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"708:1180:1:-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1338:548;;8:9:-1;5:2;;;30:1;27;20:12;5:2;-1:-1;1338:548:1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1561:18;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1470:12;;;;;;;;;;1545:2;1519:28;;1498:91;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;23:1:-1;8:100;33:3;30:1;27:10;8:100;;;90:11;;;84:18;71:11;;;64:39;52:2;45:10;8:100;;;12:14;1498:91:1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-1:-1:-1;1616:15:1;;1632:1;1616:18;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1610:25;;;1600:35;;1657:31;1669:15;;1657:31;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-1:-1:-1;1686:1:1;;-1:-1:-1;1657:11:1;;-1:-1:-1;;;;1657:31:1:i;:::-;1645:43;;1710:32;1722:15;;1710:32;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-1:-1:-1;1739:2:1;;-1:-1:-1;1710:11:1;;-1:-1:-1;;;;1710:32:1:i;:::-;1779:24;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1698:44;;-1:-1:-1;1779:24:1;;;;;;;;-1:-1:-1;1779:24:1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;8:9:-1;5:2;;;45:16;42:1;39;24:38;77:16;74:1;67:27;5:2;-1:-1;;1779:24:1;;;;;1823:12;;:32;;;;:12;;:32;;1338:548;-1:-1:-1;;;;;;;;;1338:548:1:o;5639:488:2:-;5760:14;5823:5;5831:2;5823:10;5811:1;:8;:22;;5847:38;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;5790:105;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;23:1:-1;33:3;30:1;27:10;8:100;;;90:11;;;84:18;71:11;;;64:39;52:2;45:10;8:100;;5790:105:2;-1:-1:-1;;6074:13:2;5976:2;6074:13;6068:20;;5639:488::o" } } }, "sources": { "current/protocol/Exchange/interfaces/IWallet.sol": { "id": 0 }, "current/test/TestWallet/TestWallet.sol": { "id": 1 }, "current/utils/LibBytes/LibBytes.sol": { "id": 2 }, "current/utils/LibMem/LibMem.sol": { "id": 3 } }, "sourceCodes": { "current/protocol/Exchange/interfaces/IWallet.sol": "/*\n\n Copyright 2018 ZeroEx Intl.\n\n Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\n Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n limitations under the License.\n\n*/\n\npragma solidity ^0.4.24;\n\ncontract IWallet {\n\n /// @dev Verifies that a signature is valid.\n /// @param hash Message hash that is signed.\n /// @param signature Proof of signing.\n /// @return Validity of order signature.\n function isValidSignature(\n bytes32 hash,\n bytes signature\n )\n external\n view\n returns (bool isValid);\n}\n", "current/test/TestWallet/TestWallet.sol": "/*\n\n Copyright 2018 ZeroEx Intl.\n\n Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\n Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n limitations under the License.\n\n*/\n\npragma solidity ^0.4.24;\n\nimport \"../../protocol/Exchange/interfaces/IWallet.sol\";\nimport \"../../utils/LibBytes/LibBytes.sol\";\n\ncontract TestWallet is \n IWallet,\n LibBytes\n{\n\n string constant LENGTH_65_REQUIRED = \"LENGTH_65_REQUIRED\";\n\n // The owner of this wallet.\n address WALLET_OWNER;\n\n /// @dev constructs a new `TestWallet` with a single owner.\n /// @param walletOwner The owner of this wallet.\n constructor (address walletOwner) public {\n WALLET_OWNER = walletOwner;\n }\n\n /// @dev Validates an EIP712 signature.\n /// The signer must match the owner of this wallet.\n /// @param hash Message hash that is signed.\n /// @param eip712Signature Proof of signing.\n /// @return Validity of signature.\n function isValidSignature(\n bytes32 hash,\n bytes eip712Signature\n )\n external\n view\n returns (bool isValid)\n {\n require(\n eip712Signature.length == 65,\n LENGTH_65_REQUIRED\n );\n\n uint8 v = uint8(eip712Signature[0]);\n bytes32 r = readBytes32(eip712Signature, 1);\n bytes32 s = readBytes32(eip712Signature, 33);\n address recoveredAddress = ecrecover(hash, v, r, s);\n isValid = WALLET_OWNER == recoveredAddress;\n return isValid;\n }\n}\n", "current/utils/LibBytes/LibBytes.sol": "/*\n\n Copyright 2018 ZeroEx Intl.\n\n Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\n Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n limitations under the License.\n\n*/\n\npragma solidity ^0.4.24;\n\nimport \"../LibMem/LibMem.sol\";\n\ncontract LibBytes is\n LibMem\n{\n\n // Revert reasons\n string constant GREATER_THAN_ZERO_LENGTH_REQUIRED = \"GREATER_THAN_ZERO_LENGTH_REQUIRED\";\n string constant GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_4_LENGTH_REQUIRED = \"GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_4_LENGTH_REQUIRED\";\n string constant GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_20_LENGTH_REQUIRED = \"GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_20_LENGTH_REQUIRED\";\n string constant GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_32_LENGTH_REQUIRED = \"GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_32_LENGTH_REQUIRED\";\n string constant GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_NESTED_BYTES_LENGTH_REQUIRED = \"GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_NESTED_BYTES_LENGTH_REQUIRED\";\n string constant GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_SOURCE_BYTES_LENGTH_REQUIRED = \"GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_SOURCE_BYTES_LENGTH_REQUIRED\";\n\n /// @dev Pops the last byte off of a byte array by modifying its length.