import { assert } from '@0xproject/assert'; import { FallthroughResolver, FSResolver, NameResolver, NPMResolver, RelativeFSResolver, Resolver, URLResolver, } from '@0xproject/sol-resolver'; import { fetchAsync, logUtils } from '@0xproject/utils'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as requireFromString from 'require-from-string'; import * as semver from 'semver'; import solc = require('solc'); import { compilerOptionsSchema } from './schemas/compiler_options_schema'; import { binPaths } from './solc/bin_paths'; import { createDirIfDoesNotExistAsync, getContractArtifactIfExistsAsync, getNormalizedErrMsg, parseDependencies, parseSolidityVersionRange, } from './utils/compiler'; import { constants } from './utils/constants'; import { fsWrapper } from './utils/fs_wrapper'; import { CompilerOptions, ContractArtifact, ContractVersionData } from './utils/types'; import { utils } from './utils/utils'; type TYPE_ALL_FILES_IDENTIFIER = '*'; const ALL_CONTRACTS_IDENTIFIER = '*'; const ALL_FILES_IDENTIFIER = '*'; const SOLC_BIN_DIR = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'solc_bin'); const DEFAULT_CONTRACTS_DIR = path.resolve('contracts'); const DEFAULT_ARTIFACTS_DIR = path.resolve('artifacts'); // Solc compiler settings cannot be configured from the commandline. // If you need this configured, please create a `compiler.json` config file // with your desired configurations. const DEFAULT_COMPILER_SETTINGS: solc.CompilerSettings = { optimizer: { enabled: false, }, outputSelection: { [ALL_FILES_IDENTIFIER]: { [ALL_CONTRACTS_IDENTIFIER]: ['abi', 'evm.bytecode.object'], }, }, }; const CONFIG_FILE = 'compiler.json'; async function getSolcAsync( solcVersion: string, ): Promise<{ solcInstance: solc.SolcInstance; fullSolcVersion: string }> { const fullSolcVersion = binPaths[solcVersion]; const compilerBinFilename = path.join(SOLC_BIN_DIR, fullSolcVersion); let solcjs: string; const isCompilerAvailableLocally = fs.existsSync(compilerBinFilename); if (isCompilerAvailableLocally) { solcjs = fs.readFileSync(compilerBinFilename).toString(); } else { logUtils.log(`Downloading ${fullSolcVersion}...`); const url = `${constants.BASE_COMPILER_URL}${fullSolcVersion}`; const response = await fetchAsync(url); const SUCCESS_STATUS = 200; if (response.status !== SUCCESS_STATUS) { throw new Error(`Failed to load ${fullSolcVersion}`); } solcjs = await response.text(); fs.writeFileSync(compilerBinFilename, solcjs); } const solcInstance = solc.setupMethods(requireFromString(solcjs, compilerBinFilename)); return { solcInstance, fullSolcVersion }; } /** * The Compiler facilitates compiling Solidity smart contracts and saves the results * to artifact files. */ export class Compiler { private readonly _resolver: Resolver; private readonly _nameResolver: NameResolver; private readonly _contractsDir: string; private readonly _compilerSettings: solc.CompilerSettings; private readonly _artifactsDir: string; private readonly _solcVersionIfExists: string | undefined; private readonly _specifiedContracts: string[] | TYPE_ALL_FILES_IDENTIFIER; /** * Instantiates a new instance of the Compiler class. * @return An instance of the Compiler class. */ constructor(opts?: CompilerOptions) { assert.doesConformToSchema('opts', opts, compilerOptionsSchema); // TODO: Look for config file in parent directories if not found in current directory const config: CompilerOptions = fs.existsSync(CONFIG_FILE) ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(CONFIG_FILE).toString()) : {}; const passedOpts = opts || {}; assert.doesConformToSchema('compiler.json', config, compilerOptionsSchema); this._contractsDir = passedOpts.contractsDir || config.contractsDir || DEFAULT_CONTRACTS_DIR; this._solcVersionIfExists = passedOpts.solcVersion || config.solcVersion; this._compilerSettings = passedOpts.compilerSettings || config.compilerSettings || DEFAULT_COMPILER_SETTINGS; this._artifactsDir = passedOpts.artifactsDir || config.artifactsDir || DEFAULT_ARTIFACTS_DIR; this._specifiedContracts = passedOpts.contracts || config.contracts || ALL_CONTRACTS_IDENTIFIER; this._nameResolver = new NameResolver(path.resolve(this._contractsDir)); const resolver = new FallthroughResolver(); resolver.appendResolver(new URLResolver()); const packagePath = path.resolve(''); resolver.appendResolver(new NPMResolver(packagePath)); resolver.appendResolver(new RelativeFSResolver(this._contractsDir)); resolver.appendResolver(new FSResolver()); resolver.appendResolver(this._nameResolver); this._resolver = resolver; } /** * Compiles selected Solidity files found in `contractsDir` and writes JSON artifacts to `artifactsDir`. */ public async compileAsync(): Promise { await createDirIfDoesNotExistAsync(this._artifactsDir); await createDirIfDoesNotExistAsync(SOLC_BIN_DIR); let contractNamesToCompile: string[] = []; if (this._specifiedContracts === ALL_CONTRACTS_IDENTIFIER) { const allContracts = this._nameResolver.getAll(); contractNamesToCompile =, contractSource => path.basename(contractSource.path, constants.SOLIDITY_FILE_EXTENSION), ); } else { contractNamesToCompile = this._specifiedContracts; } for (const contractNameToCompile of contractNamesToCompile) { await this._compileContractAsync(contractNameToCompile); } } /** * Compiles