#!/usr/bin/env node import * as promisify from 'es6-promisify'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as moment from 'moment'; import opn = require('opn'); import { exec as execAsync, spawn } from 'promisify-child-process'; import * as prompt from 'prompt'; import semver = require('semver'); import semverDiff = require('semver-diff'); import semverSort = require('semver-sort'); import { constants } from './constants'; import { Package, PackageToVersionChange, SemVerIndex, VersionChangelog } from './types'; import { changelogUtils } from './utils/changelog_utils'; import { utils } from './utils/utils'; const DOC_GEN_COMMAND = 'docs:json'; const NPM_NAMESPACE = '@0xproject/'; const IS_DRY_RUN = process.env.IS_DRY_RUN === 'true'; const TODAYS_TIMESTAMP = moment().unix(); const packageNameToWebsitePath: { [name: string]: string } = { '0x.js': '0xjs', 'web3-wrapper': 'web3_wrapper', contracts: 'contracts', connect: 'connect', 'json-schemas': 'json-schemas', 'sol-compiler': 'sol-compiler', 'sol-cov': 'sol-cov', subproviders: 'subproviders', 'order-utils': 'order-utils', 'ethereum-types': 'ethereum-types', }; (async () => { // Fetch public, updated Lerna packages const shouldIncludePrivate = false; const updatedPublicPackages = await utils.getUpdatedPackagesAsync(shouldIncludePrivate); await confirmDocPagesRenderAsync(updatedPublicPackages); // Update CHANGELOGs const updatedPublicPackageNames = _.map(updatedPublicPackages, pkg => pkg.packageJson.name); utils.log(`Will update CHANGELOGs and publish: \n${updatedPublicPackageNames.join('\n')}\n`); const packageToVersionChange = await updateChangeLogsAsync(updatedPublicPackages); // Push changelog changes to Github if (!IS_DRY_RUN) { await pushChangelogsToGithubAsync(); } // Call LernaPublish utils.log('Version updates to apply:'); _.each(packageToVersionChange, (versionChange: string, packageName: string) => { utils.log(`${packageName} -> ${versionChange}`); }); utils.log(`Calling 'lerna publish'...`); await lernaPublishAsync(packageToVersionChange); })().catch(err => { utils.log(err); process.exit(1); }); async function confirmDocPagesRenderAsync(packages: Package[]): Promise { // push docs to staging utils.log("Upload all docJson's to S3 staging..."); await execAsync(`yarn stage_docs`, { cwd: constants.monorepoRootPath }); // deploy website to staging utils.log('Deploy website to staging...'); const pathToWebsite = `${constants.monorepoRootPath}/packages/website`; await execAsync(`yarn deploy_staging`, { cwd: pathToWebsite }); const packagesWithDocs = _.filter(packages, pkg => { const scriptsIfExists = pkg.packageJson.scripts; if (_.isUndefined(scriptsIfExists)) { throw new Error('Found a public package without any scripts in package.json'); } return !_.isUndefined(scriptsIfExists[DOC_GEN_COMMAND]); }); _.each(packagesWithDocs, pkg => { const name = pkg.packageJson.name; const nameWithoutPrefix = _.startsWith(name, NPM_NAMESPACE) ? name.split('@0xproject/')[1] : name; const docSegmentIfExists = packageNameToWebsitePath[nameWithoutPrefix]; if (_.isUndefined(docSegmentIfExists)) { throw new Error( `Found package '${name}' with doc commands but no corresponding docSegment in monorepo_scripts package.ts. Please add an entry for it and try again.`, ); } const link = `${constants.stagingWebsite}/docs/${docSegmentIfExists}`; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises opn(link); }); prompt.start(); const message = 'Do all the doc pages render properly? (yn)'; const result = await promisify(prompt.get)([message]); const didConfirm = result[message] === 'y'; if (!didConfirm) { utils.log('Publish process aborted.'); process.exit(0); } } async function pushChangelogsToGithubAsync(): Promise { await execAsync(`git add . --all`, { cwd: constants.monorepoRootPath }); await execAsync(`git commit -m "Updated CHANGELOGS"`, { cwd: constants.monorepoRootPath }); await execAsync(`git push`, { cwd: constants.monorepoRootPath }); utils.log(`Pushed CHANGELOG updates to Github`); } async function