import { AssetProxyId, ERC20AssetData, ERC721AssetData } from '@0xproject/types'; import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils'; import BN = require('bn.js'); import ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util'); import { constants } from './constants'; // TODO: Push upstream to DefinitelyTyped interface EthAbi { simpleEncode(signature: string, ...args: any[]): Buffer; rawDecode(signature: string[], data: Buffer): any[]; } // tslint:disable:no-var-requires const ethAbi = require('ethereumjs-abi') as EthAbi; export const assetProxyUtils = { encodeAssetProxyId(assetProxyId: AssetProxyId): Buffer { return ethUtil.toBuffer(assetProxyId); }, decodeAssetProxyId(encodedAssetProxyId: Buffer): AssetProxyId { const hexString = ethUtil.bufferToHex(encodedAssetProxyId); if (hexString === AssetProxyId.ERC20) { return AssetProxyId.ERC20; } if (hexString === AssetProxyId.ERC721) { return AssetProxyId.ERC721; } throw new Error(`Invalid ProxyId: ${hexString}`); }, encodeAddress(address: string): Buffer { if (!ethUtil.isValidAddress(address)) { throw new Error(`Invalid Address: ${address}`); } const encodedAddress = ethUtil.toBuffer(address); const padded = ethUtil.setLengthLeft(encodedAddress, constants.WORD_LENGTH); return padded; }, decodeAddress(encodedAddress: Buffer): string { const unpadded = ethUtil.setLengthLeft(encodedAddress, constants.ADDRESS_LENGTH); const address = ethUtil.bufferToHex(unpadded); if (!ethUtil.isValidAddress(address)) { throw new Error(`Invalid Address: ${address}`); } return address; }, encodeUint256(value: BigNumber): Buffer { const base = 10; const formattedValue = new BN(value.toString(base)); const encodedValue = ethUtil.toBuffer(formattedValue); // tslint:disable-next-line:custom-no-magic-numbers const paddedValue = ethUtil.setLengthLeft(encodedValue, constants.WORD_LENGTH); return paddedValue; }, decodeUint256(encodedValue: Buffer): BigNumber { const formattedValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(encodedValue); const value = new BigNumber(formattedValue, constants.BASE_16); return value; }, encodeERC20AssetData(tokenAddress: string): string { return ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethAbi.simpleEncode('ERC20Token(address)', tokenAddress)); }, decodeERC20AssetData(assetData: string): ERC20AssetData { const data = ethUtil.toBuffer(assetData); if (data.byteLength < constants.ERC20_ASSET_DATA_BYTE_LENGTH) { throw new Error( `Could not decode ERC20 Proxy Data. Expected length of encoded data to be at least ${ constants.ERC20_ASSET_DATA_BYTE_LENGTH }. Got ${data.byteLength}`, ); } const assetProxyId = ethUtil.bufferToHex(data.slice(0, constants.SELECTOR_LENGTH)); if (assetProxyId !== AssetProxyId.ERC20) { throw new Error( `Could not decode ERC20 Proxy Data. Expected Asset Proxy Id to be ERC20 (${ AssetProxyId.ERC20 }), but got ${assetProxyId}`, ); } const [tokenAddress] = ethAbi.rawDecode(['address'], data.slice(constants.SELECTOR_LENGTH)); return { assetProxyId, tokenAddress: ethUtil.addHexPrefix(tokenAddress), }; }, encodeERC721AssetData(tokenAddress: string, tokenId: BigNumber, receiverData?: string): string { // TODO: Pass `tokendId` as a BigNumber. return ethUtil.bufferToHex( ethAbi.simpleEncode( 'ERC721Token(address,uint256,bytes)', tokenAddress, `0x${tokenId.toString(constants.BASE_16)}`, ethUtil.toBuffer(receiverData || '0x'), ), ); }, decodeERC721AssetData(assetData: string): ERC721AssetData { const data = ethUtil.toBuffer(assetData); if (data.byteLength < constants.ERC721_ASSET_DATA_MINIMUM_BYTE_LENGTH) { throw new Error( `Could not decode ERC721 Asset Data. Expected length of encoded data to be at least ${ constants.ERC721_ASSET_DATA_MINIMUM_BYTE_LENGTH }. Got ${data.byteLength}`, ); } const assetProxyId = ethUtil.bufferToHex(data.slice(0, constants.SELECTOR_LENGTH)); if (assetProxyId !== AssetProxyId.ERC721) { throw new Error( `Could not decode ERC721 Asset Data. Expected Asset Proxy Id to be ERC721 (${ AssetProxyId.ERC721 }), but got ${assetProxyId}`, ); } const [tokenAddress, tokenId, receiverData] = ethAbi.rawDecode( ['address', 'uint256', 'bytes'], data.slice(constants.SELECTOR_LENGTH), ); return { assetProxyId, tokenAddress: ethUtil.addHexPrefix(tokenAddress), tokenId: new BigNumber(tokenId.toString()), receiverData: ethUtil.bufferToHex(receiverData), }; }, decodeAssetDataId(assetData: string): AssetProxyId { const encodedAssetData = ethUtil.toBuffer(assetData); if (encodedAssetData.byteLength < constants.SELECTOR_LENGTH) { throw new Error( `Could not decode Proxy Data. Expected length of encoded data to be at least 4. Got ${ encodedAssetData.byteLength }`, ); } const encodedAssetProxyId = encodedAssetData.slice(0, constants.SELECTOR_LENGTH); const assetProxyId = assetProxyUtils.decodeAssetProxyId(encodedAssetProxyId); return assetProxyId; }, decodeAssetDataOrThrow(assetData: string): ERC20AssetData | ERC721AssetData { const assetProxyId = assetProxyUtils.decodeAssetDataId(assetData); switch (assetProxyId) { case AssetProxyId.ERC20: const erc20AssetData = assetProxyUtils.decodeERC20AssetData(assetData); return erc20AssetData; case AssetProxyId.ERC721: const erc721AssetData = assetProxyUtils.decodeERC721AssetData(assetData); return erc721AssetData; default: throw new Error(`Unrecognized asset proxy id: ${assetProxyId}`); } }, };