contract and saves artifact to artifactsDir. * @param fileName Name of contract with '.sol' extension. */ private async _compileContractAsync(contractName: string): Promise { const contractSource = this._resolver.resolve(contractName); const absoluteContractPath = path.join(this._contractsDir, contractSource.path); const currentArtifactIfExists = await getContractArtifactIfExistsAsync(this._artifactsDir, contractName); const sourceTreeHashHex = `0x${this._getSourceTreeHash(absoluteContractPath).toString('hex')}`; let shouldCompile = false; if (_.isUndefined(currentArtifactIfExists)) { shouldCompile = true; } else { const currentArtifact = currentArtifactIfExists as ContractArtifact; const isUserOnLatestVersion = currentArtifact.schemaVersion === constants.LATEST_ARTIFACT_VERSION; const didCompilerSettingsChange = !_.isEqual(currentArtifact.compiler.settings, this._compilerSettings); const didSourceChange = currentArtifact.sourceTreeHashHex !== sourceTreeHashHex; shouldCompile = !isUserOnLatestVersion || didCompilerSettingsChange || didSourceChange; } if (!shouldCompile) { return; } let solcVersion = this._solcVersionIfExists; if (_.isUndefined(solcVersion)) { const solcVersionRange = parseSolidityVersionRange(contractSource.source); const availableCompilerVersions = _.keys(binPaths); solcVersion = semver.maxSatisfying(availableCompilerVersions, solcVersionRange); } const { solcInstance, fullSolcVersion } = await getSolcAsync(solcVersion); logUtils.log(`Compiling ${contractName} with Solidity v${solcVersion}...`); const standardInput: solc.StandardInput = { language: 'Solidity', sources: { [contractSource.path]: { content: contractSource.source, }, }, settings: this._compilerSettings, }; const compiled: solc.StandardOutput = this._compile(solcInstance, standardInput); const compiledData = compiled.contracts[contractSource.path][contractName]; if (_.isUndefined(compiledData)) { throw new Error( `Contract ${contractName} not found in ${ contractSource.path }. Please make sure your contract has the same name as it's file name`, ); } if (!_.isUndefined(compiledData.evm)) { if (!_.isUndefined(compiledData.evm.bytecode) && !_.isUndefined(compiledData.evm.bytecode.object)) { compiledData.evm.bytecode.object = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(compiledData.evm.bytecode.object); } if ( !_.isUndefined(compiledData.evm.deployedBytecode) && !_.isUndefined(compiledData.evm.deployedBytecode.object) ) { compiledData.evm.deployedBytecode.object = ethUtil.addHexPrefix( compiledData.evm.deployedBytecode.object, ); } } const sourceCodes = _.mapValues( compiled.sources, (_1, sourceFilePath) => this._resolver.resolve(sourceFilePath).source, ); const contractVersion: ContractVersionData = { compilerOutput: compiledData, sources: compiled.sources, sourceCodes, sourceTreeHashHex, compiler: { name: 'solc', version: fullSolcVersion, settings: this._compilerSettings, }, }; let newArtifact: ContractArtifact; if (!_.isUndefined(currentArtifactIfExists)) { const currentArtifact = currentArtifactIfExists as ContractArtifact; newArtifact = { ...currentArtifact, ...contractVersion, }; } else { newArtifact = { schemaVersion: constants.LATEST_ARTIFACT_VERSION, contractName, ...contractVersion, networks: {}, }; } const artifactString = utils.stringifyWithFormatting(newArtifact); const currentArtifactPath = `${this._artifactsDir}/${contractName}.json`; await fsWrapper.writeFileAsync(currentArtifactPath, artifactString); logUtils.log(`${contractName} artifact saved!`); } private _compile(solcInstance: solc.SolcInstance, standardInput: solc.StandardInput): solc.StandardOutput { const compiled: solc.StandardOutput = JSON.parse( solcInstance.compileStandardWrapper(JSON.stringify(standardInput), importPath => { const sourceCodeIfExists = this._resolver.resolve(importPath); return { contents: sourceCodeIfExists.source }; }), ); if (!_.isUndefined(compiled.errors)) { const SOLIDITY_WARNING = 'warning'; const errors = _.filter(compiled.errors, entry => entry.severity !== SOLIDITY_WARNING); const warnings = _.filter(compiled.errors, entry => entry.severity === SOLIDITY_WARNING); if (!_.isEmpty(errors)) { errors.forEach(error => { const normalizedErrMsg = getNormalizedErrMsg(error.formattedMessage || error.message); logUtils.log(; }); throw new Error("Compilation errors encountered"); } else { warnings.forEach(warning => { const normalizedWarningMsg = getNormalizedErrMsg(warning.formattedMessage || warning.message); logUtils.log(chalk.yellow(normalizedWarningMsg)); }); } } return compiled; } /** * Gets the source tree hash for a file and its dependencies. * @param fileName Name of contract file. */ private _getSourceTreeHash(importPath: string): Buffer { const contractSource = this._resolver.resolve(importPath); const dependencies = parseDependencies(contractSource); const sourceHash = ethUtil.sha3(contractSource.source); if (dependencies.length === 0) { return sourceHash; } else { const dependencySourceTreeHashes =, (dependency: string) => this._getSourceTreeHash(dependency), ); const sourceTreeHashesBuffer = Buffer.concat([sourceHash, ...dependencySourceTreeHashes]); const sourceTreeHash = ethUtil.sha3(sourceTreeHashesBuffer); return sourceTreeHash; } } }