import { StructLog } from 'ethereum-types'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { constants } from './constants'; import { getTracesByContractAddress } from './trace'; import { TraceCollectionSubprovider } from './trace_collection_subprovider'; import { TraceInfo, TraceInfoExistingContract, TraceInfoNewContract } from './types'; // TraceInfoSubprovider is extended by subproviders which need to work with one // TraceInfo at a time. It has one abstract method: _handleTraceInfoAsync, which // is called for each TraceInfo. export abstract class TraceInfoSubprovider extends TraceCollectionSubprovider { protected abstract _handleTraceInfoAsync(traceInfo: TraceInfo): Promise; protected async _recordTxTraceAsync(address: string, data: string | undefined, txHash: string): Promise { await this._web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash, 0); // For very large traces we use a custom tracer that outputs a format compatible with a // regular trace. We only need the 2nd item on the stack when the instruction is a call. // By not including othe stack values, we severly limit the amount of data to be collectd. const tracer = '{' + ' data: [],' + ' step: function(log) {' + ' const op = log.op.toString();' + ' const opn = 0 | log.op.toNumber();' + ' const pc = 0 | log.getPC();' + ' const depth = 0 | log.getDepth();' + ' const gas = 0 | log.getGas();' + ' const isCall = opn == 0xf1 || opn == 0xf2 || opn == 0xf4 || opn == 0xf5;' + " const stack = isCall ? ['0x'+log.stack.peek(1).toString(16), null] : null;" + '{ pc, gas, depth, op, stack}); ' + ' },' + ' fault: function() { },' + ' result: function() { return {structLogs:}; }' + '}'; const trace = await this._web3Wrapper.getTransactionTraceAsync(txHash, { tracer, timeout: '600s' }); const tracesByContractAddress = getTracesByContractAddress(trace.structLogs, address); const subcallAddresses = _.keys(tracesByContractAddress); if (address === constants.NEW_CONTRACT) { for (const subcallAddress of subcallAddresses) { let traceInfo: TraceInfoNewContract | TraceInfoExistingContract; if (subcallAddress === 'NEW_CONTRACT') { const traceForThatSubcall = tracesByContractAddress[subcallAddress]; traceInfo = { subtrace: traceForThatSubcall, txHash, address: subcallAddress, bytecode: data as string, }; } else { const runtimeBytecode = await this._web3Wrapper.getContractCodeAsync(subcallAddress); const traceForThatSubcall = tracesByContractAddress[subcallAddress]; traceInfo = { subtrace: traceForThatSubcall, txHash, address: subcallAddress, runtimeBytecode, }; } await this._handleTraceInfoAsync(traceInfo); } } else { for (const subcallAddress of subcallAddresses) { const runtimeBytecode = await this._web3Wrapper.getContractCodeAsync(subcallAddress); const traceForThatSubcall = tracesByContractAddress[subcallAddress]; const traceInfo: TraceInfoExistingContract = { subtrace: traceForThatSubcall, txHash, address: subcallAddress, runtimeBytecode, }; await this._handleTraceInfoAsync(traceInfo); } } } }