<!-- changelogUtils.file is auto-generated using the monorepo-scripts package. Don't edit directly. Edit the package's CHANGELOG.json file only. --> CHANGELOG ## v1.0.1-rc.1 - _July 26, 2018_ * Dependencies updated ## v1.0.0 - _July 23, 2018_ * Dependencies updated ## v1.0.0-rc.2 - _July 23, 2018_ * Upgrade ethereumjs-abi dep including a fix so that addresses starting with 0 are properly decoded by `decodeERC20AssetData` ## v1.0.0-rc.1 - _July 20, 2018_ * Refactor to work with V2 of 0x protocol (#636) * Export parseECSignature method (#684) * Handle Typed Arrays when hashing data (#894) ## v0.0.9 - _July 18, 2018_ * Dependencies updated ## v0.0.8 - _July 9, 2018_ * Dependencies updated ## v0.0.7 - _June 19, 2018_ * Dependencies updated ## v0.0.6 - _May 29, 2018_ * Dependencies updated ## v0.0.5 - _May 22, 2018_ * Add orderStateUtils, a module for computing order state needed to decide if an order is still valid ## v0.0.4 - _May 5, 2018_ * Dependencies updated ## v0.0.3 - _May 4, 2018_ * Dependencies updated ## v0.0.2 - _May 4, 2018_ * Dependencies updated