// tslint:disable:no-console import { Connection, ConnectionOptions, createConnection, Repository } from 'typeorm'; import { CryptoCompareOHLCVSource } from '../data_sources/ohlcv_external/crypto_compare'; import { OHLCVExternal } from '../entities'; import * as ormConfig from '../ormconfig'; import { OHLCVMetadata, parseRecords } from '../parsers/ohlcv_external/crypto_compare'; import { handleError } from '../utils'; import { fetchOHLCVTradingPairsAsync, TradingPair } from '../utils/get_ohlcv_trading_pairs'; const SOURCE_NAME = 'CryptoCompare'; const TWO_HOURS_AGO = new Date().getTime() - 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // tslint:disable-line:custom-no-magic-numbers const ONE_HOUR_AGO = new Date().getTime() - 60 * 60 * 1000; // tslint:disable-line:custom-no-magic-numbers const ONE_SECOND = 1000; const MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS = parseInt(process.env.CRYPTOCOMPARE_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS || '14', 10); // tslint:disable-line:custom-no-magic-numbers const EARLIEST_BACKFILL_DATE = process.env.OHLCV_EARLIEST_BACKFILL_DATE || '2010-09-01'; // the time when BTC/USD info starts appearing on Crypto Compare const EARLIEST_BACKFILL_TIME = new Date(EARLIEST_BACKFILL_DATE).getTime(); let connection: Connection; (async () => { connection = await createConnection(ormConfig as ConnectionOptions); const repository = connection.getRepository(OHLCVExternal); const source = new CryptoCompareOHLCVSource(MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS); const jobTime = new Date().getTime(); const tradingPairs = await fetchOHLCVTradingPairsAsync(connection, SOURCE_NAME, EARLIEST_BACKFILL_TIME); console.log(`Starting ${tradingPairs.length} job(s) to scrape Crypto Compare for OHLCV records...`); const fetchAndSavePromises = tradingPairs.map(async pair => { const pairs = source.generateBackfillIntervals(pair); return fetchAndSaveAsync(source, repository, jobTime, pairs); }); await Promise.all(fetchAndSavePromises); console.log(`Finished scraping OHLCV records from Crypto Compare, exiting...`); process.exit(0); })().catch(handleError); async function fetchAndSaveAsync( source: CryptoCompareOHLCVSource, repository: Repository, jobTime: number, pairs: TradingPair[], ): Promise { const sortAscTimestamp = (a: TradingPair, b: TradingPair): number => { if (a.latestSavedTime < b.latestSavedTime) { return -1; } else if (a.latestSavedTime > b.latestSavedTime) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }; pairs.sort(sortAscTimestamp); let i = 0; while (i < pairs.length) { const pair = pairs[i]; if (pair.latestSavedTime > TWO_HOURS_AGO) { break; } const rawRecords = await source.getHourlyOHLCVAsync(pair); const records = rawRecords.filter(rec => { return rec.time * ONE_SECOND < ONE_HOUR_AGO && rec.time * ONE_SECOND > pair.latestSavedTime; }); // Crypto Compare can take ~30mins to finalise records if (records.length === 0) { console.log(`No more records, stopping task for ${JSON.stringify(pair)}`); break; } const metadata: OHLCVMetadata = { exchange: source.default_exchange, fromSymbol: pair.fromSymbol, toSymbol: pair.toSymbol, source: SOURCE_NAME, observedTimestamp: jobTime, interval: source.intervalBetweenRecords, }; const parsedRecords = parseRecords(records, metadata); try { await saveRecordsAsync(repository, parsedRecords); i++; } catch (err) { console.log(`Error saving OHLCVRecords, stopping task for ${JSON.stringify(pair)} [${err}]`); break; } } return Promise.resolve(); } async function saveRecordsAsync(repository: Repository, records: OHLCVExternal[]): Promise { const metadata = [ records[0].fromSymbol, records[0].toSymbol, new Date(records[0].startTime), new Date(records[records.length - 1].endTime), ]; console.log(`Saving ${records.length} records to ${repository.metadata.name}... ${JSON.stringify(metadata)}`); await repository.save(records); }