## @0xproject/testnet-faucets This faucet dispenses 0.1 test ether to one recipient per second and 0.1 test ZRX every 5 seconds. It has a max queue size of 1000. ## Installation This is a private package and therefore is not published to npm. In order to build and run this package locally, see the contributing instructions below. ## Contributing We welcome improvements and fixes from the wider community! To report bugs within this package, please create an issue in this repository. Please read our [contribution guidelines](../../CONTRIBUTING.md) before getting started. ### Install dependencies If you don't have yarn workspaces enabled (Yarn < v1.0) - enable them: ```bash yarn config set workspaces-experimental true ``` Then install dependencies ```bash yarn install ``` ### Build To build this package and all other monorepo packages that it depends on, run the following from the monorepo root directory: ```bash PKG=@0xproject/testnet-faucets yarn build ``` Or continuously rebuild on change: ```bash PKG=@0xproject/testnet-faucets yarn watch ``` ### Clean ```bash yarn clean ``` ### Lint ```bash yarn lint ``` ### Start Set the following environment variables: ```bash export DISPENSER_ADDRESS=0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631 export DISPENSER_PRIVATE_KEY=f2f48ee19680706196e2e339e5da3491186e0c4c5030670656b0e0164837257d export FAUCET_ROLLBAR_ACCESS_KEY={GET_THIS_FROM_ROLLBAR_ACCOUNT_SETTINGS} export INFURA_API_KEY={GET_THIS_FROM_INFURA} ``` If you want to talk to testrpc, set the following environment variable: ```bash export FAUCET_ENVIRONMENT=development ``` Infura API Key can be requested here: https://infura.io/signup Note: The above public/private keys exist when running `testrpc` with the following option `--mnemonic concert load couple harbor equip island argue ramp clarify fence smart topic`. ```bash PKG=0x.js yarn watch ``` ### Endpoints `GET /ping` Returns `pong` `GET /info` Returns a JSON payload describing the state of the queues for each network. For example: ```json { "3": { "ether": { "full": false, "size": 4 }, "zrx": { "full": false, "size": 6 } }, "42": { "ether": { "full": false, "size": 8 }, "zrx": { "full": false, "size": 20 } } } ``` `GET /ether/:recipient?networkId=:networkId` Schedules a transaction that sends 0.1 ETH to the `recipient` on the network specified by `networkId` where `recipient` is a hex encoded Ethereum address prefixed with `0x`. If no `networkId` is provided via query parameters the faucet will default to network 42 (Kovan). `GET /zrx/:recipient?networkId=:networkId` Schedules a transaction that sends 0.1 ZRX to the `recipient` on the network specified by `networkId` where `recipient` is a hex encoded Ethereum address prefixed with `0x`. If no `networkId` is provided via query parameters the faucet will default to network 42 (Kovan). `GET /order/weth/:recipient?networkId=:networkId` Returns a JSON payload describing an order for 0.1 WETH in exchange for 0.1 ZRX signed by the dispenser address on the network specified by `networkId`. The taker is specified by `recipient` where `recipient` is a hex encoded Ethereum address prefixed with `0x`. If no `networkId` is provided via query parameters the faucet will default to network 42 (Kovan). `GET /order/zrx/:recipient?networkId=:networkId` Returns a JSON payload describing an order for 0.1 ZRX in exchange for 0.1 WETH signed by the dispenser address on the network specified by `networkId`. The taker is specified by `recipient` where `recipient` is a hex encoded Ethereum address prefixed with `0x`. If no `networkId` is provided via query parameters the faucet will default to network 42 (Kovan). #### Example request ```bash curl -i http://localhost:3000/ether/0x14e2F1F157E7DD4057D02817436D628A37120FD1\?networkId=3 ``` This command will request the local server to initiate a transfer of 0.1 ETH from the dispensing address to `0x14e2F1F157E7DD4057D02817436D628A37120FD1` on the Ropsten testnet. ### Docker configs ``` docker run -d \ -p 80:3000 \ --name testnet-faucets \ --log-opt max-size=100m \ --log-opt max-file=20 \ -e DISPENSER_ADDRESS=$DISPENSER_ADDRESS \ -e DISPENSER_PRIVATE_KEY=$DISPENSER_PRIVATE_KEY \ -e FAUCET_ROLLBAR_ACCESS_KEY=$FAUCET_ROLLBAR_ACCESS_KEY \ -e FAUCET_ENVIRONMENT=production \ -e INFURA_API_KEY=$INFURA_API_KEY \ testnet-faucets ```