); if (_.isUndefined(recipientAddress)) { return; } // tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises this._processNextRequestFireAndForgetAsync(recipientAddress); }, this._queueIntervalMs); } protected _stop() { clearInterval(this._queueIntervalId); } // tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-function-over-method protected async _processNextRequestFireAndForgetAsync(recipientAddress: string) { throw new Error('Expected processNextRequestFireAndForgetAsync to be implemented by a subclass'); } }