import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { constants } from '../constants'; import { utils } from './utils'; import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import { exec as execAsync } from 'promisify-child-process'; import * as ts from 'typescript'; import { ExportPathToExportedItems } from '../types'; interface ExportInfo { exportPathToExportedItems: ExportPathToExportedItems; exportPathOrder: string[]; } interface ExportNameToTypedocNames { [exportName: string]: string[]; } export async function generateAndUploadDocsAsync(packageName: string, isStaging: boolean): Promise { const monorepoPackages = utils.getPackages(constants.monorepoRootPath); const pkg = _.find(monorepoPackages, monorepoPackage => { return _.includes(, packageName); }); if (_.isUndefined(pkg)) { throw new Error(`Couldn't find a package.json for ${packageName}`); } const packageJson = pkg.packageJson; const omitExports = _.get(packageJson, 'config.postpublish.omitExports', []); const pathToPackage = `${constants.monorepoRootPath}/packages/${packageName}`; const indexPath = `${pathToPackage}/src/index.ts`; const { exportPathToExportedItems, exportPathOrder } = getExportPathToExportedItems(indexPath, omitExports); const shouldPublishDocs = !!_.get(packageJson, 'config.postpublish.shouldPublishDocs'); if (!shouldPublishDocs) { utils.log( `GENERATE_UPLOAD_DOCS: ${ } packageJson.config.postpublish.shouldPublishDocs is false. Skipping doc JSON generation.`, ); return; } const pkgNameToPath: { [name: string]: string } = {}; _.each(monorepoPackages, pkg => { pkgNameToPath[] = pkg.location; }); // For each dep that is another one of our monorepo packages, we fetch it's index.ts // and see which specific files we must pass to TypeDoc. let typeDocExtraFileIncludes: string[] = []; _.each(exportPathToExportedItems, (exportedItems, exportPath) => { const isInternalToPkg = _.startsWith(exportPath, '.'); if (isInternalToPkg) { const pathToInternalPkg = path.join(pathToPackage, 'src', `${exportPath}.ts`); typeDocExtraFileIncludes.push(pathToInternalPkg); return; // Right? } const pathIfExists = pkgNameToPath[exportPath]; if (_.isUndefined(pathIfExists)) { return; // It's an external package } const typeDocSourceIncludes = new Set(); const pathToIndex = `${pathIfExists}/src/index.ts`; const exportInfo = getExportPathToExportedItems(pathToIndex); const innerExportPathToExportedItems = exportInfo.exportPathToExportedItems; _.each(exportedItems, exportName => { _.each(innerExportPathToExportedItems, (innerExportItems, innerExportPath) => { if (!_.includes(innerExportItems, exportName)) { return; } if (!_.startsWith(innerExportPath, './')) { throw new Error( `GENERATE_UPLOAD_DOCS: WARNING - ${packageName} is exporting one of ${innerExportItems} which is itself exported from an external package. To fix this, export the external dependency directly, not indirectly through ${innerExportPath}.`, ); } else { const absoluteSrcPath = path.join(pathIfExists, 'src', `${innerExportPath}.ts`); typeDocSourceIncludes.add(absoluteSrcPath); } }); }); // @0xproject/types & ethereum-types are examples of packages where their index.ts exports types // directly, meaning no internal paths will exist to follow. Other packages also have direct exports // in their index.ts, so we always add it to the source files passed to TypeDoc if (typeDocSourceIncludes.size === 0) { typeDocSourceIncludes.add(pathToIndex); } typeDocExtraFileIncludes = [...typeDocExtraFileIncludes, ...Array.from(typeDocSourceIncludes)]; }); // Generate Typedoc JSON file typeDocExtraFileIncludes.push(path.join(pathToPackage, 'src', 'globals.d.ts')); const jsonFilePath = path.join(pathToPackage, 'generated_docs', 'index.json'); const projectFiles = typeDocExtraFileIncludes.join(' '); const cwd = path.join(constants.monorepoRootPath, 'packages', packageName); // HACK: For some reason calling `typedoc` command directly from here, even with `cwd` set to the // packages root dir, does not work. It only works when called via a `package.json` script located // in the package's root. await execAsync(`JSON_FILE_PATH=${jsonFilePath} PROJECT_FILES="${projectFiles}" yarn docs:json`, { cwd, }); // Unfortunately TypeDoc children names will only be prefixed with the name of the package _if_ we passed // TypeDoc files outside of the packages root path (i.e this package exports another package found in our // monorepo). In order to enforce that the names are always prefixed with the package's name, we check and add // it here when necessary. const typedocOutputString = readFileSync(jsonFilePath).toString(); const typedocOutput = JSON.parse(typedocOutputString); const finalTypeDocOutput = _.clone(typedocOutput); _.each(typedocOutput.children, (child, i) => { if (!_.includes(, '/src/')) { const nameWithoutQuotes ="/g, ''); const standardizedName = `"${packageName}/src/${nameWithoutQuotes}"`; finalTypeDocOutput.children[i].name = standardizedName; } }); // For each entry, see if it was exported in index.ts. If not, remove it. const exportPathToTypedocNames: ExportNameToTypedocNames = {}; _.each(typedocOutput.children, (file, i) => { const exportPath = findExportPathGivenTypedocName(exportPathToExportedItems, packageName,; exportPathToTypedocNames[exportPath] = _.isUndefined(exportPathToTypedocNames[exportPath]) ? [] : [...exportPathToTypedocNames[exportPath],]; const exportItems = exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath]; _.each(file.children, (child, j) => { if (!