import * as chai from 'chai'; import * as ethUtils from 'ethereumjs-util'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import Web3 = require('web3'); import Web3ProviderEngine = require('web3-provider-engine'); import RpcSubprovider = require('web3-provider-engine/subproviders/rpc'); import { ECSignature, LedgerSubprovider, } from '../../src'; import { DoneCallback, ECSignatureString, LedgerCommunicationClient, LedgerGetAddressResult, LedgerSubproviderErrors, } from '../../src/types'; import {chaiSetup} from '../chai_setup'; import {reportCallbackErrors} from '../utils/report_callback_errors'; const expect = chai.expect; const FAKE_ADDRESS = '0x9901c66f2d4b95f7074b553da78084d708beca70'; describe('LedgerSubprovider', () => { const networkId: number = 42; let ledgerSubprovider: LedgerSubprovider; before(async () => { const ledgerEthereumClientFactoryAsync = async () => { // tslint:disable:no-object-literal-type-assertion const ledgerEthClient = { getAddress_async: async () => { return { address: FAKE_ADDRESS, }; }, signPersonalMessage_async: async () => { const ecSignature: ECSignature = { v: 28, r: 'a6cc284bff14b42bdf5e9286730c152be91719d478605ec46b3bebcd0ae49148', s: '0652a1a7b742ceb0213d1e744316e285f41f878d8af0b8e632cbca4c279132d0', }; return ecSignature; }, signTransaction_async: async (derivationPath: string, txHex: string) => { const ecSignature: ECSignatureString = { v: '77', r: '88a95ef1378487bc82be558e82c8478baf840c545d5b887536bb1da63673a98b', s: '019f4a4b9a107d1e6752bf7f701e275f28c13791d6e76af895b07373462cefaa', }; return ecSignature; }, comm: { close_async: _.noop, } as LedgerCommunicationClient, }; // tslint:enable:no-object-literal-type-assertion return ledgerEthClient; }; ledgerSubprovider = new LedgerSubprovider({ networkId, ledgerEthereumClientFactoryAsync, }); }); describe('direct method calls', () => { describe('success cases', () => { it('returns a list of accounts', async () => { const accounts = await ledgerSubprovider.getAccountsAsync(); expect(accounts[0]); expect(accounts.length); }); it('signs a personal message', async () => { const data = ethUtils.bufferToHex(ethUtils.toBuffer('hello world')); const msgParams = {data}; const ecSignatureHex = await ledgerSubprovider.signPersonalMessageAsync(msgParams); // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length expect(ecSignatureHex)'0xa6cc284bff14b42bdf5e9286730c152be91719d478605ec46b3bebcd0ae491480652a1a7b742ceb0213d1e744316e285f41f878d8af0b8e632cbca4c279132d001'); }); }); describe('failure cases', () => { it('cannot open multiple simultaneous connections to the Ledger device', async () => { const data = ethUtils.bufferToHex(ethUtils.toBuffer('hello world')); const msgParams = {data}; try { const result = await Promise.all([ ledgerSubprovider.getAccountsAsync(), ledgerSubprovider.signPersonalMessageAsync(msgParams), ]); throw new Error('Multiple simultaneous calls succeeded when they should have failed'); } catch (err) { expect(err.message); } }); }); }); describe('calls through a provider', () => { let provider: Web3ProviderEngine; before(() => { provider = new Web3ProviderEngine(); provider.addProvider(ledgerSubprovider); const httpProvider = new RpcSubprovider({ rpcUrl: 'http://localhost:8545', }); provider.addProvider(httpProvider); provider.start(); }); describe('success cases', () => { it('returns a list of accounts', (done: DoneCallback) => { const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_accounts', params: [], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: Web3.JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(response.result.length); expect(response.result[0]); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); it('signs a personal message', (done: DoneCallback) => { const messageHex = ethUtils.bufferToHex(ethUtils.toBuffer('hello world')); const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'personal_sign', params: [messageHex, '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: Web3.JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length expect(response.result)'0xa6cc284bff14b42bdf5e9286730c152be91719d478605ec46b3bebcd0ae491480652a1a7b742ceb0213d1e744316e285f41f878d8af0b8e632cbca4c279132d001'); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); it('signs a transaction', (done: DoneCallback) => { const tx = { to: '0xafa3f8684e54059998bc3a7b0d2b0da075154d66', value: '0x00', }; const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_signTransaction', params: [tx], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: Web3.JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(response.result.raw.length); expect(response.result.raw.substr(0, 2))'0x'); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); }); describe('failure cases', () => { it('should throw if `from` param missing when calling personal_sign', (done: DoneCallback) => { const messageHex = ethUtils.bufferToHex(ethUtils.toBuffer('hello world')); const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'personal_sign', params: [messageHex], // Missing from param id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: Web3.JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(err.message); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); it('should throw if `data` param not hex when calling personal_sign', (done: DoneCallback) => { const nonHexMessage = 'hello world'; const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'personal_sign', params: [nonHexMessage, '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: Web3.JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(err.message); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); it('should throw if `from` param missing when calling eth_sendTransaction', (done: DoneCallback) => { const tx = { to: '0xafa3f8684e54059998bc3a7b0d2b0da075154d66', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }; const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: [tx], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: Web3.JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(err.message); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); it('should throw if `from` param invalid address when calling eth_sendTransaction', (done: DoneCallback) => { const tx = { to: '0xafa3f8684e54059998bc3a7b0d2b0da075154d66', from: '0xIncorrectEthereumAddress', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }; const payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: [tx], id: 1, }; const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: Web3.JSONRPCResponsePayload) => { expect(err)'null'); expect(err.message); done(); }); provider.sendAsync(payload, callback); }); }); }); });