\n /// @param b Byte array that will be modified.\n /// @return The byte that was popped off.\n function popLastByte(bytes memory b)\n internal\n pure\n returns (bytes1 result)\n {\n require(\n b.length > 0,\n GREATER_THAN_ZERO_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Store last byte.\n result = b[b.length - 1];\n\n assembly {\n // Decrement length of byte array.\n let newLen := sub(mload(b), 1)\n mstore(b, newLen)\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /// @dev Pops the last 20 bytes off of a byte array by modifying its length.\n /// @param b Byte array that will be modified.\n /// @return The 20 byte address that was popped off.\n function popLast20Bytes(bytes memory b)\n internal\n pure\n returns (address result)\n {\n require(\n b.length >= 20,\n GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_20_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Store last 20 bytes.\n result = readAddress(b, b.length - 20);\n\n assembly {\n // Subtract 20 from byte array length.\n let newLen := sub(mload(b), 20)\n mstore(b, newLen)\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /// @dev Reads an address from a position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array containing an address.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of address.\n /// @return address from byte array.\n function readAddress(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index\n )\n internal\n pure\n returns (address result)\n {\n require(\n b.length >= index + 20, // 20 is length of address\n GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_20_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Add offset to index:\n // 1. Arrays are prefixed by 32-byte length parameter (add 32 to index)\n // 2. Account for size difference between address length and 32-byte storage word (subtract 12 from index)\n index += 20;\n\n // Read address from array memory\n assembly {\n // 1. Add index to address of bytes array\n // 2. Load 32-byte word from memory\n // 3. Apply 20-byte mask to obtain address\n result := and(mload(add(b, index)), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /// @dev Writes an address into a specific position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array to insert address into.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of address.\n /// @param input Address to put into byte array.\n function writeAddress(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index,\n address input\n )\n internal\n pure\n {\n require(\n b.length >= index + 20, // 20 is length of address\n GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_20_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Add offset to index:\n // 1. Arrays are prefixed by 32-byte length parameter (add 32 to index)\n // 2. Account for size difference between address length and 32-byte storage word (subtract 12 from index)\n index += 20;\n\n // Store address into array memory\n assembly {\n // The address occupies 20 bytes and mstore stores 32 bytes.\n // First fetch the 32-byte word where we'll be storing the address, then\n // apply a mask so we have only the bytes in the word that the address will not occupy.\n // Then combine these bytes with the address and store the 32 bytes back to memory with mstore.\n\n // 1. Add index to address of bytes array\n // 2. Load 32-byte word from memory\n // 3. Apply 12-byte mask to obtain extra bytes occupying word of memory where we'll store the address\n let neighbors := and(mload(add(b, index)), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)\n\n // Store the neighbors and address into memory\n mstore(add(b, index), xor(input, neighbors))\n }\n }\n\n /// @dev Reads a bytes32 value from a position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array containing a bytes32 value.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of bytes32 value.\n /// @return bytes32 value from byte array.\n function readBytes32(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index\n )\n internal\n pure\n returns (bytes32 result)\n {\n require(\n b.length >= index + 32,\n GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_32_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Arrays are prefixed by a 256 bit length parameter\n index += 32;\n\n // Read the bytes32 from array memory\n assembly {\n result := mload(add(b, index))\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /// @dev Writes a bytes32 into a specific position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array to insert into.