import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils'; export enum OrderError { InvalidSignature = 'INVALID_SIGNATURE', } export enum TradeSide { Maker = 'maker', Taker = 'taker', } export enum TransferType { Trade = 'trade', Fee = 'fee', } export interface EIP712Parameter { name: string; type: EIP712Types; } export interface EIP712Schema { name: string; parameters: EIP712Parameter[]; } export enum EIP712Types { Address = 'address', Bytes = 'bytes', Bytes32 = 'bytes32', String = 'string', Uint256 = 'uint256', } export interface CreateOrderOpts { takerAddress?: string; senderAddress?: string; makerFee?: BigNumber; takerFee?: BigNumber; feeRecipientAddress?: string; salt?: BigNumber; expirationTimeSeconds?: BigNumber; } /** * remainingFillableMakerAssetAmount: An array of BigNumbers corresponding to the `orders` parameter. * You can use `OrderStateUtils` `@0xproject/order-utils` to perform blockchain lookups for these values. * Defaults to `makerAssetAmount` values from the orders param. * slippageBufferAmount: An additional amount of makerAsset to be covered by the result in case of trade collisions or partial fills. * Defaults to 0 */ export interface FindOrdersThatCoverMakerAssetFillAmountOpts { remainingFillableMakerAssetAmounts?: BigNumber[]; slippageBufferAmount?: BigNumber; } /** * remainingFillableMakerAssetAmount: An array of BigNumbers corresponding to the `orders` parameter. * You can use `OrderStateUtils` `@0xproject/order-utils` to perform blockchain lookups for these values. * Defaults to `makerAssetAmount` values from the orders param. * remainingFillableFeeAmounts: An array of BigNumbers corresponding to the feeOrders parameter. * You can use OrderStateUtils @0xproject/order-utils to perform blockchain lookups for these values. * Defaults to `makerAssetAmount` values from the feeOrders param. * slippageBufferAmount: An additional amount of fee to be covered by the result in case of trade collisions or partial fills. * Defaults to 0 */ export interface FindFeeOrdersThatCoverFeesForTargetOrdersOpts { remainingFillableMakerAssetAmounts?: BigNumber[]; remainingFillableFeeAmounts?: BigNumber[]; slippageBufferAmount?: BigNumber; } export interface FeeOrdersAndRemainingFeeAmount { resultOrders: T[]; remainingFeeAmount: BigNumber; } export interface OrdersAndRemainingFillAmount { resultOrders: T[]; remainingFillAmount: BigNumber; }