import { Order, SignatureType } from '@0xproject/types'; import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils'; import * as chai from 'chai'; import { JSONRPCErrorCallback, JSONRPCRequestPayload } from 'ethereum-types'; import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import 'mocha'; import { generatePseudoRandomSalt, orderHashUtils } from '../src'; import { constants } from '../src/constants'; import { signatureUtils } from '../src/signature_utils'; import { chaiSetup } from './utils/chai_setup'; import { provider, web3Wrapper } from './utils/web3_wrapper'; chaiSetup.configure(); const expect = chai.expect; describe('Signature utils', () => { let makerAddress: string; const fakeExchangeContractAddress = '0x1dc4c1cefef38a777b15aa20260a54e584b16c48'; let order: Order; before(async () => { const availableAddreses = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync(); makerAddress = availableAddreses[0]; order = { makerAddress, takerAddress: constants.NULL_ADDRESS, senderAddress: constants.NULL_ADDRESS, feeRecipientAddress: constants.NULL_ADDRESS, makerAssetData: constants.NULL_ADDRESS, takerAssetData: constants.NULL_ADDRESS, exchangeAddress: fakeExchangeContractAddress, salt: new BigNumber(0), makerFee: new BigNumber(0), takerFee: new BigNumber(0), makerAssetAmount: new BigNumber(0), takerAssetAmount: new BigNumber(0), expirationTimeSeconds: new BigNumber(0), }; }); describe('#isValidSignatureAsync', () => { let dataHex = '0x6927e990021d23b1eb7b8789f6a6feaf98fe104bb0cf8259421b79f9a34222b0'; const ethSignSignature = '0x1B61a3ed31b43c8780e905a260a35faefcc527be7516aa11c0256729b5b351bc3340349190569279751135161d22529dc25add4f6069af05be04cacbda2ace225403'; let address = '0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631'; it("should return false if the data doesn't pertain to the signature & address", async () => { const bytes32Zeros = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; expect( await signatureUtils.isValidSignatureAsync(provider, bytes32Zeros, ethSignSignature, address), ); }); it("should return false if the address doesn't pertain to the signature & data", async () => { const validUnrelatedAddress = '0x8b0292b11a196601ed2ce54b665cafeca0347d42'; expect( await signatureUtils.isValidSignatureAsync(provider, dataHex, ethSignSignature, validUnrelatedAddress), ); }); it("should return false if the signature doesn't pertain to the dataHex & address", async () => { const signatureArray = ethSignSignature.split(''); // tslint:disable-next-line:custom-no-magic-numbers signatureArray[5] = 'C'; // V = 28, instead of 27 const wrongSignature = signatureArray.join(''); expect( await signatureUtils.isValidSignatureAsync(provider, dataHex, wrongSignature, address), ); }); it('should throw if signatureType is invalid', () => { const signatureArray = ethSignSignature.split(''); signatureArray[3] = '9'; // SignatureType w/ index 9 doesn't exist const signatureWithInvalidType = signatureArray.join(''); expect( signatureUtils.isValidSignatureAsync(provider, dataHex, signatureWithInvalidType, address), ); }); it('should return true for a valid Ecrecover (EthSign) signature', async () => { const isValidSignatureLocal = await signatureUtils.isValidSignatureAsync( provider, dataHex, ethSignSignature, address, ); expect(isValidSignatureLocal); }); it('should return true for a valid EIP712 signature', async () => { dataHex = '0xa1d7403bcbbcd75ec233cfd6584ff8dabed677d0e9bb32c2bea94e9dd8a109da'; address = '0x6ecbe1db9ef729cbe972c83fb886247691fb6beb'; const eip712Signature = '0x1bdde07aac4bf12c12ddbb155919c43eba4146a2cfcf904a862950dbebe332554c6674975603eb5a4eaf8fd7f2e06350267e5b36cda9851a89f8bb49fe2fc9afe202'; const isValidSignatureLocal = await signatureUtils.isValidSignatureAsync( provider, dataHex, eip712Signature, address, ); expect(isValidSignatureLocal); }); }); describe('#isValidECSignature', () => { const signature = { v: 27, r: '0xaca7da997ad177f040240cdccf6905b71ab16b74434388c3a72f34fd25d64393', s: '0x46b2bac274ff29b48b3ea6e2d04c1336eaceafda3c53ab483fc3ff12fac3ebf2', }; const data = '0x47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad'; const address = '0x0e5cb767cce09a7f3ca594df118aa519be5e2b5a'; it("should return false if the data doesn't pertain to the signature & address", async () => { expect(signatureUtils.isValidECSignature('0x0', signature, address)); }); it("should return false if the address doesn't pertain to the signature & data", async () => { const validUnrelatedAddress = '0x8b0292b11a196601ed2ce54b665cafeca0347d42'; expect(signatureUtils.isValidECSignature(data, signature, validUnrelatedAddress)); }); it("should return false if the signature doesn't pertain to the data & address", async () => { const wrongSignature = _.assign({}, signature, { v: 28 }); expect(signatureUtils.isValidECSignature(data, wrongSignature, address)); }); it('should return true if the signature does pertain to the data & address', async () => { const isValidSignatureLocal = signatureUtils.isValidECSignature(data, signature, address); expect(isValidSignatureLocal); }); }); describe('#generateSalt', () => { it('generates different salts', () => { const isEqual = generatePseudoRandomSalt().eq(generatePseudoRandomSalt()); expect(isEqual); }); it('generates salt in range [0..2^256)', () => { const salt = generatePseudoRandomSalt(); expect(salt.greaterThanOrEqualTo(0)); // tslint:disable-next-line:custom-no-magic-numbers const twoPow256 = new BigNumber(2).pow(256); expect(salt.lessThan(twoPow256)); }); }); describe('#ecSignOrderAsync', () => { it('should default to eth_sign if eth_signTypedData is unavailable', async () => { const expectedSignature = '0x1c3582f06356a1314dbf1c0e534c4d8e92e59b056ee607a7ff5a825f5f2cc5e6151c5cc7fdd420f5608e4d5bef108e42ad90c7a4b408caef32e24374cf387b0d7603'; const fakeProvider = { async sendAsync(payload: JSONRPCRequestPayload, callback: JSONRPCErrorCallback): Promise { if (payload.method === 'eth_signTypedData') { callback(new Error('Internal RPC Error')); } else if (payload.method === 'eth_sign') { const [address, message] = payload.params; const signature = await web3Wrapper.signMessageAsync(address, message); callback(null, { id: 42, jsonrpc: '2.0', result: signature, }); } else { callback(null, { id: 42, jsonrpc: '2.0', result: [makerAddress] }); } }, }; const signedOrder = await signatureUtils.ecSignOrderAsync(fakeProvider, order, makerAddress); expect(signedOrder.signature).to.equal(expectedSignature); }); it('should throw if the user denies the signing request', async () => { const fakeProvider = { async sendAsync(payload: JSONRPCRequestPayload, callback: JSONRPCErrorCallback): Promise { if (payload.method === 'eth_signTypedData') { callback(new Error('User denied message signature')); } else if (payload.method === 'eth_sign') { const [address, message] = payload.params; const signature = await web3Wrapper.signMessageAsync(address, message); callback(null, { id: 42, jsonrpc: '2.0', result: signature, }); } else { callback(null, { id: 42, jsonrpc: '2.0', result: [makerAddress] }); } }, }; expect(signatureUtils.ecSignOrderAsync(fakeProvider, order, makerAddress)) 'User denied message signature', ); }); }); describe('#ecSignHashAsync', () => { before(async () => { const availableAddreses = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync(); makerAddress = availableAddreses[0]; }); it('should return the correct Signature', async () => { const orderHash = '0x6927e990021d23b1eb7b8789f6a6feaf98fe104bb0cf8259421b79f9a34222b0'; const expectedSignature = '0x1b61a3ed31b43c8780e905a260a35faefcc527be7516aa11c0256729b5b351bc3340349190569279751135161d22529dc25add4f6069af05be04cacbda2ace225403'; const ecSignature = await signatureUtils.ecSignHashAsync(provider, orderHash, makerAddress); expect(ecSignature).to.equal(expectedSignature); }); it('should return the correct Signature for signatureHex concatenated as R + S + V', async () => { const orderHash = '0x34decbedc118904df65f379a175bb39ca18209d6ce41d5ed549d54e6e0a95004'; const expectedSignature = '0x1b117902c86dfb95fe0d1badd983ee166ad259b27acb220174cbb4460d872871137feabdfe76e05924b484789f79af4ee7fa29ec006cedce1bbf369320d034e10b03'; const fakeProvider = { async sendAsync(payload: JSONRPCRequestPayload, callback: JSONRPCErrorCallback): Promise { if (payload.method === 'eth_sign') { const [address, message] = payload.params; expect(message).to.equal(orderHash); const signature = await web3Wrapper.signMessageAsync(address, message); // tslint:disable-next-line:custom-no-magic-numbers const rsvHex = `0x${signature.substr(130)}${signature.substr(2, 128)}`; callback(null, { id: 42, jsonrpc: '2.0', result: rsvHex, }); } else { callback(null, { id: 42, jsonrpc: '2.0', result: [makerAddress] }); } }, }; const ecSignature = await signatureUtils.ecSignHashAsync(fakeProvider, orderHash, makerAddress); expect(ecSignature).to.equal(expectedSignature); }); it('should return the correct Signature for signatureHex concatenated as V + R + S', async () => { const orderHash = '0x34decbedc118904df65f379a175bb39ca18209d6ce41d5ed549d54e6e0a95004'; const expectedSignature = '0x1b117902c86dfb95fe0d1badd983ee166ad259b27acb220174cbb4460d872871137feabdfe76e05924b484789f79af4ee7fa29ec006cedce1bbf369320d034e10b03'; const fakeProvider = { async sendAsync(payload: JSONRPCRequestPayload, callback: JSONRPCErrorCallback): Promise { if (payload.method === 'eth_sign') { const [address, message] = payload.params; const signature = await web3Wrapper.signMessageAsync(address, message); callback(null, { id: 42, jsonrpc: '2.0', result: signature, }); } else { callback(null, { id: 42, jsonrpc: '2.0', result: [makerAddress] }); } }, }; const ecSignature = await signatureUtils.ecSignHashAsync(fakeProvider, orderHash, makerAddress); expect(ecSignature).to.equal(expectedSignature); }); it('should return a valid signature', async () => { const orderHash = '0x34decbedc118904df65f379a175bb39ca18209d6ce41d5ed549d54e6e0a95004'; const ecSignature = await signatureUtils.ecSignHashAsync(provider, orderHash, makerAddress); const isValidSignature = await signatureUtils.isValidSignatureAsync( provider, orderHash, ecSignature, makerAddress, ); expect(isValidSignature); }); }); describe('#ecSignTypedDataOrderAsync', () => { it('should result in the same signature as signing the order hash without an ethereum message prefix', async () => { // Note: Since order hash is an EIP712 hash the result of a valid EIP712 signature // of order hash is the same as signing the order without the Ethereum Message prefix. const orderHashHex = orderHashUtils.getOrderHashHex(order); const sig = ethUtil.ecsign( ethUtil.toBuffer(orderHashHex), Buffer.from('F2F48EE19680706196E2E339E5DA3491186E0C4C5030670656B0E0164837257D', 'hex'), ); const signatureBuffer = Buffer.concat([ ethUtil.toBuffer(sig.v), ethUtil.toBuffer(sig.r), ethUtil.toBuffer(sig.s), ethUtil.toBuffer(SignatureType.EIP712), ]); const signatureHex = `0x${signatureBuffer.toString('hex')}`; const signedOrder = await signatureUtils.ecSignTypedDataOrderAsync(provider, order, makerAddress); const isValidSignature = await signatureUtils.isValidSignatureAsync( provider, orderHashHex, signedOrder.signature, makerAddress, ); expect(signatureHex).to.eq(signedOrder.signature); expect(isValidSignature).to.eq(true); }); it('should return the correct Signature for signatureHex concatenated as R + S + V', async () => { const expectedSignature = '0x1cd472c439833774b55d248c31b6585f21aea1b9363ebb4ec58549e46b62eb5a6f696f5781f62de008ee7f77650ef940d99c97ec1dee67b3f5cea1bbfdfeb2eba602'; const fakeProvider = { async sendAsync(payload: JSONRPCRequestPayload, callback: JSONRPCErrorCallback): Promise { if (payload.method === 'eth_signTypedData') { const [address, typedData] = payload.params; const signature = await web3Wrapper.signTypedDataAsync(address, typedData); callback(null, { id: 42, jsonrpc: '2.0', result: signature, }); } else { callback(null, { id: 42, jsonrpc: '2.0', result: [makerAddress] }); } }, }; const signedOrder = await signatureUtils.ecSignTypedDataOrderAsync(fakeProvider, order, makerAddress); expect(signedOrder.signature).to.equal(expectedSignature); }); }); describe('#convertECSignatureToSignatureHex', () => { const ecSignature: ECSignature = { v: 27, r: '0xaca7da997ad177f040240cdccf6905b71ab16b74434388c3a72f34fd25d64393', s: '0x46b2bac274ff29b48b3ea6e2d04c1336eaceafda3c53ab483fc3ff12fac3ebf2', }; it('should concatenate v,r,s and append the EthSign signature type', async () => { const expectedSignatureWithSignatureType = '0x1baca7da997ad177f040240cdccf6905b71ab16b74434388c3a72f34fd25d6439346b2bac274ff29b48b3ea6e2d04c1336eaceafda3c53ab483fc3ff12fac3ebf203'; const signatureWithSignatureType = signatureUtils.convertECSignatureToSignatureHex(ecSignature); expect(signatureWithSignatureType).to.equal(expectedSignatureWithSignatureType); }); }); });