## v0.4.1 - _February 9, 2018_

    * Fix publishing issue where .npmignore was not properly excluding undesired content (#389)

## v0.4.0 - _February 7, 2018_

    * Added NonceTrackerSubprovider (#355)
    * InjectedWeb3Subprovider accepts a Provider in the constructor, previously it was a Web3 object (#363)

## v0.3.6 - _January 28, 2018_

    * Return a transaction hash from `_sendTransactionAsync` (#303)

## v0.3.0 - _December 28, 2017_

    * Allow LedgerSubprovider to handle `eth_sign` in addition to `personal_sign` RPC requests

## v0.2.0 - _December 20, 2017_

    * Improve the performance of address fetching (#271)