import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils'; import * as chai from 'chai'; import 'mocha'; import { OrderValidationUtils } from '../src/order_validation_utils'; import { chaiSetup } from './utils/chai_setup'; chaiSetup.configure(); const expect = chai.expect; describe('OrderValidationUtils', () => { describe('#isRoundingError', () => { it('should return false if there is a rounding error of 0.1%', async () => { const numerator = new BigNumber(20); const denominator = new BigNumber(999); const target = new BigNumber(50); // rounding error = ((20*50/999) - floor(20*50/999)) / (20*50/999) = 0.1% const isRoundingError = OrderValidationUtils.isRoundingErrorFloor(numerator, denominator, target); expect(isRoundingError); }); it('should return false if there is a rounding of 0.09%', async () => { const numerator = new BigNumber(20); const denominator = new BigNumber(9991); const target = new BigNumber(500); // rounding error = ((20*500/9991) - floor(20*500/9991)) / (20*500/9991) = 0.09% const isRoundingError = OrderValidationUtils.isRoundingErrorFloor(numerator, denominator, target); expect(isRoundingError); }); it('should return true if there is a rounding error of 0.11%', async () => { const numerator = new BigNumber(20); const denominator = new BigNumber(9989); const target = new BigNumber(500); // rounding error = ((20*500/9989) - floor(20*500/9989)) / (20*500/9989) = 0.011% const isRoundingError = OrderValidationUtils.isRoundingErrorFloor(numerator, denominator, target); expect(isRoundingError); }); it('should return true if there is a rounding error > 0.1%', async () => { const numerator = new BigNumber(3); const denominator = new BigNumber(7); const target = new BigNumber(10); // rounding error = ((3*10/7) - floor(3*10/7)) / (3*10/7) = 6.67% const isRoundingError = OrderValidationUtils.isRoundingErrorFloor(numerator, denominator, target); expect(isRoundingError); }); it('should return false when there is no rounding error', async () => { const numerator = new BigNumber(1); const denominator = new BigNumber(2); const target = new BigNumber(10); const isRoundingError = OrderValidationUtils.isRoundingErrorFloor(numerator, denominator, target); expect(isRoundingError); }); it('should return false when there is rounding error <= 0.1%', async () => { // randomly generated numbers const numerator = new BigNumber(76564); const denominator = new BigNumber(676373677); const target = new BigNumber(105762562); // rounding error = ((76564*105762562/676373677) - floor(76564*105762562/676373677)) / // (76564*105762562/676373677) = 0.0007% const isRoundingError = OrderValidationUtils.isRoundingErrorFloor(numerator, denominator, target); expect(isRoundingError); }); }); });