import { fetchAsync, logUtils } from '@0x/utils'; const DDEX_BASE_URL = ''; const ACTIVE_MARKETS_URL = `${DDEX_BASE_URL}/markets`; const NO_AGGREGATION_LEVEL = 3; // See const ORDERBOOK_ENDPOINT = `/orderbook?level=${NO_AGGREGATION_LEVEL}`; export const DDEX_SOURCE = 'ddex'; export interface DdexActiveMarketsResponse { status: number; desc: string; data: { markets: DdexMarket[]; }; } export interface DdexMarket { id: string; quoteToken: string; quoteTokenDecimals: number; quoteTokenAddress: string; baseToken: string; baseTokenDecimals: number; baseTokenAddress: string; minOrderSize: string; maxOrderSize: string; pricePrecision: number; priceDecimals: number; amountDecimals: number; } export interface DdexOrderbookResponse { status: number; desc: string; data: { orderBook: DdexOrderbook; }; } export interface DdexOrderbook { marketId: string; bids: DdexOrder[]; asks: DdexOrder[]; } export interface DdexOrder { price: string; amount: string; orderId: string; } // tslint:disable:prefer-function-over-method // ^ Keep consistency with other sources and help logical organization export class DdexSource { /** * Call Ddex API to find out which markets they are maintaining orderbooks for. */ public async getActiveMarketsAsync(): Promise { logUtils.log('Getting all active DDEX markets'); const resp = await fetchAsync(ACTIVE_MARKETS_URL); const respJson: DdexActiveMarketsResponse = await resp.json(); const markets =; logUtils.log(`Got ${markets.length} markets.`); return markets; } /** * Retrieve orderbook from Ddex API for a given market. * @param marketId String identifying the market we want data for. Eg. 'REP/AUG' */ public async getMarketOrderbookAsync(marketId: string): Promise { logUtils.log(`${marketId}: Retrieving orderbook.`); const marketOrderbookUrl = `${ACTIVE_MARKETS_URL}/${marketId}${ORDERBOOK_ENDPOINT}`; const resp = await fetchAsync(marketOrderbookUrl); const respJson: DdexOrderbookResponse = await resp.json(); return; } }