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of .\n /// @param input bytes32 to put into byte array.\n function writeBytes32(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index,\n bytes32 input\n )\n internal\n pure\n {\n require(\n b.length >= index + 32,\n GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_32_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Arrays are prefixed by a 256 bit length parameter\n index += 32;\n\n // Read the bytes32 from array memory\n assembly {\n mstore(add(b, index), input)\n }\n }\n\n /// @dev Reads a uint256 value from a position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array containing a uint256 value.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of uint256 value.\n /// @return uint256 value from byte array.\n function readUint256(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index\n )\n internal\n pure\n returns (uint256 result)\n {\n return uint256(readBytes32(b, index));\n }\n\n /// @dev Writes a uint256 into a specific position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array to insert into.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of .\n /// @param input uint256 to put into byte array.\n function writeUint256(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index,\n uint256 input\n )\n internal\n pure\n {\n writeBytes32(b, index, bytes32(input));\n }\n\n /// @dev Reads the first 4 bytes from a byte array of arbitrary length.\n /// @param b Byte array to read first 4 bytes from.\n /// @return First 4 bytes of data.\n function readFirst4(bytes memory b)\n internal\n pure\n returns (bytes4 result)\n {\n require(\n b.length >= 4,\n GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_4_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n assembly {\n result := mload(add(b, 32))\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /// @dev Reads nested bytes from a specific position.\n /// @param b Byte array containing nested bytes.\n /// @param index Index of nested bytes.\n /// @return result Nested bytes.\n function readBytes(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index\n )\n internal\n pure\n returns (bytes memory result)\n {\n // Read length of nested bytes\n uint256 nestedBytesLength = readUint256(b, index);\n index += 32;\n\n // Assert length of is valid, given\n // length of nested bytes\n require(\n b.length >= index + nestedBytesLength,\n GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_NESTED_BYTES_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Allocate memory and copy value to result\n result = new bytes(nestedBytesLength);\n memCopy(\n getMemAddress(result) + 32, // +32 skips array length\n getMemAddress(b) + index + 32,\n nestedBytesLength\n );\n\n return result;\n }\n\n /// @dev Inserts bytes at a specific position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array to insert into.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of .\n /// @param input bytes to insert.\n function writeBytes(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index,\n bytes memory input\n )\n internal\n pure\n {\n // Assert length of is valid, given\n // length of input\n require(\n b.length >= index + 32 /* 32 bytes to store length */ + input.length,\n GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_NESTED_BYTES_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Copy into \n memCopy(\n getMemAddress(b) + 32 + index, // +32 to skip length of \n getMemAddress(input), // includes length of \n input.length + 32 // +32 bytes to store length\n );\n }\n\n /// @dev Tests equality of two byte arrays.\n /// @param lhs First byte array to compare.\n /// @param rhs Second byte array to compare.\n /// @return True if arrays are the same. False otherwise.\n function areBytesEqual(\n bytes memory lhs,\n bytes memory rhs\n )\n internal\n pure\n returns (bool equal)\n {\n assembly {\n // Get the number of words occupied by \n let lenFullWords := div(add(mload(lhs), 0x1F), 0x20)\n\n // Add 1 to the number of words, to account for the length field\n lenFullWords := add(lenFullWords, 0x1)\n\n // Test equality word-by-word.\n // Terminates early if there is a mismatch.\n for {let i := 0} lt(i, lenFullWords) {i := add(i, 1)} {\n let lhsWord := mload(add(lhs, mul(i, 0x20)))\n let rhsWord := mload(add(rhs, mul(i, 0x20)))\n equal := eq(lhsWord, rhsWord)\n if eq(equal, 0) {\n // Break\n i := lenFullWords\n }\n }\n }\n\n return equal;\n }\n\n /// @dev Performs a deep copy of a byte array onto another byte array of greater than or equal length.