updateChangeLogsAsync(updatedPublicPackages: Package[]): Promise { const packageToVersionChange: PackageToVersionChange = {}; for (const pkg of updatedPublicPackages) { const packageName = pkg.packageJson.name; let changelog = changelogUtils.getChangelogOrCreateIfMissing(packageName, pkg.location); const currentVersion = pkg.packageJson.version; const shouldAddNewEntry = changelogUtils.shouldAddNewChangelogEntry( pkg.packageJson.name, currentVersion, changelog, ); if (shouldAddNewEntry) { // Create a new entry for a patch version with generic changelog entry. const nextPatchVersionIfValid = semver.inc(currentVersion, 'patch'); if (_.isNull(nextPatchVersionIfValid)) { throw new Error(`Encountered invalid semver version: ${currentVersion} for package: ${packageName}`); } const newChangelogEntry: VersionChangelog = { timestamp: TODAYS_TIMESTAMP, version: nextPatchVersionIfValid, changes: [ { note: 'Dependencies updated', }, ], }; changelog = [newChangelogEntry, ...changelog]; packageToVersionChange[packageName] = semverDiff(currentVersion, nextPatchVersionIfValid); } else { // Update existing entry with timestamp const lastEntry = changelog[0]; if (_.isUndefined(lastEntry.timestamp)) { lastEntry.timestamp = TODAYS_TIMESTAMP; } // Check version number is correct. const proposedNextVersion = lastEntry.version; lastEntry.version = updateVersionNumberIfNeeded(currentVersion, proposedNextVersion); changelog[0] = lastEntry; packageToVersionChange[packageName] = semverDiff(currentVersion, lastEntry.version); } // Save updated CHANGELOG.json await changelogUtils.writeChangelogJsonFileAsync(pkg.location, changelog); utils.log(`${packageName}: Updated CHANGELOG.json`); // Generate updated CHANGELOG.md const changelogMd = changelogUtils.generateChangelogMd(changelog); await changelogUtils.writeChangelogMdFileAsync(pkg.location, changelogMd); utils.log(`${packageName}: Updated CHANGELOG.md`); } return packageToVersionChange; } async function lernaPublishAsync(packageToVersionChange: { [name: string]: string }): Promise { // HACK: Lerna publish does not provide a way to specify multiple package versions via // flags so instead we need to interact with their interactive prompt interface. const child = spawn('lerna', ['publish', `--skip-git`], { cwd: constants.monorepoRootPath, }); let shouldPrintOutput = false; let packageName: string; child.stdout.on('data', (data: Buffer) => { const output = data.toString('utf8'); if (shouldPrintOutput) { utils.log(output); } const isVersionPrompt = _.includes(output, 'Select a new version'); if (isVersionPrompt) { const outputStripLeft = output.split('new version for ')[1]; packageName = outputStripLeft.split(' ')[0]; child.stdin.write(`${SemVerIndex.Custom}\n`); return; } const isCustomVersionPrompt = _.includes(output, 'Enter a custom version'); if (isCustomVersionPrompt) { const versionChange = packageToVersionChange[packageName]; child.stdin.write(`${versionChange}\n`); return; } const isFinalPrompt = _.includes(output, 'Are you sure you want to publish the above changes?'); if (isFinalPrompt && !IS_DRY_RUN) { child.stdin.write(`y\n`); // After confirmations, we want to print the output to watch the `lerna publish` command shouldPrintOutput = true; } else if (isFinalPrompt && IS_DRY_RUN) { utils.log( `Submitted all versions to Lerna but since this is a dry run, did not confirm. You need to CTRL-C to exit.`, ); } }); child.stderr.on('data', (data: Buffer) => { const output = data.toString('utf8'); utils.log('Stderr:', output); }); } function updateVersionNumberIfNeeded(currentVersion: string, proposedNextVersion: string): string { const updatedVersionIfValid = semver.inc(currentVersion, 'patch'); if (_.isNull(updatedVersionIfValid)) { throw new Error(`Encountered invalid semver: ${currentVersion}`); } if (proposedNextVersion === currentVersion) { return updatedVersionIfValid; } const sortedVersions = semverSort.desc([proposedNextVersion, currentVersion]); if (sortedVersions[0] !== proposedNextVersion) { return updatedVersionIfValid; } return proposedNextVersion; }