_.includes(exportItems, { delete finalTypeDocOutput.children[i].children[j]; } }); finalTypeDocOutput.children[i].children = _.compact(finalTypeDocOutput.children[i].children); }); // TODO: Add extra metadata for Class properties that are class instances // Look in file for imports of that class, get the import name and construct a link to // it's definition on another docs page. // Since we need additional metadata included in the doc JSON, we nest the TypeDoc JSON const docJson = { metadata: { exportPathToTypedocNames, exportPathOrder, }, typedocJson: finalTypeDocOutput, }; // Write modified TypeDoc JSON, without all the unexported stuff writeFileSync(jsonFilePath, JSON.stringify(docJson, null, 2)); const fileName = `v${packageJson.version}.json`; utils.log(`GENERATE_UPLOAD_DOCS: Doc generation successful, uploading docs... as ${fileName}`); const S3BucketPath = isStaging ? `s3://staging-doc-jsons/${packageName}/` : `s3://doc-jsons/${packageName}/`; const s3Url = `${S3BucketPath}${fileName}`; await execAsync( `aws s3 cp ${jsonFilePath} ${s3Url} --profile 0xproject --grants read=uri= --content-type application/json`, { cwd, }, ); utils.log(`GENERATE_UPLOAD_DOCS: Docs uploaded to S3 bucket: ${S3BucketPath}`); // Remove the generated docs directory await execAsync(`rm -rf ${jsonFilePath}`, { cwd, }); } function findExportPathGivenTypedocName( exportPathToExportedItems: ExportPathToExportedItems, packageName: string, typedocName: string, ): string { const typeDocNameWithoutQuotes = _.replace(typedocName, /"/g, ''); const sanitizedExportPathToExportPath: { [sanitizedName: string]: string } = {}; const exportPaths = _.keys(exportPathToExportedItems); const sanitizedExportPaths =, exportPath => { if (_.startsWith(exportPath, './')) { const sanitizedExportPath = path.join(packageName, 'src', exportPath); sanitizedExportPathToExportPath[sanitizedExportPath] = exportPath; return sanitizedExportPath; } const monorepoPrefix = '@0xproject/'; if (_.startsWith(exportPath, monorepoPrefix)) { const sanitizedExportPath = exportPath.split(monorepoPrefix)[1]; sanitizedExportPathToExportPath[sanitizedExportPath] = exportPath; return sanitizedExportPath; } sanitizedExportPathToExportPath[exportPath] = exportPath; return exportPath; }); // We need to sort the exportPaths by length (longest first), so that the match finding will pick // longer matches before shorter matches, since it might match both, but the longer match is more // precisely what we are looking for. const sanitizedExportPathsSortedByLength = sanitizedExportPaths.sort((a: string, b: string) => { return b.length - a.length; }); const matchingSanitizedExportPathIfExists = _.find(sanitizedExportPathsSortedByLength, p => { return _.startsWith(typeDocNameWithoutQuotes, p); }); if (_.isUndefined(matchingSanitizedExportPathIfExists)) { throw new Error(`Didn't find an exportPath for ${typeDocNameWithoutQuotes}`); } const matchingExportPath = sanitizedExportPathToExportPath[matchingSanitizedExportPathIfExists]; return matchingExportPath; } function getExportPathToExportedItems(filePath: string, omitExports?: string[]): ExportInfo { const sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile( 'indexFile', readFileSync(filePath).toString(), ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017, /*setParentNodes */ true, ); const exportInfo = _getExportPathToExportedItems(sourceFile, omitExports); return exportInfo; } function _getExportPathToExportedItems(sf: ts.SourceFile, omitExports?: string[]): ExportInfo { const exportPathToExportedItems: ExportPathToExportedItems = {}; const exportPathOrder: string[] = []; const exportsToOmit = _.isUndefined(omitExports) ? [] : omitExports; processNode(sf); function processNode(node: ts.Node): void { switch (node.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration: { const exportClause = (node as any).exportClause; const exportPath = exportClause.parent.moduleSpecifier.text; _.each(exportClause.elements, element => { const exportItem =; if (!_.includes(exportsToOmit, exportItem)) { exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath] = _.isUndefined(exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath]) ? [exportItem] : [...exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath], exportItem]; } }); if (!_.isUndefined(exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath])) { exportPathOrder.push(exportPath); } break; } case ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword: { const foundNode: any = node; const exportPath = './index'; if (foundNode.parent && { const exportItem =; if (!_.includes(exportsToOmit, exportItem)) { exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath] = _.isUndefined(exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath]) ? [exportItem] : [...exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath], exportItem]; } } if (!_.includes(exportPathOrder, exportPath) && !_.isUndefined(exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath])) { exportPathOrder.push(exportPath); } break; } default: // noop break; } ts.forEachChild(node, processNode); } const exportInfo = { exportPathToExportedItems, exportPathOrder, }; return exportInfo; }