import * as chai from 'chai'; import { JSONRPCResponsePayload } from 'ethereum-types'; import * as ethUtils from 'ethereumjs-util'; import { GanacheSubprovider, PrivateKeyWalletSubprovider, Web3ProviderEngine } from '../../src/'; import { DoneCallback, WalletSubproviderErrors } from '../../src/types'; import { chaiSetup } from '../chai_setup'; import { fixtureData } from '../utils/fixture_data'; import { reportCallbackErrors } from '../utils/report_callback_errors'; chaiSetup.configure(); const expect = chai.expect; describe('PrivateKeyWalletSubprovider', () => { let subprovider: PrivateKeyWalletSubprovider; before(async () => { subprovider = new PrivateKeyWalletSubprovider(fixtureData.TEST_RPC_ACCOUNT_0_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY); }); describe('direct method calls', () => { describe('success cases', () => { it('returns the account', async () => { const accounts = await subprovider.getAccountsAsync(); expect(accounts[0]); expect(accounts.length); }); it('signs a personal message', async () => { const data = ethUtils.bufferToHex(ethUtils.toBuffer(fixtureData.PERSONAL_MESSAGE_STRING)); const ecSignatureHex = await subprovider.signPersonalMessageAsync(data, fixtureData.TEST_RPC_ACCOUNT_0); expect(ecSignatureHex); }); it('signs a transaction', async () => { const txHex = await subprovider.signTransactionAsync(fixtureData.TX_DATA); expect(txHex); }); }); }); describe('calls through a provider', () => { let provider: Web3ProviderEngine; before(() => { provider = new Web3ProviderEngine(); provider.addProvider(subprovider); const ganacheSubprovider = new GanacheSubprovider({}); provider.addProvider(ganacheSubprovider); provider.start(); }); describe('success cases', () => { it('returns a list of accounts', (done: DoneCallback) => { const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_accounts', params: [], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(response.result[0]); expect(response.result.length); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); it('signs a transaction', (done: DoneCallback) => { const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_signTransaction', params: [fixtureData.TX_DATA], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(response.result.raw); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); it('signs a personal message with eth_sign', (done: DoneCallback) => { const messageHex = ethUtils.bufferToHex(ethUtils.toBuffer(fixtureData.PERSONAL_MESSAGE_STRING)); const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_sign', params: [fixtureData.TEST_RPC_ACCOUNT_0, messageHex], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(response.result); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); it('signs a personal message with personal_sign', (done: DoneCallback) => { const messageHex = ethUtils.bufferToHex(ethUtils.toBuffer(fixtureData.PERSONAL_MESSAGE_STRING)); const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'personal_sign', params: [messageHex, fixtureData.TEST_RPC_ACCOUNT_0], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(response.result); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); }); describe('failure cases', () => { it('should throw if `data` param not hex when calling eth_sign', (done: DoneCallback) => { const nonHexMessage = 'hello world'; const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_sign', params: [fixtureData.TEST_RPC_ACCOUNT_0, nonHexMessage], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, _response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(err.message)'Expected data to be of type HexString, encountered: hello world'); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); it('should throw if `data` param not hex when calling personal_sign', (done: DoneCallback) => { const nonHexMessage = 'hello world'; const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'personal_sign', params: [nonHexMessage, fixtureData.TEST_RPC_ACCOUNT_0], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, _response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(err.message)'Expected data to be of type HexString, encountered: hello world'); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); it('should throw if `address` param is not the address from private key when calling personal_sign', (done: DoneCallback) => { const messageHex = ethUtils.bufferToHex(ethUtils.toBuffer(fixtureData.PERSONAL_MESSAGE_STRING)); const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'personal_sign', params: [messageHex, fixtureData.TEST_RPC_ACCOUNT_1], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, _response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(err.message) `Requested to sign message with address: ${ fixtureData.TEST_RPC_ACCOUNT_1 }, instantiated with address: ${fixtureData.TEST_RPC_ACCOUNT_0}`, ); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); it('should throw if `from` param missing when calling eth_sendTransaction', (done: DoneCallback) => { const tx = { to: '0xafa3f8684e54059998bc3a7b0d2b0da075154d66', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }; const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: [tx], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, _response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(err.message); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); it('should throw if `from` param invalid address when calling eth_sendTransaction', (done: DoneCallback) => { const tx = { to: '0xafa3f8684e54059998bc3a7b0d2b0da075154d66', from: '0xIncorrectEthereumAddress', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }; const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: [tx], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, _response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(err.message); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); it('should throw if `address` param not found when calling personal_sign', (done: DoneCallback) => { const messageHex = ethUtils.bufferToHex(ethUtils.toBuffer(fixtureData.PERSONAL_MESSAGE_STRING)); const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'personal_sign', params: [messageHex, '0x0'], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, _response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(err.message)`Expected address to be of type ETHAddressHex, encountered: 0x0`); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); }); }); });