import { fetchAsync } from '@0x/utils'; const OASIS_BASE_URL = ''; const OASIS_MARKET_QUERY = `query { oasisMarkets(period: "1 week") { nodes { id base quote buyVol sellVol price high low } } }`; const OASIS_ORDERBOOK_QUERY = `query ($market: String!) { allOasisOrders(condition: { market: $market }) { totalCount nodes { market offerId price amount act } } }`; export const OASIS_SOURCE = 'oasis'; export interface OasisMarket { id: string; // market symbol e.g MKRDAI base: string; // base symbol e.g MKR quote: string; // quote symbol e.g DAI buyVol: number; // total buy volume (base) sellVol: number; // total sell volume (base) price: number; // volume weighted price (quote) high: number; // max sell price low: number; // min buy price } export interface OasisMarketResponse { data: { oasisMarkets: { nodes: OasisMarket[]; }; }; } export interface OasisOrder { offerId: number; // Offer Id market: string; // Market symbol (base/quote) price: string; // Offer price (quote) amount: string; // Offer amount (base) act: string; // Action (ask|bid) } export interface OasisOrderbookResponse { data: { allOasisOrders: { totalCount: number; nodes: OasisOrder[]; }; }; } // tslint:disable:prefer-function-over-method // ^ Keep consistency with other sources and help logical organization export class OasisSource { /** * Call Ddex API to find out which markets they are maintaining orderbooks for. */ public async getActiveMarketsAsync(): Promise { const params = { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: OASIS_MARKET_QUERY }), }; const resp = await fetchAsync(OASIS_BASE_URL, params); const respJson: OasisMarketResponse = await resp.json(); const markets =; return markets; } /** * Retrieve orderbook from Oasis API for a given market. * @param marketId String identifying the market we want data for. Eg. 'REPAUG'. */ public async getMarketOrderbookAsync(marketId: string): Promise { const input = { market: marketId, }; const params = { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: OASIS_ORDERBOOK_QUERY, variables: input }), }; const resp = await fetchAsync(OASIS_BASE_URL, params); const respJson: OasisOrderbookResponse = await resp.json(); return; } }