\n /// @param dest Byte array that will be overwritten with source bytes.\n /// @param source Byte array to copy onto dest bytes.\n function deepCopyBytes(\n bytes memory dest,\n bytes memory source\n )\n internal\n pure\n {\n uint256 sourceLen = source.length;\n // Dest length must be >= source length, or some bytes would not be copied.\n require(\n dest.length >= sourceLen,\n GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO_SOURCE_BYTES_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n memCopy(\n getMemAddress(dest) + 32, // +32 to skip length of \n getMemAddress(source) + 32, // +32 to skip length of \n sourceLen\n );\n }\n}\n", "current/utils/LibMem/LibMem.sol": "/*\n\n Copyright 2018 ZeroEx Intl.\n\n Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\n Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n limitations under the License.\n\n*/\n\npragma solidity ^0.4.24;\n\ncontract LibMem\n{\n\n /// @dev Gets the memory address for a byte array.\n /// @param input Byte array to lookup.\n /// @return memoryAddress Memory address of byte array.\n function getMemAddress(bytes memory input)\n internal\n pure\n returns (uint256 memoryAddress)\n {\n assembly {\n memoryAddress := input\n }\n return memoryAddress;\n }\n\n /// @dev Copies `length` bytes from memory location `source` to `dest`.\n /// @param dest memory address to copy bytes to.\n /// @param source memory address to copy bytes from.\n /// @param length number of bytes to copy.\n function memCopy(\n uint256 dest,\n uint256 source,\n uint256 length\n )\n internal\n pure\n {\n if (length < 32) {\n // Handle a partial word by reading destination and masking\n // off the bits we are interested in.\n // This correctly handles overlap, zero lengths and source == dest\n assembly {\n let mask := sub(exp(256, sub(32, length)), 1)\n let s := and(mload(source), not(mask))\n let d := and(mload(dest), mask)\n mstore(dest, or(s, d))\n }\n } else {\n // Skip the O(length) loop when source == dest.\n if (source == dest) {\n return;\n }\n\n // For large copies we copy whole words at a time. The final\n // word is aligned to the end of the range (instead of after the\n // previous) to handle partial words. So a copy will look like this:\n //\n // ####\n // ####\n // ####\n // ####\n //\n // We handle overlap in the source and destination range by\n // changing the copying direction. This prevents us from\n // overwriting parts of source that we still need to copy.\n //\n // This correctly handles source == dest\n //\n if (source > dest) {\n assembly {\n // We subtract 32 from `sEnd` and `dEnd` because it\n // is easier to compare with in the loop, and these\n // are also the addresses we need for copying the\n // last bytes.\n length := sub(length, 32)\n let sEnd := add(source, length)\n let dEnd := add(dest, length)\n\n // Remember the last 32 bytes of source\n // This needs to be done here and not after the loop\n // because we may have overwritten the last bytes in\n // source already due to overlap.\n let last := mload(sEnd)\n\n // Copy whole words front to back\n // Note: the first check is always true,\n // this could have been a do-while loop.\n for {} lt(source, sEnd) {} {\n mstore(dest, mload(source))\n source := add(source, 32)\n dest := add(dest, 32)\n }\n \n // Write the last 32 bytes\n mstore(dEnd, last)\n }\n } else {\n assembly {\n // We subtract 32 from `sEnd` and `dEnd` because those\n // are the starting points when copying a word at the end.\n length := sub(length, 32)\n let sEnd := add(source, length)\n let dEnd := add(dest, length)\n\n // Remember the first 32 bytes of source\n // This needs to be done here and not after the loop\n // because we may have overwritten the first bytes in\n // source already due to overlap.\n let first := mload(source)\n\n // Copy whole words back to front\n // We use a signed comparisson here to allow dEnd to become\n // negative (happens when source and dest < 32). Valid\n // addresses in local memory will never be larger than\n // 2**255, so they can be safely re-interpreted as signed.\n // Note: the first check is always true,\n // this could have been a do-while loop.\n for {} slt(dest, dEnd) {} {\n mstore(dEnd, mload(sEnd))\n sEnd := sub(sEnd, 32)\n dEnd := sub(dEnd, 32)\n }\n \n // Write the first 32 bytes\n mstore(dest, first)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n" }, "sourceTreeHashHex": "0xd6195500bd81530242b4f57f341b2c39507e2b549c42d39944cbcd78550a1edb", "compiler": { "name": "solc", "version": "soljson-v0.4.24+commit.e67f0147.js", "settings": { "optimizer": { "enabled": true, "runs": 1000000 }, "outputSelection": { "*": { "*": [ "abi", "evm.bytecode.object", "evm.bytecode.sourceMap", "evm.deployedBytecode.object", "evm.deployedBytecode.sourceMap" ] } } } }, "networks": {} }