import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { AbstractArtifactAdapter } from './artifact_adapters/abstract_artifact_adapter'; import { CoverageManager } from './coverage_manager'; import { TraceCollectionSubprovider } from './trace_collection_subprovider'; /** * This class implements the [web3-provider-engine]( subprovider interface. * It's used to compute your code coverage while running solidity tests. */ export class CoverageSubprovider extends TraceCollectionSubprovider { private _coverageManager: CoverageManager; /** * Instantiates a CoverageSubprovider instance * @param artifactAdapter Adapter for used artifacts format (0x, truffle, giveth, etc.) * @param defaultFromAddress default from address to use when sending transactions * @param isVerbose If true, we will log any unknown transactions. Otherwise we will ignore them */ constructor(artifactAdapter: AbstractArtifactAdapter, defaultFromAddress: string, isVerbose: boolean = true) { const traceCollectionSubproviderConfig = { shouldCollectTransactionTraces: true, shouldCollectGasEstimateTraces: true, shouldCollectCallTraces: true, }; super(defaultFromAddress, traceCollectionSubproviderConfig); this._coverageManager = new CoverageManager(artifactAdapter, isVerbose); } /** * Write the test coverage results to a file in Istanbul format. */ public async writeCoverageAsync(): Promise<void> { const traceInfos = this.getCollectedTraceInfos(); _.forEach(traceInfos, traceInfo => this._coverageManager.appendTraceInfo(traceInfo)); await this._coverageManager.writeCoverageAsync(); } }